Friday, April 9, 2010

The Ice Cream Sundae Principle

Several years ago I heard a message by Pastor Jon Courson. He said that he had an opportunity to meet with a well-known pastor and was invited to have lunch with him. His schedule was clear and he was excited about this meeting. In the early morning, Pastor Jon was seeking the LORD and prayed a simple prayer, "What is it you would have me to do today Father?" God spoke to Pastor Jon's heart and instructed him to take his daughter out of school during lunch, and take her to get an ice cream sundae. Jon Courson did not want to quench the Holy Spirit speaking so clearly to his heart (he had been praying for his daughter). He called the meeting off and went ahead with the lunch date with his daughter- He took her out for an ice cream sundae. He obeyed the Spirit.

This message spoke loud and clear to my heart and still does. I am ashamed and embarrassed to admit, I still have learned little from this... I call it, the ice cream sundae principle. The idea is this. Every day God wants me to live in simple obedience to Him. He wants me to obey Him in the big and little things of life. He wants us to be available to throw out our daily planner, our agendas our SELF and obey Him whereever He directs us to go...
Simply put- God wants us to obey the Spirit's leading. Paul says, "Do not quench the Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 5:19
Oh Father! Why is it so hard for me to listen to your voice in the simple things? I am ashamed to admit this. My cousin has been really hurting...He
has been so lost, back slidden, on drugs, suicidal and is now currently in jail. For months the Holy Spirit was prompting my heart to write him. I ignored this. I went about my day and offered my cousin up in prayer...but God was giving me a task to do and I was "too busy" to listen. Finally, after months of the Holy Spirit prompting my heart...I stopped my life, and wrote the letter. I asked forgiveness for taking so long to obey. Yesterday, I received a letter in return. In my letter to him, I asked if I could send him a book. My cousin stated that he would love a new NIV Study Bible. How cool is that!!!

The Holy Spirit is our guide-John 16:13 and He is our helper. Jesus said, "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper that He may abide with you forever--(John 14:16). The Holy Spirit will also teach us all things John 14:26

The Holy Spirit is there for us and HE WILL DIRECT US on a daily basis what we have to do. I challenge you to follow the ice cream sundae principle. I challenge you to ask Jesus what He wants you to do for the day. It might be something simple like sending a note of encouragement, praying for someone, playing with your children or calling that person that God has been telling you to call. Whatever it is, in simple obedience, I pray we all follow the Holy Spirit's prompting to do what HE would have us to do...for in this, we will be truly blessed to know we are walking in God's daily will for us.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! Laura, what a great post...thank you for sharing this! We will continue to lift Cinto up in our prayers! Love you!! Pastor Jon...awe!! ;)


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