Thursday, November 26, 2015

Pray Anyway

The attacks on Paris this month November 2015 really broke my heart as they broke the hearts of so many across the world. Something deep within our soul tells us we need to do something. The Holy Spirit is the seal of the guaranteed promise of heaven. God tells me in my spirit - this is what you should do- pray. I came across a statement by a journalist from Paris. To summarize he said that he kept seeing  #PrayForParis. He encouraged people not to pray. He said that the world has enough religion...

This once again broke my heart.
How many times have we hit rock bottom and turned to God in prayer?
Trials and difficulties cause us to look outside of ourselves and look up to God, our Father who can help.

Even though this man is so far from understanding that God loves him and awaits his prayers I did something I often do when I don't know what to pray...


Years ago I was speaking to someone I love (a relative) who backslid and fell heavily into drugs.
I told him- I love you and I'm praying for you.
He told me "don't pray for me"
Guess what I did?


See Satan doesn't want us to pray.
Satan wants us to stay stuck.
Satan wants us to look within. To think we can figure life out on our own (pride)

Think about it... If Satan can trick us into thinking "there is no point to prayer"
He gains major ground

Warren Wiersbe says "Satan's lie 'You will be like God' motivates and controls much of our civilization today. Man is seeking to pull himself up by his own bootstraps. He is working to build utopia on earth... Through education, psychiatry, religions of one kind or another (most of which ignore Jesus Christ, sin, and salvation) and better environment, men are defying  God and deifying themselves. They are playing right into the hands of Satan."
[Strategy of Satan, How to Defect and Defeat him.] Warren Wiersbe.

God wants us to know His will and part of that plan always includes prayer and reading the Word.

"We have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding. Colossians 1:9

Satan has influenced our culture so much that this man in Paris said "don't pray"
In fact, we often say "I guess all we can do is pray" as if that's not an effective tool.

Hebrews says we are to come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and help in our time of need.
We have a great need of God's why do we not pray and ask for help in our time of need?

Once again I like what Wiersbe says about Grace.

"our God is the God of all grace. The Holy Spirit who indwells us is the spirit of grace. Hebrews 10 verse 29. God's throne is a throne of grace Hebrews 4:16 and His word is the word of His grace Acts 20 verse 32 is Grace from start to finish! God's grace is God's provision for our every need. Grace is not a mystical substance that God pours into us when we have a need Grace is God's bountiful supply of our every need."

So if you ever encounter a situation where someone tells you "don't pray for me" I encourage you to pray anyway. God will unleash great results when we come to him as babes seeking our Father's help in prayer.

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