Monday, August 29, 2016


I went on a walk today and the Lord spoke this to me:

Fragile - handle with care

I'm fragile Lord.
I'm Emotional. I'm about to break down any minute
I know my daughter - I will handle you with care. You have always been fragile to me. Prone to damage if not handled with care. Your fragility is not a weakness, it's your greatest asset. I made you to feel. I made you to care. I made you this way. If you did not feel vulnerable you might never come to me...
But you do come frequently and I love it. I love our time together. So sing on. Weep if you need to, because I'm holding you, my daughter, my little girl.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Why the thorn?

Why the thorn?

Satan is a big coward. He won't even talk to me when I have my robe of righteousness on. Christ's love is like of force field. He just runs away.


He only comes around when I'm down. When my mind is so caught up in the pain and frustration that I neglect to put my armor on. And I become consumed with my thorn.

Like Job, may I come before you so bold to ask a question?

Why the thorn Lord?
Why this thorn?
Why me? Why now? Why this?

A thorn pierces and that's exactly how I feel, pierced through. Cut to pieces.
Can't you take it away? I know you can, but you won't. You already told me.
Your grace is sufficient. Just like you told Paul, you tell me.

He had a thorn too.

What Lord? Are you speaking?
If so I'm listening. I don't want to miss this lesson, I don't want to waste this pain.

It's as though you're reminding me you put this thorn there- deliberately, intentionally not to harm ....but to protect.

How can a thorn protect? This thorn is a symbol of constant pain. A wounded warrior I am...

This thorn you say, is there intentionally, it's protecting you from wandering, it's protecting you from complacency, it's protecting you from self-harm- yes my child- self harm- harm to self. I see you child. I see the real you and I see the potential for self harm. This thorn as sharp as it is, is there to keep you close to me and that's what you really want- ME. All of me. Not an American version of me, or a version of me you developed on your own, but the real me---
The Great I AM.
All Consuming.
The only One Capable of Filling the hole in your heart
Me, Your Father

You asked why the thorn, well I can't fully answer you, you don't have the capacity to understand now; you will never fully understand until you arrive- in my kingdom- where the thorns grow no more...

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Why I am Not A Cool Mom

Why I'm not a cool mom.

I am not your pal. I'm your mom.

Years ago I worked at Contempo and Wet Seal. I was amazed at some moms who wore similar outfits as their daughters trying to be "hip and cool". Moms who might allow their child to drink coffee at 8 years old and be their child's friend.

As my daughter is entering 5th grade and the tween phase I find myself reminding her -  "I'm not your friend- I'm your mom"

I remind her that the Bible instructs "children obey your parents" (Colossians 3:20) and "honor your father and mother" (Exodus 20:12)

If her tone is not right or she rolls her eyes I remind her that she must respect me and this behavior is not ok.

The other night we had a very beautiful conversation after night devotions.
She said  "Mom, if I ever walk away from the Lord's path will you bring me back?" I answered :
"I can't do that Olivia. Only YOU can in your heart come back to the Lord"
She replied "What I meant was, will you always encourage me to come back to Him if I ever walked away?" "Yes, always" I answered.
One of my favorite New Testament people in the Bible is Barnabas- the encourager. (Acts 4:14)
Parents are to always encourage their children - to set them up for success in their goals and walks with God-To build them up--To be more like a coach, less like a friend.
Kids don't always like their coaches. Coaches push and encourage their athlete to try their best- coaches see the ability in the athlete beyond what he/she sees in him/herself.
I was so blessed my daughter asked me to always encourage her. That is so important to me. We can't be too militant because that's not loving and we can't be a friend because kids need discipline.
We must be a mom after Gods own heart, a dad after Gods own heart- and this goal is really, really painstakingly hard.

We must admit when we mess up.
Pray through tears.
Say yes as the Lord leads and say no as the Lord leads and truly be an epistle for our child to read.
Imitate me Paul said. (1 Corinthians 11:1)
How many parents can say that to their kids?

"Act just like me baby girl."
"Act just like me mijo."

Most of us cringe at that...We DON'T want our kids to act like us. We are a work in progress, flawed to the core.

If our kids see us as human - fail sometimes yes- succeed sometimes yes- but in all circumstances we put Christ first, then we can say "imitate me, as I imitate Christ"

You may never be a cool mom or cool dad but you'll be planting seeds of love and Truth in them day after day- and that's FAR more important.

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