Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Towels...

It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTmas...every where you go...

I love Christmas! I love the way we can celebrate Christ's birth. It can be controversial amongst believers...We know Jesus wasn't actually born on Dec. 25th because the sheperds would not have been "keeping watch" over their sheep in that cold weather...Nonetheless, we have redeemed Dec. 25 and choose to celebrate the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Love it!

The focus of course for the world is "outward" not inward.
The focus of course is on money---focus on gifts and purchases and sales and new gadgets and good deals, etc., etc., etc....

Well deep in my heart I have been thinking a lot about gifts, but not the kind that can be wrapped and put under a tree.

I've been thinking of SPIRITUAL GIFTS.
(There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. 1 Corinth 12:4-6)

The other day I went to a lovely Christmas gathering. I noticed the cute Christmas towels in the bathroom embroidered with "Noel." They were very pretty. They seemed to sparkle with the glittery thread. Here's the thing though...They were for display only. There was another type of towel there too.

The paper towel.

The Christmas disposable, paper, "throw away" napkins were the ones folded beneath the cloth towels and these paper napkins were the ones our host intended for us to use.

The Christmas towels were not meant to be used...they were more for decorative purposes. The disposable paper napkins were the ones you actually "used" to dry your hands.

Funny! I thought about this last year too.

God spoke to my heart:

Are you Laura like a Christmas towel? Nice and neat on the outside. Nice looking to the world...but your gifts are for decoration only. I am not using you and you display yourself proudly once a year. Once in a while you will shine for me...but then you go back into the Christmas box....only to be stored in the dusty garage for another 12 months.

NO LORD I prayed! I don't want to be like that.

I want to be used over and over again by the LORD. I don't want my gifts to be "shelved" or put away like the Christmas towels. I would much rather be useful to the LORD. You see, the Christmas towels are nice. Don't get me wrong. We all like "looking" at them...but they are not of any use. They are only for decoration. They are really a phony if you think about it. They bear the name "bath towel" but really they are not meant to be used at all. The disposable napkins, however, are USEFUL. (See Matt 7:18-23)

God really used this picture to get my attention about spiritul gifts. Do I desire to be a prayer warrior, or memorize scripture, or be an evangelist or encourager, or to have a generous heart just for "decorative purposes?" Are these gifts just for display? Or do I desire to truly, truly be used by God? If I choose to allow God to use those gifts and talents He has given to me for HIS PURPOSE, for HIS GLORY, believe me, I may feel at times like a crumpled up, tired, worn out, disposable napkin. But guess what? That's OK. Because our temporary emotional state doesn't really matter in light of eternity. I will GLADLY allow my life to be poured out for Christ's sake. (present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.Rom.12:1; Also, Phil 3:20-21)

So on that note- Think about this my dear friends. Are you a Christmas towel? Or are you a disposable napkin? I want to be the napkin. I want to be used over and over again by God, encouraging others and living that sacrificial life God called me to live.

Paul said, "Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ." Phil 3:8 and "And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor" 1 Corinth. 12:23

"Till He appeared! And the soul felt it's worth.....fall on your knees!"

Friday, November 26, 2010

Is it hard to Say “Thank You?”

Is it hard to Say “Thank You?”

You may read this question and think, “Of course not!” It’s easy to thank God for who He is and what He’s done. It’s easy to thank the waiter or waitress for doing a good job. But I challenge you to really think about this…
Can it sometimes be hard to say, “thank you” ?

I think it can...

When a person gives you an extravagant gift you know you don’t deserve, it sometimes can make you feel uncomfortable. You might feel unworthy. You might try to “reject” the gift. Or, you might just feel uncomfortable by a person’s continual generosity.

I had a girlfriend in law school that constantly bought me a Starbuck’s coffee to our study dates and would never let me pay her for them. She would drive by Starbuck’s at least 2-3 times a week and pick up our coffee. It was so thoughtful, sweet and generous (you know it can get expensive). She would get offended if I tried to pay her back or cut in front of her to pay at a Starbuck’s line. It was something she felt she had to do…What could I say but “thank you?”

I think sometimes people can do something for us that catches us off guard and we aren’t prepared to properly say thank you. One time a woman in my Bible study group was surprised when she came to study and there were boxes and boxes of diapers for her newborn twins. She called me later and asked, “Did I even say thank you to the group?” She was surprised by the generosity and was literally speechless. (She did say thank you by the way)

There are so many verses in the Bible that talk about thanksgiving.

Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. Hebrews 13:15

When is it a sacrifice of praise to give God thanks? When it hurts. When we are in a trial or when we don’t feel especially thankful. I have a friend with a child with Autism. I am sure it is especially hard for her to thank God for this. It is an ongoing trial for her and her family. But does she thank God even when it is hard to? Absolutely. She says that she can see God’s hand at work in her child, in her family and in her walk with God and although she can’t wait until her child is completely healed in heaven, she can continually offer the sacrifice of praise, thanking God for who He is and TRUSTING although not all things are good, all things are working together for good. Amen?


Sometimes it is a sacrifice of praise to give thanks because we are prideful. A relative of mine once said, “Why should I thank God for this? I am the one that did it!” That’s just pride. Not one single heart beat or breath or thought can occur without God. Sometimes pride can creep in and we don’t feel we need to give thanks to God. It can be simply, “I did a good job at work and I deserved that gratitude from my boss.” Or “I worked hard on dinner and I deserved that gratitude from my husband.”
We deserve nothing.
God deserves the credit and thanks and it is a sacrifice of praise when we can die to ourselves and pride and truly say, “God does give talents and gifts but how can I receive the credit, praise or glory? How can someone praise the gift more than the gift-giver?”
Sometimes it is a sacrifice of praise to give thanks because we are bitter. This is tied to pride but slightly different. When a person feels “wronged” by something or someone, when that person does something polite or kind, the “wronged” person may feel there is no need to say thank you. “Why should I say ‘thank you’ when he hurt me to begin with?” He is only correcting the wrong and there is no need to say thank you. We are even. This is another time we can offer a sacrifice of praise to God by giving thanks. Sometimes God allows things to stretch our faith and to grow our faith. When the trial is done and we’ve come through the fire, sometimes we stay “bitter” by the trial and don’t thank God for the answers to prayer…
At Thanksgiving, it’s easy to give thanks for our food, for our families and for our spiritual and material blessings, but it isn’t easy to say “thank you” to a person who has wronged us…It isn’t easy to say “thank you” to God when we are in a trial or when we see others suffer or we see injustice. But truly, God is well pleased when we continually, not just on Thanksgiving day, but we continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, giving thanks to His name. Thanking God for His love, His saving grace, for His sovereignty, for His perfect will, for His hand in our life even in the midst of trials…we can even thank God for the trial itself knowing that although we don’t understand it, somehow in God’s infinite wisdom He WILL work it together for good in our life. It’s certain. It’s a fireproof promise from His Word (Rom 8:28)
It’s God’s will to give thanks.
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thess 5:18
So even if you are upset, or confused, or you might feel so emotionally and mentally tired to give thanks, do it any way…for in this, you are giving a sacrifice of praise and God is well pleased.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

God’s Shadow is PERFECT Shade

HE who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1

Wikipedia states, “A shadow is an area where direct light from a light source cannot reach due to obstruction by an object. It occupies all of the space behind an opaque object with light in front of it. The cross section of a shadow is a two-dimensional silhouette, or reverse projection of the object blocking the light.”

This is profound to me.

You see, a shadow is not the “thing.” A shadow is a reflection of an object that is blocking the light.

The Bible says, “No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.” John 1:18

Moses desired to see God’s glory but He could not. No man or woman conceived in sin could see God and live. He could only see Him from behind.

“Then I will remove my hand, and you will see me from behind. But my face will not be seen." Exodus 33:23 NLT

A shadow is the silhouette of the image of something or someone. The shadow is a reflection of the substance.

What is the substance? Christ Jesus Himself.

The Bible describes the law as a shadow or “preview” of what was to come…
As it says in Colossians, “So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbaths which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ. Colossians 2:16-17 (emphasis mine)

The law was only a shadow of Christ’s completed work…

"For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect." Hebrews 10:1

Only Christ can make us perfect.

So again, what is the point of giving some thought to God’s shadow? Well a person who chooses to dwell with God (in the secret place of the Most High) will live or abide under the shadow of the Almighty God. If we choose to continually dwell with God, God provides our shelter, our shade, from a hot and dry land. We rest under His shadow. He is our covering. Again, who is the shadow? I believe the shadow is Christ Jesus Himself, for He is the express image of the Father. (Hebrews 1:3)

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Future and a Hope

I have been reading through Jeremiah and I must confess, it's depressing....So many terrible things happen in this book. The people reject Jeremiah's prophecies, Jeremiah weeps, the people continuously reject God and His promises, etc.

"Jeremiah is known as 'the weeping prophet' (Jeremiah 9:1), but he did not weep for himself. He wept over the lost condition of his people..." (author unknown)

So as I was reading I came across one of our beloved verses...Jeremiah 29:11. It just jumped out at me...I read through Jeremiah's call to repentance, his prophecies about Israel about to be overtaken by Babylon, about a promised remnant, etc.

Wiersbe says the four themes of Jeremiah are rebellion, repentance, righteousness, and retribution.

It's a tough read. It seems as though God's people will never get it together...God even gives a picture to Jeremiah of good figs and bad figs and calls His people "bad figs" that cannot be eaten. There is nothing more nasty than moldy fruit! But the good figs represented the remnant God would preserve...

When I came across Jeremiah 29:11, I was reminded of all the times I have read this a card on graduation, in a card for a baby dedication, etc. I love this promise from God's Word! The LORD had reminded me of it for the future of my son Isaac. Some say he has a "speech delay" because at almost 3, he is not saying words yet. Nonetheless, God spoke to my heart and reminded me that His plans and thoughts towards Isaac are good and not evil...

But there was something new I learned from this verse...the historical context!

Listen to the verses before and after it:

"The LORD Almighty, the God of Israel says, 'Do not let the prophets and mediums who are there in Babylon trick you. Do not listen to their dreams because they prophecy lies in my name. I have not sent them.' says the LORD. The truth is that you will be in Babylon seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again. For I know the plans I have for you, ' says the LORD. 'They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me. I will be found by you, 'says the LORD. 'I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and bring you home again to your own land.' " Jeremiah 29:8-14

It's been an amazing journey over the last 11 weeks studying Daniel at Calvary Chapel Chino Valley with the women's Bible study. The Beth Moore DVD series is an awesome compliment and commentary to studying this amazing book...

Since we have been in Daniel, I was so familiar with this Babylonian exile that Jeremiah talks about here....Babylon is a type of the world, a self-centered, self-absorbed, self-indulgent, godless society. We live in Babylon today. We are encouraged to be like Daniel, to pray even if it is against the law and to NOT bow down to the world's golden image, even if it means we are thrown into a lion's den. Here, Jeremiah warns us NOT to believe the false prophets. The Israelites were being lied to. They were told, "Don't worry! You aren't going to be taken captive for 70 years into Babylon, so just ignore Jeremiah's warnings." God says, "That's a lie! You are being lied to! I know my plans for you and I know what I am doing and what I am doing is always, yes, always for your good!" (please note, not all things that are allowed in this world ARE IN THEMSELVES GOOD, but God will always work them together for good -Rom 8:28)

Wow! This amazing promise from the LORD (Jeremiah 29:11) has even MORE power in my life in knowing that God did send Jeremiah to give warning of judgment- they would be taken captive by evil Babylon for 70 years, but this was not the end!!! God would end their captivity and restore them. It's like us friends!!! We are in a world that is not our home. We are living in a world that loves evil...but God is at work!

The verses right after Jeremiah 29:11, verse 12 and 13, say, "In those days you will pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me"

We must do our part too! We must pray and read.

I love what Warren Wiersbe says, "God's people have the responsibility to seek the LORD, pray and ask Him to fulfill His promises, for the Word and prayer go together." (Acts 6:4).

Isn't that so awesome?

I know you love Jeremiah 29:11 too- God's promise that His thoughts and plans for us are good and not for evil or disaster and that He promises us a blessed future and a hope. But what are we to do about this? Pray all the more! Pray God's Word BACK to Him and seek Him out in His Word.

What an encouragement! Thank you LORD for books like Jeremiah and Daniel that give us examples of people who were faithful in a generation that rejected them...

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I have been thinking a lot about change...not like Obama's campaign slogan "Change we can believe in...." Not political change, but spiritual change.

I am talking about change in our walks with the LORD.

When Chuck and I were dating we would often go on a date to Chili's for lunch or dinner. I love soup so one of my favorite things to order is Chicken Enchilada Soup and salad. Their soup is soooo good. Even if on the rare occasion I decided to get a different meal, I would often get a "cup" of that soup because it's just so delicious.
I had this battle everytime I went to Chilis. I look at the menu (which I pretty much have memorized) and I would still get the soup and salad. It's my favorite and I just enjoyed getting the same thing over and over.

We can do this in our walk with the LORD.
We read our Bibles. We pray. We attend church services. We listen to Christian music...but we feel dry.

I challenge you that the reason may be it's time for a change.

We all know that trials stir us up. Trials make us fall on our faces in prayer like never before. Trials make us weep when we read our Bibles, when we ponder the Psalms because it's as if God is speaking to our hearts in a fresh way. We feel like David's words are our words. If you know someone who is righteous and has had trial after trial after trial, you read Job and the Bible comes alive. You see how Job was tested and either you, or someone close to you is tested too. The Bible offers great encouragement to us when we are going through trials...
Worship is heightened when we are in trials. You hear a song on the Christian radio and you cry or shout out loud because it's so ministers to the deepest part of your soul.

But what about when you aren't going throuh difficulty? What about when you aren't personally going through a major trial? You feel blessed. Your family is healthy. The bills are paid. Things are going great....but you might feel dry spiritually.

It's time for a change. (They sang as it were a new song before the throne...Rev. 14:3)

God has spoken to my heart that we can be proactive in stead of reactive in our walks with God. Instead of waiting for a trial to deepen our faith and strengthen our walk, we can (as the Holy Spirit leads) make a change, a decision of the will to NOT BE COMPLACENT. God is waiting for us to climb out of our box (or jump out!) and run to Him in a fresh and NEW way.

"He has put a new song in my mouth— Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the LORD." Psalm 40:3
"Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You." Psalm 143:8

This is what I mean...

Change it up!!!
-Maybe you have read the New King James Version all of your life. Get a new version, or use a new Bible commentary during your devotional time.
-Maybe you always sit in the middle row back center at church. Sit somewhere else! You will meet some new people and it will change the experience at church (break your routine, once in a while).
-Maybe you always pray in a certain posture. Change it. I am not saying you have to be dogmatic about it. Try to lay totally face down to the floor, or take a walk and pray with your eyes opened thanking God for all the things in nature that inspire you to give Him praise.
-Change the words you use in your prayers. God is all about relationship. He loves when His people pray. But for OUR SAKE we need to change our routines in prayer. Use the psalms as a model and pray back God's promises to the LORD. Use different words than you usually do. Just think of it as a conversation with God and express your heart.
-Take some time each day to pray, just for the purpose of worship. Pray the names of God and thank Him for who He is. Praise Him for what He has done, is doing, and will do in the future.
-Fast for someone you love who is going through a heavy trial or for someone's salvation.
I believe there is nothing that increases and enhances our prayer time quite like fasting! (you can fast one meal a day or fast from something you enjoy like coffee, chocolate, shopping, tv, etc. there are so many ways to fast...)
-Hang out with a new friend and talk about what the LORD is doing in his/her life. Ask this friend how you can pray for them.
-Pray for missionaries.
-Think about the Holiness of God and how far from His standard we are. Ask God to work in your heart to make you holy, not in a self-righteous way, but in a way that honors Him. (But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." (1 Peter 1:13-16)

We must fight against comfort. What I am advocating is this, if you feel "comfortable" in your walk right now, do something to make you uncomfortable. Do something out of the box. Fight against becoming luke warm-
""I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth." Rev. 3:15-16

Listen to this from A.W. Tozer, "Fighting Complacency" -Be hard on yourself and easy on others. Carry your own cross but never lay one on the back of another. Begin to practice the presence of God. Cultivate the fellowship of the Triune God by prayer, humility, obedience and self-abnegation. Let any Christian do these things and he will make rapid spiritual progress. There is every reason why we should all go forward in our Christian lives and no reason why we should not. Let us go on."

Let's "practice the presence of God."

That's it friends!!!!! We all need to work on this. We all need to change our routines and begin to intentionally practice His presence and allow Christ to invade every area (and I do mean, EVERY area of our lives). Let's ask God to through His Holy Spirit allow us to worship Jesus in a new way, singing Him a new song.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


-Prayer changes things
-The Power of Prayer
-God Answers Prayer
-Pray Hard

These statements have been printed or engraved on decorative pieces of art, t-shirts, bumper stickers or even tattooed on people (see the Whosoevers website :)

One of my favorites is the model of prayer given by Jesus and made into the acronym "A.C.T.S."
When we go before the LORD God in prayer we offer, A-Adoration, C-Confession, T-Thanksgiving, and S-Supplication.

I want to focus on T- Thanksgiving.

Unfortunately, we all can fall into this habit in prayer-- We offer a quick hello to God, forgive me quickly, now here is where I want to spend my time God, here are all the prayer requests I have... and we unleash a 20 foot scroll and go on for 10-20 minutes or longer with our petitions.

Please, please, please don't misunderstand me--- God loves us and He is all about relationships. Even a prayer, "Lord Help me" or "Lord Thank you" is like sweet smelling incense to Him. He wants us to come to Him with all our requests...

But what I want to share, what I was reminded of recently was the importance of praying...simple prayers just for the purpose of giving thanks.

Last night God reminded me of the importance of prayers of adoration and thanksgiving to honor our Father. God did an amazing victory and answered prayers in a wonderful way and I fell to my knees and all I could say was, "LORD thank you, thank you, thank you." It felt so good! No laundry list, no burdens, no distractions, just me....just Him and just two words I could offer, "Thank you."

One time I heard Pastor Chuck Smith mention that God loves the spontaneous praise and prayer of thanks we give the LORD. This is what I think he meant---

We are driving in our car and just "out of no where" from the depths of our soul we bless God for who He is and what He's done. I like that!!! We can simply praise Him and thank Him for being good. The loving thing about our God is that we will be refreshed too as a result.

I think sometimes we can feel burdened by our supplications and petitions. Again, I am 100% convinced we do not come to the LORD with our supplication and petitions enough, so I am not saying that we should stop...If anything, we need to come to Him MORE with our petitions and requests. We need to truly offer prayers without ceasing...all day, all the time. Prayer is like oxygen. It's vital and we can't grow as a believer without it. How can one have a relationship with another he doesn't talk to?

What I am encouraging you (and me) is to take in EVEN MORE good stuff, more vitamins- Taking time to offer Thanksgiving Prayers once a day, or more.

It could be a prayer of thanks like this:
"God you are too good to me. Although I fail you, you never fail me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for dying for me. Thank you for writing my name in your book of life. Thank you for doing exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever ask or think with my life and my testimony. Thank you for being the good sheperd and taking care of me your sheep, your precious lamb. Thank you for my spouse. Thank you for my family. Thank you for my friends. Thank you that I can see, hear, think, walk, dance, laugh, meditate on your Word and sing songs to you. Thank you that I have a roof over my head, clothes and shoes to wear, food in my fridge and cupboards and even extra resources to eat out! LORD you are too good. Thank you for my children. Thank you for the church I go to and the way you move there. Thank you for the ministry opportunites you give me daily. Thank you for my health. Thank you for my husband's job and my daily tasks you assign for me. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that indwells me. Thank you for being the Great I AM, the all sufficent one. LORD you are too good. LORD thank you. LORD thank you. LORD thank you for being you and for loving me. God, all I can say is thank you and ask you would use my life to be a blessing an offering poured out for you and your glory. In Jesus Name I offer thanks, AMEN."
(Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. Hebrews 13:15; Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.Phil 4:6)

I am sure as you read this prayer you thought of 101 other things to offer thanks to God for. I bet you forgot what your petitions even were. What were you in need of again? At the time of utter surrender in thanksgiving to God we forget. We forget our worries and we just swim in the ocean of His amazing grace and love and provision.

Oh that we would give thanks more often to our Father!!!!!!

(Scripture References:
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinth. 9:15
We give You thanks, O Lord God Almighty, The One who is and who was and who is to come, Because You have taken Your great power and reigned. Rev. 11:17
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinth 15:57
Oh, give thanks to the God of gods! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:2
We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.Psalm 75:1
We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers. 1 Thess 1:2
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.Col 3:17
For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, 1 Thess 2:13
I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus, 1 Corinth 1:4

Friday, October 8, 2010

Wisdom with Words

The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness. Proverbs 15:2

LORD Jesus, give me wisdom. I have been putting my foot in my mouth a lot lately. Please give me wisdom when to speak and when to be silent. When to share and when to listen. Help me know Jesus that you are my best friend and I don't need to share all the details of what you teach me with people....You want to hear from me. You love talking with me. I don't understand it God, why you love me so much, such a sinner, but I thank you and bless you for your unfailing unconditional love for me. Help me Jesus. Give me wisdom over my words and help me to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and bind my propensity to talk too much. In Jesus name AMEN.

This has been my frequent prayer.

My precious husband and I had a great discussion a few weeks ago. He lovingly told me, "Laura, you need to be a better listener. You sometimes interrupt and you need to be careful about that."

I took this to heart. I prayed and I asked God to help me be a better listener. I asked God to give me wisdom.

My heart was so heavy over this. I didn't want to seem rude or like I was trying to be a Holy Spirit.

I felt confused.

When do I speak?

When do I just listen?

How do I know if I am talking too much and it's wrong, and how do I know when I am obeying the Spirit and offering encouragement?

I continued to pray through this struggle.

I emailed my husband, and shared with him that I knew he was right and I needed to "Preach the Gospel every day, if necessary use words." St. Francis Assissi

The very next day a pastor in our church said the SAME THING.

Two days later I went to Disneyland and a man with a long beard had a cool Christian shirt on. I couldn't read the text so I looked said, "Preach the Gospel every day, if necessary use words"


You are really speaking to me. You are speaking to my heart. I need to not just "talk" about the things of the LORD, I need to behave in a way that is loving and brings glory to God, even if it's without words.

I love it when God reveals Himself through His Word like this!!

I continued to struggle with this issue of feeling extremely low on discernment or "wisdom." I prayed and I even thought about buying books on wisdom and discernment. I know Proverbs is the book on wisdom, but I thought I might gain insight from a commentary on Proverbs or some other book on wisdom.

In my morning devotional reading from my one-year-Bible I came across Ecclesiastes. I started reading it and it took me a couple of days (duh!) when I realized I was reading one of the greatest books on wisdom from the greatest men who was endowed with wisdom, King Solomon and from the best book of all- God's Word.

I was blown away and I even chuckled with the LORD. I love His sense of humor. Here I am trying to find some additional reading material to help in wisdom and the Holy Spirit orchestrated the exact day, month and time when He knew I would need to read Ecclesiastes and learn about the foolishness of man and the wisdom that, we all know, begins and ends with the LORD.

[there is] a time to keep silence, And a time to speak; Ecclesiastes 3:7b

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Prov. 9:10

I will always be a talker.....but now I will try more to be sensitive to the Spirit and to others and to discern when to speak and when to be silent.

I learned:

1) God was pruning me. God did want me to change. God wanted me to listen to my husband's loving correction (thank you Jesus for my husband) that I need to be a better listener and I need to let the Holy Spirit lead me, not just talk/share all the time, it could be the wrong timing. Communication tone and surroundings are both important. Exp: If your spouse just had a long day at work, that is not the best time to share things....Let him/her have time to breathe and settle in and wait to share until the timing is right. (John 15:5)

2) God created me with a desire and hunger to share and encourage other believers. You (and I) can't stop God's work. God created you with a purpose and we all have very specific gifts. We must use them, but remember, we bless God when we honor Him with our gifts and talents as HE LEADS. (There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.1 Cor. 12:4-6)

3.) I got spiritually attacked! The enemy was attacking me because he doesn't want us to encourage each other. He rather shut us up...that's what I started to more quiet. But that was wrong. Forgive me Jesus. "The Spirit of the LORD spoke by me, And His word was on my tongue." 2 Sam 23:2

4.) Practice this- If God is placing someone on your heart and you want to share something. PRAY FIRST. READ God's Word and ask Him to reveal the scripture to share, the way to share, the time and place and ask the Holy Spirit to direct a divine appointment. (See Colossians 1:9; also If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5)

5.) Remember the tongue is evil! We can use the same tongue to bless or encourage another believer or tear someone down. So be very cautious and PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. 1 Thess 5:17 (see James 3-But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. James 3:8)

I hope and pray this encourages anyone who like me, has put her foot in her mouth when trying to share something of the LORD. This is important stuff and the enemy wants to muzzle us from sharing God's Truth. Pray and seek the LORD, then open your mouth, preach the Gospel, if necessary use Words.

The Lord GOD has given Me The tongue of the learned, That I should know how to speak A word in season to him who is weary. Isaiah 50:4

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What are you eating?

Another food picture…

Think about what you eat…

I am serious. If you go out to dinner, take the extra step to ask the waiter or waitress for the calorie content of the foods. Have you ever noticed there are NO calories listed on the menu at Cheesecake factory? That’s because the cheesecakes are loaded with calories and it is likely each cheesecake slice is over 1,000 calories or more per slice. On the one hand, some people “don’t want to know” how many calories they are consuming…they are happy being in the dark. They are out on a date, or with girlfriends and want to eat the dessert and they don’t care about the TRUTH of the calories. Others might know about the cheesecake being high in calories and decide NOT to eat cheesecake for dessert…try strawberries with whipped cream…much lower calorie content.

The LORD has been speaking to my heart with a foghorn- THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE EATING.

I was watching the previews for one of Olivia’s Disney movies the other day…This is a dialogue from the movie.“Ratatouille”

This is a dialogue between two rats:
Remy: What is that?
Remy's Brother Emile: [Looks at the odd thing he is eating]
Remy's Brother: I don't really know.
Remy: You don't know, and your eating it.
Emile: You know, if you can sort of muscle your way past the gag reflex, all kinds of food possibilities open up.
Remy: [to the screen] This is what I'm talking about.

Oh man! Is this our Christian culture or what? We are so desensitized to sin, that we have gotten over the “gag reflex” the disdain, the abhorrence of sin…the mindset and heart- that says, “I am going to refrain from this because it is so detestable and it hurts our LORD’s heart. Sin separates me from God and that is what makes my stomach hurt. God is holy and I must live a holy life. I need to shine for Jesus not tarnish His name and hinder His fame.”

The fact that deliberate, continued, unrepentant sin separates us from God is what should make us gag. We consume things, do things, continue in rotten behaviors, continue to have bad attitudes, hold on to grudges, compromise in “secret” areas and all the while we don’t even realize we are eating rotten, decaying, mold infested food…all because we have gotten over “the gag reflex.” (Matthew 7:21-23)

Now the “food” might not be drugs, alcohol, or watching R Rated movies, listening to filthy music, or watching junky late night TV. The “food” might be failing to submit to your husband, failing to surrender to God certain areas of your heart, not giving God your gifts and talents, not letting go of your past, not heeding the Spirit in this area or that area, or trusting in man versus trusting in the living God.

While we all may be eating some kind of so called "food” it’s really moldy, decaying and it could kill us. Pastor David said that when he was growing up if a young adult did something wrong, his/her parents would say, “you should be ashamed of yourself.” There is no more “shame” in our culture. This is due in large part because there are no morals in our culture…Jehovah- God, the Son our Savior Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all rejected. Nonetheless, God is still God and He is still waiting patiently for you to dine on His Word. Let’s dig in! God’s Word is not moldy or crusty or “expired.” It’s living and breathing and it makes us whole (Hebrews 4:12, John 10:10b).

I realize many who read my blogs are committed Christians, so I know this idea of letting go of rotten food and clinging to the nourishment of God's Word is probably "preaching to the choir" nonetheless, I wanted to share my heart...We all have sin that needs to be cast down...We all need to check the food content of what we are this is FOR ME first... May God bless us as we determine and RESOLVE to live uncompromised set apart lives for HIS GLORY and fame

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Terrible 2’s Continue Through Adulthood

God is speaking and I am listening…However, the more important thing for me to do is OBEY.

God gave me a picture of our stubbornness through my son Isaac. He is 2 ½.
Isaac loves to eat junk food. He points at McDonalds when we drive by one. He has tantrums at the store if we pass by the ice cream receptacles (you know like the ones at check out at Walmart).

Isaac climbs the counter tops in a relentless effort to check the freezer for otter pops or other ice cream. Even when there are none (which is often) he still clamors and opens the freezer believing there just might be one otter pop left in the freezer, behind the frozen chicken.
He does this even though there is danger to him…he could really get hurt for climbing the chair and reaching to get ice cream….but he has a one-track mind- ice cream!!!

We are the SAME way with the LORD. When we don’t get our way, we pout and scream and cry and act foolish. When God says, “No” to us even when it is for our own good, we get angry, upset and sometimes even cry. I have learned (and been taught from God’s Word and many awesome Bible teachers like Chuck Smith) that when God says, “No” it’s because He has something BETTER for us. (Romans 8:28).

God’s Word says, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:19. Pastor Raul Ries used to say, “God will supply all your need not all of your greed.” This is so true and profound. We want “things” instead of the King of Kings. What is the need? I thought the verse said God will supply all your needs…but it doesn’t. The verse says my God shall supply all your NEED singular. The one need we have is Jesus, the bread of life (John 6:35).

So…as I illustrated earlier, I often lose my patience with my 2 year old as he desires and relentlessly seeks junk food. He continues this daily saga of persistently, repeatedly trying to get ice cream from the freezer…all to his peril.

Yet, aren’t we the same way?

We get upset when are schedule is disrupted, when there is traffic, when our plans go awry, when we get sick on a vacation, when our husbands don’t come home on time…We want our way and we want it NOW! (like a toddler)

While the world offers us junk food (via entertainment, ungodly friendships, and any idol that takes our time away from the LORD), God offers us the living Word, the living Water of His Word, the bread of life…We are so selfish sometimes and we scream, shout and stomp our feet JUST like a 2 year old, but what does God, our loving Father do? He patiently and loving says, “No, no, no…I have something better for you…I have something better than an “Otter Pop” treat. I have chicken pot pie, potatoes, corn, salad, fresh baked biscuits, and best of all, you will get dessert, Hagen daas Ice Cream!! If you are hungry, I'll give you more than a empty calorie snack, I'll give you ME”

Let’s stop stomping our feet and throwing our head back at the LORD when we don’t get what we want. Let’s stop snacking on junk food and entertainment that takes our thoughts away from the LORD and His Word. Let’s get in His Word and feast on Him!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tell the LORD every detail

God has been speaking to my heart so much lately about the importance of prayer. I seriously feel like I am on overdrive with scriptures that are on my heart about prayer. (Phil 4:6-7, 1 Thess 5:17, Matt 7:7-8, James 5:16, Luke 21:36, Matt 26:41, Luke 11:1)

I desire to pray more.

Is it because of the Ladies Bible Study on Daniel? Is it because the men’s ministry Bible studies are starting up again and our husbands need prayer? Is it because of all the divorce and ugly family law court drama I have been dealing with in my part time legal work? Is it because of my desire to pray without ceasing? Is it because of the people that I know are battling cancer? Is it because of Pastor David’s decision to stop the format of intercessory prayer amongst the saints before Sunday am service due to some people feeling uncomfortable and even leaving the church?

I don’t know.

It’s probably a combination…or it might just be the HOLY SPIRIT reminding me prayer is as vital as oxygen to the believer.

OK, so anyone that has known me for 1 minute or longer knows I LOVE TO TALK. I love conversations. I love sharing. I love sharing things God has revealed to me through His WORD. I love hearing your stories, praise reports and prayer requests.
Here is the problem…I have been so sad lately. I have been beating myself up. I have been praying and asking God to make me a better LISTENER. I can’t just talk and talk and talk. I need to be still and know that He is God. (Psalm 46:10) I need to be quiet and allow others to speak. I need to enjoy listening just as much as I love talking.
When Chuck walks through the door after dealing with over 30 wild 8th graders I need to learn NOT to talk his ear off. Not that my husband doesn’t enjoy hearing about my day…he’s just tired and needs time to unwind. I have to give him the “short version.” I know you ladies who are like me, a “Talk-a-holic” are laughing because you know EXACTLY what I am writing about….
It seems lately I have been talking and talking and it appears I have annoyed my husband with my lengthy talks. I was so burdened by this!! I prayed. “Father, I don’t want to get my own way in this area. Give me discernment. Help me to know that my husband is male and I am female. We are different. I need to be a better listener and not share all the details to the point of Chuck’s frustration and annoyance. Help me Jesus be a better listener. Help me Father not bog people down with all the details of my life. I don’t always need to share all the details.”
I have really been struggling with this! (I know this sounds silly but it is my blog after all) I know it’s not a serious struggle like whether or not to go into ministry, whether or not to buy a new house, whether or not to pull a child out of public school and homeschool, whether or not to get married, have a child, change jobs, change churches, etc. but this issue has really been weighing me down.
I prayed again and again, “Why do I like to talk so much LORD? Help me to die to this desire to talk to the point where it is overbearing, selfish and annoying to others.”
This morning like our sweet Jesus often does He refreshed me with a verse JUST FOR ME!

“The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives”
Psalm 37:23

I am so happy I literally can go outside and do some cartwheels. I got my answer. Who can I express and tell all “the details” of my life? Who even has the time to listen? Trust me, my stories can be very long… Jesus cares about EVERY DETAIL. Jesus loves to hear my long stories in the form of PRAYER.


I have been going about it all wrong. I have had so much to share lately but what I needed to do is take every detail to the LORD and then pray about who I should share with.
What a relief! I think this revelation that God cares about “all the details” ties into my heart’s burden for prayer. HE WANTS TO KNOW EVERY DETAIL OF MY LIFE. So I resolve to tell Him everything in prayer!

If I have ever annoyed you with long stories…I apologize…I will save those long stories with all the details for my Abba Father and if you want to go have some coffee some time….I can share my long detailed stories with you and I promise I will listen to your stories and pray with you

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hate and Divorce

Hate is a bad word in our society. I teach my children that it's "bad" and we try not to say it...
But there are some things it's actually OK or permitted by God to hate.
Divorce is one of them...

This topic has been on my heart for weeks and I did not want to blog about it...but after Pastor David's awesome message this morning (Col 3: 18-19, Husbands love your wives and do not be bitter towards them) I feel compelled to share my heart and recent experience counseling with divorced (or soon to be divorced) people.

First, what does it mean to "hate?"
Webster's Dictionary defines hate: a. intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b : extreme dislike or antipathy.

Well is it true that God "hates" divorce? Yes, it sure is.
Malachi 2:6 says, "For the LORD God of Israel says that He hates divorce, For it covers one's garment with violence," Says the LORD of hosts. "Therefore take heed to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously."

Matthew 19:3-9
The Pharisees also came to Him (Jesus), testing Him, and saying to Him, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason?"
And He answered and said to them, "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female,'
"and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'?
"So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."
They said to Him, "Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce, and to put her away?"
He said to them, "Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.
"And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery."

So the Old Testament and the New Testament speak about divorce. Jesus clarified that Moses did not "command" divorce but did permit/allow it only if the reason was for adultery.

Here's what God has been speaking to me about lately. I do practice family law part time. I have handled divorces, child support issues, child visitation issues, child and spousal support, etc.
I have had such a heavey heart and been grieved because divorce and/or marriage problems have happening so much around me!

God has used me to counsel with people and although I am no expert, here is what I have been learning: NO ONE BENEFITS FROM DIVORCE.

The ex-wife ends up spiritually and emotionally hurt and bitter and feeling empty.
The ex-husband ends up spiritually and emotionally hurt and bitter. He feels confused as to why "he has to pay" so much spousal and child support and feels empty and as if he is a failure.
The children end up scarred for life, confused, sad, and left lonely and unsecure. They too feel empty.

I have realized lately that the world, flesh and Satan truly do (in unison) want marriages to end in divorce. Many people walk away from God after divorce. They feel that God didn't heal the marriage, or that God put the wrong person in his/her path and it's His fault the marriage didn't succeed.

I go back to the definition of "hate." I believe in the case of divorce, the reason God hates divorce is #1 it was and is not His plan or intention for people to get divorced and #2 people end up hurt, beaten and bruised from the divorce....The children really are hurt by the divorce.

Jesus said, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10

An abundant life is a Jesus life. A life focused on Jesus, centered on Jesus, increasing in the love of Jesus, following the example of Jesus, relying on Jesus. Also, self-denial is necessary for abundant/fulfilling life.

God hates divorce because He sees how it destroys people. This is the antithesis of His goal and intention and purpose to give us abundant life. Does this make sense?

I was thinking about this the other day...I was counseling with someone who's marriage is hanging by a thread. I encouraged her to pray for her spouse and even ask him if she can pray out loud for him. "Have you ever done this?" I asked. "Not really. Maybe a few times." She responded. This is what God showed me. We can't "hate" or harbor bitterness toward someone we are praying for. Remember, the definition of hate relates to "an injury." A wife may begin to "hate" her spouse because he has in her eyes, injured her. So what should she do? Well the world would say, "Just get a divorce. End it. Then you will be happy." But God says lay your life down so that you may gain it back again...God's Word would advise, "Give your marriage to Jesus and surrender yourself to Him completely."

Now of course there are some marriages that end in divorce and the reason may be Biblical...but the point's not God's command. It's only allowed in certain instances.

My heart has been aching and breaking for these people that come to me needing help with a divorce or child support issues, etc.

I am humbled by the way some people choose to take their concerns to prayer, to the throne of Jesus. These people that turn to Jesus during their divorce, or after are indeed made whole (of course there may still be pain from the effects of the divorce). As the scripture says, "He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3.

But God does indeed hate divorce and I must say, I do too. The paperwork and court hearings are a hassle. It's emotionally, physically, spiritually draining. The divorce process hurts God, the husband, the wife, the children, the extended family, co-workers, and any one else that knows the person going through it are affected.

Also, God says the church is His "bride." So an man and woman united in marriage is a picture of Christ and His bride. Christ laid His life down for the church, His bride. Divorce distorts that picture. Isn't that so sad?

If you are married. Pray, pray, pray for your spouse!! (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Pray with your spouse and pray over your spouse. Husbands love (communicate, show emotions) and wives respect (show honor, use kind words, tell him you are thankful he works to provide for the family, give physical/sexual love). Forgive each other and don't bring it up again! Read God's Word together. Read Ephesians 5 and Colossians 3 over and over again. Die to your flesh DAILY. Buy and read, "Love and Respect" by Dr. Emerson and Sarah Eggerichs.

Do whatever you can to invest into your marriage! It's God's design and marriage is intended to be a life-long picture of Christ and the church. Love your spouse as unto the LORD and don't ever allow the enemy to bring the word divorce into your vocabulary.

(PS: You can email me privately if you have a prayer request!)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Finishing Strong

I was reading about King Asa in the Old Testament, 2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14

I was so excited to learn about this great king. He was inspiring me. He heard a word of the LORD through the prophet Azariah. King Asa didn’t just listen…he HEARD and heeded the word and “took courage and removed all the idols in the land of Judah and Benjamin” 2 Chronicles 14:8

King Asa also repaired the altar of the LORD and gathered the people together to offer sacrifices to the LORD. Through King Asa’s obedience, he and the people entered into a covenant with the LORD to seek the LORD with all their heart and soul (2Chron14:12). King Asa agreed to put to death anyone who refused to seek the LORD. God gave him victory over the Ethiopians and Libyans. He even “deposed his grandmother…from her position as queen mother because she had made an obscene Asherah pole. He cut down the pole and broke it up…” 2 Chron. 14:16.

Wow! This King was awesome.

He stood up for righteous in an amazing way! He helped lead the people BACK INTO a covenant relationship with the LORD and even stood up for righteousness against his very own grandmother! What a guy!

Then I read on…He wants to enter into a treaty with the king of Syria. As I read, it doesn’t sound like a bad plan…but as it turns out, King Asa was siding with Syria, a pagan nation and losing His confidence in the LORD. Asa now had confidence in the flesh.

“Oh no!” I thought. “Not another one LORD. Not another person in scripture who turned from
their strong witness to backslide and reject you and your Word.”

As I read on I learned about a seer named Hanani that boldly told King Asa his fate, “Because you have put your trust in the king of Aram instead of in the LORD your God, you missed your chance to destroy the army of the king of Aram. Don’t you remember what happened to the Ethiopians and Libyans and their vast army, with all of their chariots and horsemen? At that time you relied on the LORD and he handed them all over to you. The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. What a fool you have been! From now on, you will be at war.” 2 Chron 16:7-9

My heart ached. See I have asked this SAME QUESTION Hanani asked, “What happened?”

I think it’s the hardest thing to see someone walk away from the LORD. These people are miserable. They know the truth, but they reject the truth. They have seen and experienced God work in their lives but they forget. They know God’s Word but don’t trust in it (or Him) anymore. They have taken their eyes off of God and put it on man.

What do we do? We are puzzled and confused and ask what happened? I believe with all of my heart that part of backsliding has to do with forgetfulness.

In Veggie Tales, Madame Blueberry there is a song that says, “A happy heart is a thankful heart.” Well I would add, “A mindful heart is a trusting heart.”

When we are “mindful” we constantly bring to remembrance those things God has done for us. If we remind ourselves of who God is and what He has done (and will do in the future) there is no room for confidence in the flesh.

You see, the believer remembers, “I once was lost but now I’m found” The backslider acts this way- I was lost, then found, now lost again.

Oh how my heart aches over so many who have fallen away or even those who are just not walking strong in the LORD like they used to. One of the greatest things that grieves my heart is someone who says, “Oh yeah. I have read the Bible. I used to be in small group Bible studies. I used to be in prayer groups….been involved at church, been there done that.”

When people say this it breaks my heart! These people are talking about the PAST. God is not a God of the past! He is not like a magician that pops out of the bottle when we need Him and then goes back into the bottle when things are good or easy. God is the God of yesterday, today AND TOMORROW.

We need to have a mindful heart in order to finish strong.
King Asa was awesome. He renewed the covenant with the LORD. He was bold in his faith. He even rebuked members of his own family for pagan practices. But King Asa didn’t CONTINUE in his faith. He left his faith when he started to forget. He forgot about the victory God gave him. He forgot about all the times God was there for him. He forgot about the joy and peace the nation experienced when God was the LORD and on the throne of their lives.

Yesterday’s faith is not enough.

Look at Spurgeon’s commentary on King Asa’s backsliding:
“The power of Ethiopia [the more difficult trial] was broken before him, and Judah’s armies returned laden with the spoil. You would not have thought that a man who could perform that grand action would become, a little after, full of unbelief; but the greatest faith of yesterday will not give us confidence for to-day, unless the fresh springs which are in God shall overflow again.” (Spurgeon)

See King Asa saw Ethiopia as a nation too great, too big for him and went to God for help. But later, he saw the smaller kingdom of Syria as “no big deal” and decided to handle the problem himself.

I love what Spurgeon said, “the greatest faith of yesterday will not give us confidence for today.”

We have to remind ourselves DAILY of what God has done. Our faith from yesterday WILL grow stale.

Think about it….if you are married, you remember the first time your spouse said, “I love you” but is that enough? No! You want to be reminded about your spouse’s love every day. That’s the point of a relationship...A relationship deepens and grows as you SPEND TIME with each other. The same way, our relationship with God deepens and grows as we spend time in His Word, in prayer, in fellowship and in sharing of the things God has done.

I am saddened by the King Asa’s in my life. I pray for them. We need to also remember that WE TOO can be like King Asa. Seeking God in the big trials, but neglecting God in the small ones…No matter the circumstance, every season, every day we need to pray and stay connected to the vine. (John 15:5)

Have faith and don’t stop praying for people. Not all backsliders end up like King Asa. Keep praying for the backslidden people in your life….remember the prodigal and remember Peter (re-commissioned).

So if our God is so good why do people back slide anyway? Sin, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, the enemy, the world’s temptations…the list goes on and on…but King Asa’s reason for backsliding was due to pride in his flesh AND forgetfulness. May we remind ourselves DAILY of what God has done so we may finish strong!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


It’s back to school time! I am reminded of the first day of school. I always loved fashion so I would think about my first day of school outfit several weeks before the big day…

I would lay out my clothes way in advance! I would even put my accessories (head band, necklace, earrings, etc.) out with my outfit and shoes. I wanted to look my best! It’s the first day of school, eeek! OK. So most people can relate to this…the idea of wanting to look your best and make a good first impression. However, does our need for acceptance of others get in the way of our walk with God?

I have always been the type of person that says, “I don’t care what other thinks of me. I just want to be me.” I always liked funky things. My mom even called me, “My daughter: the bag lady” because I loved vintage clothes. However, my affinity for all things used (yard sale, thrift stores, flea markets) was just an expression of myself right? Well, yes and no. Yes, your clothes and your decisions of how to relate to people is an expression of yourself. But let me ask this question- If you were on an island all by yourself would you shave your legs (for ladies)? For men would you shave your face/beards? Would you worry about how you looked?

I am convinced people make themselves “look” a certain way in large part for acceptance by others.

My point is this. We as social beings want to be accepted by others. We know there are cultural norms we adhere too. A women does not wear a white dress to a wedding, a man does not wear flip flops on a business interview, etc. But those are just silly examples. We know acceptance goes deeper than outer appearance.

Sometimes I feel like I am not accepted by people. I am sometimes rejected by fellow Christians as hyper-spiritual and harsh or critical. I am rejected by the world as religious. I know, I know, Christ’s view of me is the only acceptance I need…but still my emotions sometimes gets in the way. Whenever my spirit and flesh wage war- I PRAY.

I talk to Jesus and I say, “Lord…no one really gets me like you. You are the only one who knows my intentions, you know my thoughts and you know how I want so much to show you my devotion and love without distraction. You know how I want to love others like you do. I mess up daily LORD but thank you for loving me for me. Help me be who you created me to be and to not care of the things of this world.”

Like in Psalm 139, “You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether. You have hedged me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is high, I cannot attain it.” Psalm 139:1-6

So on this journey, I continue to go confident in Christ and I say to myself, “I don’t care what others think of me. All that matters is God’s view of me”

Then a trial or too comes along to test this…A few months ago I was in a Bible study and I said something…Later I thought. Why did I say that? What was I thinking? What will he/she think? I am so dumb. LORD help me know when to speak and when to be silent.

Then I had another situation where I just felt like my personality was annoying someone. I felt really down. “I am trying to reflect you Jesus. I want to shine for you, but I feel like I just don’t mesh with this person. Why don’t they like me? Help me know LORD how to act and react to this person”

This person doesn’t like me. It made me really sad! I tried to snap out of it…but I kept thinking about it and thinking about it….I was like, “Lord, help me to get over it! I am praying and help me just to love you and enjoy you.”

I started second guessing myself…why in the world is this bothering me? I have never been self-conscious, why all of a sudden all these emotions? I asked God to show me the problem like David. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24)

I had one of those “a-ha” “light bulb” moments. I said to myself “Laura, you really DO care what other people think of you!”

Oh man! I was so upset. I immediately thought of this verse:
The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Jeremiah 17:9-10a

I thought I had this area down! I thought this was an easy area for me. I thought it was easy to care more what God thinks of me. I thought I was like David…content to just play my harp and worship the LORD. I didn’t think I was like Saul always worried about what this person thinks of me or what that person thinks….

But God has really broken me. God has shown me I need to NOT trust my heart and to never be confident in anything (but His Word of course).
(Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, And before honor is humility. Proverbs 18:12)

God has shown me so many areas where I need to die to myself and allow Him to grow me. God is pruning me big time.

Here are some examples of what God has shown me:
-I do care what my family thinks of me. I want them to believe I am a good mother.
-I do care what my husband thinks of me. I want him to think I am still attractive. I’m not just a wife but I’m his “girlfriend” and companion and friend.
-I do care what my clients think of me. I want to shine for Jesus in my work.
-I do care what my children think of me. I want them to see I love Jesus and I am woman of prayer. (pray first, worry, never)
-I do care what my church family thinks of me. I want them to see that I love them and am there for them in any way God opens a door for ministry opportunities.

This is what God has shown me. God wants me to be a woman after His own heart. In 1 Samuel 13 Saul disobeyed by offering the sacrifice and not waiting for Samuel. Saul was more concerned with what men thought than obeying the LORD. (Pastor David Guzik comments, “Saul was a man after Israel’s heart. He was all about image and prestige and the things men look at. But God will now give Israel a man after His own heart, and raise that man up to be king.”)

It’s not about “being fake” and acting one way in front of one person and another way in front of another person. God wants me to love Him, to ask for His Holy Spirit to guide my heart, to guide my thoughts, my conduct, my speech and my decision making. God wants me to cover every decision I make in prayer (God, should I go to this birthday party? Or am I spreading myself too thin on this Saturday with too many events?) God wants to be intimately involved in all areas of my life, in all relationships!!!!

So I am NOT walking around biting my nails wondering if I look OK, if I behave OK, or if I smiled at that person or not. What I am doing is realizing that how you see people and how people see you matters to God.

Walk with Jesus and allow Him to permeate you and what will happen? Others will see you as a Jesus Freak. That is my life goal-- to be a woman after God’s own heart. If the world, or even other Christians don’t like me, that’s OK. They rejected Jesus too. (Jesus said, "O Jerusalem how I want to gather you like a hen gathers her chicks...") I am more aware now that I am a social person and although I love to be friendly I must be cautious with my friendships. I must be loving to others but honest at the same time…I just need to be like Jesus. My encouragement is this, be careful not to trust in the areas that you think you are strong in spiritually…you will be tested. You will be tested in your weak areas too. Just trust in God, don’t lean on or trust in yourself, don’t even trust your own heart or emotions, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest (Prov. 3:5-6). His acceptance is really all that matters

Friday, July 30, 2010


Question-Are you recycleable?

Can God use you over and over again for His purposes and plan?

The other day I was throwing some items into the "recycle" bin. I thought to myself, I like recycling. It feels like the right thing to do. If you have a can or plastic bottle, why not take a little extra time and put it in the bin so it can be melted down and used again?

It just makes sense...

Well as I was throwing a bag of "recycleables" into the bin, God showed me a picture of myself.
He said Laura, "YOU are recycleable too."

God uses the foolish things of the world, to confound the wise.
Who am I LORD? I am just a little girl with a BIG God (like Debbie Bryson says)

"But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty;
and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen and the things which are not to bring to nothing the things that are that no flesh should glory in His presence." 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 (emphasis mine)

So God enjoys using the things that the world thinks are "dumb," or "insignificant" and He makes it into something of value.

Many recycled items are glass....

I started reminding myself of how I "feel" sometimes. Now don't get me wrong. We can't fall into that Dr. Phil or Oprah or other "new age" emotional-self-focused mentality that says feelings and emotions and self rule. Women are emotional. We don't need a psycologist to tell us that! But God's Word says the heart is deceitful and wicked, so time and time again I have to deny my emotions. But that doesn't mean they fly away...they linger around....

So regarding my feelings, I admit sometimes I feel broken. I feel like I am not who God wants me to be. I fail day after day, I am beaten by this trial or that. I am misunderstood. I want to be a Proverbs 31 wife and mother but I see who I really am and I just feel plain old broken. Like a jagged piece of glass with sharp edges. As a child of God, we know the world, the flesh and the enemy can really break us emotionally. But God reminded me that God LOVES to use the broken spirit, the broken heart to be recycled into something beautiful.

"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit A broken and a contrite heart— These O God You will not despise." Psalm 51:17

Another picture- A mosaic. What is a mosaic made up of? Broken glass. It's beautiful. An artist takes a broken china cup, a broken glass, a broken mirror, more broken glass and ceramic and makes it into a work of art. You have to trust the master artist that when the mosaic is done, it will be beautiful...

God showed me my life is recyclable.

First, like the plastic or can, these items are melted down to be recycled and reused again. This is the purpose of trials friends. We are going to go through the fire. It's not an "if" question it's a when.

Jesus said, "These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer I have overcome the world." John 16:33

So when you go through the melting pot, the furnace, the fiery trial (1 Peter 4:12) when you feel like it's never going to cool down, just remember God might be recycling you. He might be melting you down so He can use you for a new fresh purpose. We know God's purposes are always good. (Jeremiah 29:11)

God also showed me that a recycled person has perceived value to others- Value to God, to Christians and non-believers too.

When a person throws an empty plastic bottle into the "regular" trash, have you noticed a homeless person, or even someone who is not homeless might come behind him/her and take the bottle out of the trash? This is because the empty plastic bottle has value. In the collector's eyes, the bottle or can has value. He knows the more bottles, the more money at the recycle center.

Same with us...

I have a beautiful friend/client who is going through a terrible, terrible divorce due to her husband's infidelity. They were a Christian couple and this divorce is one of the saddest I've ever seen. This woman is amazing. She has two children with special needs and is now a single mom. She was telling me the other day that she feels like something is wrong with her because she has so much joy in the LORD in spite of this trial. She said to me, "Is it OK to feel this joy in God when my world is crashing around me?"

I was amazed by her statement. I was encouraged. I was blessed. But, I was not surprised. See, when you are in the fire, our Jesus shines more beautifully and more clearly. (Daniel 3:25) This woman is completely broken right now. Her heart is beyond broken, her life is broken, but her love for God is stronger than ever. She is a shining example to me and many others that God indeed brings beauty from ashes. (Isaiah 61:3) She is broken, but she has value. She is allowing God to recycle her and be used for His glory.

I am thankful for this picture He gave me. I continue to enjoy recycling. Now, when I throw that can away in the bin, I want to thank God for reycling me too.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Thoughts on the CHEA Convention

I prayed for several months asking God to give me wisdom and teach me lessons at the Christian Home Education Association...Convention

And boy did God come through! (He always, and I mean ALWAYS does)
I have so much to share! It's going to be hard to summarize but I'll do my best.

Many of us think that our children "start school" when they put on their back packs and embark on Kindergarten. This is false. The first school is the home and the first teacher is the mother.

I believe with all my heart that the answer of where to educate a child----home school, private school or public school--- is only revealed through prayer. God has an amazing plan for each and every one of our children and how can we expect that plan to be "cookie cutter"? God made our children unique. Each child is intricate and God will show us how to educate him/her best if we are seeking Him in the area of education.

So what exactly does it mean to "educate?" Well this is the first thing that I gained great insight from the CHEA convention.

Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary defines education:
"The bringing up of a child to enlighten the understanding to correct the temper, form the manners and habits of youth"

I loved this! The bottom line goal of any Christian parents (mom AND dad) is this- to teach our kids to be independently DEPENDENT on the LORD. Isn't that awesome?

One of the speakers said this:
From Genesis, the very first book of the Bible, we are told our children are going to leave us...
Genesis 2:24
Therefore a man should leave his father and mother...

We are raising our children, our babies to leave. To prepare them to live a Christ-centered life and to walk with the LORD for their entire adult lives.

Now of course we know homeschooling does not equal salvation. Only God saves a child's soul. But we teach our children the "way" they should go. We teach and instruct our children regarding all of the information they need to not only believe and trust in God, but they also need to see faith DEMONSTRATED in our lives as we parents, AGAIN, are their first teachers.

Ok, so I can go on and on about different points I learned...but the areas I really want to share came from one specific teacher, Denise Mira. If you can buy the CD from the conference DO IT. She shared her heart and she was so real! She even said some home school moms are so religious but they are white washed tombs. You could hear a pin drop.

This is why I believe she was so straight forward-

First, the title of the workshop was, "Being a Spiritual Mother of Impact."

She said that homeschooling really helps a mother die to self. She said her theme scripture for homeschooling and mothering is this:

I DIE DAILY 1 Corinthians 15:31.

She told us mothers to "suck it up" and stop complaining. Stop nagging our husbands about this or that and just do it!!! (meaning, strive to be that Proverbs 31 woman and don't try to reverse roles with your husband)

Here are some other eye-opening points:

-The life with our children is not just work it is WAR.
-Be careful what you chase after (many women focus on what Hollywood, Oprah, magazines and other media says a woman should look like or behave, etc.)
-Work your land- That is invest in your marriage, your children and your character.
-Use a plumb line: People use this tool to see if the building is level. What are you using to line up your life? We should be using God's Word to line up our life and keep our paths straight.
-What are you "marinating in" ? What are you investing time in? Are you reading or watching things that are not pleasing to the LORD?
-Pharaoh's (and Satan's) plan is the same: He wants to steal our children.
-As moms of small children, we are living in a season of "hidden-ness." You may have desires to be involved in this or that but for now, you need to focus on your marriage, your children and your home and stay "hidden" but God will open up doors later and you will be blessed you focused on your family when they needed you the most
Denise Mira said that unfortunately, some homeschool families experience divorce. Why is this??? She said, who are you at home? Are you neglecting your husbands needs? Remember, men have completely different needs of intimacy than you and you need to attend to this! Men don't want or need flowers, she said, men want you in the bedroom.
-1 Peter 3:5-6
For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. They were submissive to their own husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.

Die to emotion. Don't keep score. Let go of fear. Let go of things in the past and die to self.

Wow! I learned so much. I am convinced that every Christian parent should attend this conference. Whether or not you want to homeschool one day...I believe every parent should learn and be reminded and refreshed on the great high calling it is to be a parent.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Put your glasses on for 20/20 vision

There is a song by Keith Green that I love. He says, “When you rolled away the clouds that hung like curtains on my eyes…I’ve been blind…all these wasted years and I thought I was so wise…and then you took me by surprise. Like waking up, from the longest dream, how real it seemed, until your love broke through. I was lost in a fantasy that blinded me until your love broke through”
(full song lyrics to “Your Love Broke Through” at

I was thinking about this the other day…

The idea of being blind and NOT realizing it.

When I was in college I used to sit in the front row because the professor wrote a bit too small and there was a glare on the dry erase board. My friend one day said, “Let’s sit in the back for this class.” I told her no because I couldn’t see due to the glare on the dry erase board. She said, “Oh friend! You need glasses.” I didn’t even realize it. After realizing it was also hard to read the street signs at night, I decided to go to the eye doctor. Sure enough I needed glasses!

All my life I had 20/20 vision but now, my vision needed correction.

I put on my glasses and I saw so many details I was missing out on. I would look at trees and there seemed to be millions of leaves. Mountains had more details and definition. The sky seemed more blue and crisp. Everything was clear and more visually stunning. I saw the world in a whole new way.

Unfortunately my vision got worse over the years and needed further correcting but this is what I realized the other day. How would you answer this question, “Are you wearing your Jesus glasses?”

This is what I mean…

Chuck and I recently celebrated 11 years of being married. I look at him and I am still so attracted to him. He is still handsome to me. He is still my friend and we laugh together and act goofy together. He is a great man who loves God and loves me and loves our family. Now of course we have disagreements and no marriage is perfect, but I love to see Chuck through God’s eyes. (This is only realized through prayer, the filling and refilling of the Holy Spirit and meditation on God's Word)

In God’s eyes, Chuck is perfect. He is washed in the blood of Jesus. That’s how I want my husband to see me too. I want him to see me as God sees me. From God’s perspective, I am his daughter, precious and worth dying for. Even with all my faults and failures, God loves me with unconditional agape love.

I started thinking that my life is beyond blessed. I have so much to be thankful for.

Think about it for a second. We see our children (at least we try to) through God’s eyes. We look at our kids and we forgive them when they do wrong and test our patience. We love them even when they fail us or hurt our feelings. Our children are precious. To a mother, a child is the most beautiful creation. I think the parent/child relationship helps us understand God’s agape love. A mother nurses her baby not expecting something in return down the road in life. A mother lays down her life for her child. But think about this….Who looks at his/her spouse like that?

There is a 50% divorce rate in America. Half of all couples end their marriage. It is heart wrenching.

But what parent divorces a child?

Not one. (well…there has been a situation where a child divorced her parents but it’s extremely rare).

God looks at us with agape love.

God sees us and loves us just as a Father loves his child. We need to look at our spouses this way. We need to look at our in laws this way. We need to look at that annoying neighbor or co-worker that way. We need to see the world this way…with Jesus glasses on.

Convicted? I know I am!

Friends, remember, life is sweeter with Jesus. It is crisp, clear and so thrilling and fulfilling!

If you have seen the movie Avatar there is a scene where the human is in the Avatar body for the first time. It’s a whole new world. He takes a bite of a fruit in a new land. This fruit is the juiciest, most amazing fruit he has ever tasted. Again, this reminded me of our life with Jesus. Our food tastes better, songs have more meaning, sleep is more peaceful, our life is sweeter in every way because of Him. I was reminded of this recently, but I want to live with this awareness of how sweet my life is because of my sweet savior every day. I want to walk daily with my Jesus glasses on.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Wealthy Woman at Shunem

2 Kings 4 shows a picture of a woman I want to be like. She is not as well known as other women in the Bible like Sarah, Noah's wife, the Proverbs 31 woman, Esther, Ruth, Mary, and others.

She goes under the radar. But I want to tell you about her, a woman in the BIble that I am learning about...the Bible does not record her name, she is only called "the wealthy woman" and we know she lived in a town called Shunem.

I used to be very curious why certain people weren't named in the Bible. Some chapters go on and on listing names of people while other places in the Bible, we read about people who are amazing and he/she goes unnamed. I am learning that sometimes it's good to not be known by name...

For example, in the children's ministry I am known by some as "Olivia's mom" or "Isaac's mom." When Chuck and I served in children's ministry at C.C. Golden Springs there were many, many parents that I knew as "Vincent's mom" "Hannah's mom" etc. I tried to learn names, but it is impossible to learn every one's. I am sure these people, like I am, were content in having their identification as the parent of a child. More importantly, God knows our name, and that's really all that matters.

Back to 2 Kings 4- This woman is AWESOME. She clearly loves the LORD and served Him. Elisha the prophet visited her town, the town of Shunem. She invited him to eat with her and every time he came to visit she showed him great hospitality. Wiersbe's commentary stated that showing hospitality to ministers is a dying art or dying ministry. How sad! It's probably due to the busy and hectic lives we have. We are so busy working within the confines of our bubbles (our lives) that we neglect to host and show kindness to those who are ministering and serving the LORD.

Well the wealthy woman didn't just show kindness by opening up her home and cooking for Elisha. She went above and beyond. She suggests to her husband the idea of building Elisha his own room where he could stay comfortably while he is visiting the town of Shunem.

This really blessed me.

She was wealthy. She had the means. She could have used her wealth for lots of things. She could buy more gladiator sandals (I believe that's what they wore...tongue in cheek), more clothes, more perfume, more food, more decorations for her home...

Instead of buying more "things" she uses her wealth to show even more hospitality to Elisha the man of God. What a wise woman! Now I truly believe the woman did not have an ulterior motive in doing this. I believe she was a woman after God's own heart and felt this home addition would be a blessing to Elisha and a blessing to the LORD.

Later, Elisha is so appreciative of her kindness he wants to do something in return for her. She refuses. She didn't want Elisha to talk about her to the king. She didn't want any type of self promotion or accolade. She was content in the LORD. This to me, was the greatest blessing of reading about her in 2 Kings 4. I believe the wealthy woman felt like she had it all. She loved God, she had a blessed marriage and she was wealthy. She always wanted children, but she was content with that too. Although she was barren, God had blessed her life in so many other ways she learned to be content serving the LORD in her daily life and at every opportunity. Her sufficiency was in God. Yet, Elisha was adamant about repaying her kindness.

Elisha's servant Gehazi suggesed, "She doesn't have a son, and her husband is an old man" 2 Kings 4:14. Elisha tells her, "Next year at about this time you will be holding a son in your arms!" (verse 16)

The woman replies, "Please don't lie to me like that, O Man of God."

I like this too.

I felt like she said in modern language, "Shut up! Stop playing around! Stop lying!" She was real! She was a totally down to earth--a kind, genuine, humble person.

Next year she held her baby boy in her arms...just as Elisha had said.

This story moved me to tears because this is the heart of our God, our Abba Father. When we pray with all our hearts--Father, you are all I need. You know I have this desire, but if this is not your will for me, that's OK. I want your will God and not my own. I would love this desire to be met, but if it doesn't happen, I trust you. I trust your will for my life. I trust your plan for my life. I trust your hand in my life and I ask you to make my desires in alignment with yours." He hears us and responds.

This is not an easy prayer. This is actually more than a prayer, this is living a life like Jesus did- aiming to always please the Father saying, "Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done."

See, the woman didn't build Elisha an extra room with the intention of getting something in return. She just lived her daily life serving God. She loved God and desired to be hospitable to His servants. She had the means and the ability so she did it. God saw her heart and was blessed by her. Not only was He blessed by her, He gave her one of the lifelong desires of her heart- to have a child. What an awesome, loving, gracious and sweet God we have!!! I love it that if we delight ourselves in the LORD He will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4). It might not be tomorrow, it might not be today...but one day. We will look at our life...we will see that during those times when we are delighting ourselves in Him, He gives us the desires of our heart. It doesn't mean He always answers our prayers in the way we hoped, many women go their whole lives without having a baby naturally, but He will always fulfill us when our desire is simply to know Him more and to be used by Him.

I have a friend who was never able to conceive a child. After many years of waiting and praying, her and her spouse adopted. One day her spouse said to me, although I would still be blessed if my wife and I had our own child, I am glad we were unable to...because we would have never adopted and we would never have this amazing son we have in our lives today...He was able to see God's hand in the situation as they delighted in the LORD through it all.

Friends, be content in doing God's will today, trusting He knows what's best for you. May our desire be for NOT for things, relationships or situations but May HE ALONE be our hearts desire.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Satan’s Text Message (to the youth)

(A Text Message from Satan to our Youth)
Not sure if you are straight, gay or bi? Why don’t you just give them all a try.
Christ’s passion? So out of fashion.
Don’t worry about what your parents think, come here, have fun, have a drink.
Sex on a date is the best. If you are late, it’s OK, the school nurse has a pregnancy test.
Christ is the only way? That sounds silly to me. Remember, you are your own deity.
Someone got shot! Oh that’s such a shame. Unless of course it’s from a video game.
Can’t pray in school, only silently, if you say “under God” you’ll get sued you see.
R U sad? R U lonely? Let’s hit up the mall.
I just got a text from your friend, oops, I gotta go. She serves me too you know...

I've been thinking a lot about our country and the influences on our youth. I have been praying for our nation. I recently read some terrible statistics about where our culture is going morally. The only answer is to turn to God in prayer and repentance. I wrote this poem as a way to vent my feelings. I get so angry in knowing our youth is being lied to. May we raise our children for God. May we pray for God to raise up people to be an influence for this lost generation. May we trust Jesus is coming, very, very soon.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Am I Legalistic? Jesus Help Me

Websters defines legalism as a "strict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral code."

I would define a legalistic person (in the context of Christianity in America) as someone who snubs another or looks down upon another for not conducting him/herself in a certain way. The legalist forces his/her interpretation of the Bible and personal convictions on others.

Here I go again...sharing my heart and I am sure I will mess up...but I am trying to be real and raw with you, with myself, and of course with our LORD.

This issue has been VERY heavy on my heart lately. Today, as the Holy Spirit always times it perfectly, Pastor David spoke on the subject. The verses were from Colossians 2:16-23.

Colossians 2:16-17 states, "So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ."

I already know that I can be extreme and I wear my feelings on my sleeve. My husband teases me about it all the time. But I don't want to ever, ever, ever impose my convictions on others. I don't want to be judgmental. I don't want to be a Pharisee (you know, a white washed tomb) and I DON'T want to be legalistic.

Now there are some areas, of course, that are easy. Jesus is the way. Period. John 14:6. I don't need to debate the issue of the sufficiency of salvation based on the cross. That's easy.

Here's a little bit more difficult one. I don't personally like R-Rated movies. I am sure there are some Christians who abhor them. Don't even allow them in the house. Others might say, well it depends. Saving Private Ryan is Rated R, but it's a war movie so that's OK, etc.
I am not bothered by my friend's movie collection. If my friend loves Jesus and we have sweet fellowship together and he/she happens to be a movie buff and likes some R Rated movies, that doesn't bother me. If my friend or relative showed an R Rated movie to my 4 year old with out permission, not that would bother me because of the adult content.

Now here is the tough stuff. My personal convictions. There are some areas that REALLY bother me. This is where I can become legalistic and I am praying for God to work on my heart. You see, if you have a glass of wine with dinner as a beverage and you don't feel convicted why should it bother me? I don't drink and I refuse to drink, but your drinking one glass shouldn't bother me. But guess what? If you turn that glass of wine scenario into your drinking a few beers in front of me, now I am bothered. It bothers me because I have seen too many loved ones lose their lives to alcoholism--specifically to daily drinking beer. I have seen people walk away from God, walk away from their familes, walk away from their jobs, leaving their church/fellowship all because of alcohol, specifically beer. I remember driving in the car when my dad was drunk....So here's the thing. I am not going to tell you not to drink beer. I am not going to say one word. But I know my facial expression will say it all. Unfortunately at that moment, I am sure I look a lot like a Pharisee.

I attended a birthday party recently. The parents are Christians. The parents had a picture of John Lennon and Yoko Ono naked on the wall (it was an album cover) and later, my girlfriend appologized to me for the photo. "We are hippies" she said. But I thought it was strange that she appologized to me. Did I look bothered? Was I sweating? Did I look upset? No. I think she just thought Laura is probably offended by this picture because she is a Christian and has deep convictions. But guess what? Jesus wouldn't be bothered by the picture. He created the human body. He would be totally comfortable with it. The picture wasn't really bad. Yes, it made me squirm a little, but honestly, seeing people consume large amounts of alcohol would bother me more...but why does it? Why can't I abstain from drinking, and not be "annoyed" when other people around me are drinking? Yes I get sad because I think of my dad's death. I saw his last breath and he could have lived longer if he didn't drink...his liver was shot. But I can't use this excuse. I NEED to be sensitive to others and NOT impose my convictions on them. I don't want to be a Pharisee or legalistic.

Now I must clarify, I'm not talking about if a non-believer asks me my opinion about drinking...oh then it is on! I can discuss openly how I feel and more importantly, what the Bible says. However, I am not to walk around with a pious attitude around any one....There is freedom in Christ and when we are abiding in Him, His Word and the Holy Spirit will be our guide on what conduct we should abstain from or engage in.

In fact, Jesus was often found hanging around the tax collectors, the prostitutes and sinners. Now Jesus never engaged in any unrighteous or sinful activity. Jesus was able to look past the conduct and see the person. That's what I need to work on. Help me Jesus to be more like you. Help me Jesus to see people through your eyes.

I guess the main point I want to convey is this: BE CAREFUL CHRISTIAN. Be careful to not stay in the Christian bubble where your eyes bulge out if your unsaved friend or family member drinks alcohol, watches R Rated movies, smokes pot, listens to profane music, etc. God knows you don't like that stuff, just as He doesn't. We need to reach people with the love of Jesus not walk around pointing out specks you know?

Father, help us reach this next generation for you. We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit instead of trying to BE the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

More Than Gold

It seems that every time I am watching TV or walking around the mall or in some place or another I see an advertisement that says, "Cash for Gold."

In these tough times people are struggling financially. People need help and they need some relief. When all the bills are just not going to be paid it makes sense, "Turn in your gold for cash." It sounds simple enough. You have an old gold chain that was popular in the 80s or 90s and you rather have the cash to pay a bill than that old piece of jewelry anyway...

I thought of this as I was reading my Bible.

Psalm 119:27 says, "Truly, I love your commands more than gold, even the finest gold."
"Your law is more valuable to me than millions in gold and silver!" Psalm 119:72

We need to learn to love God's Word. When I first started really getting serious about God, I would bring my Bible to church with me...but I wasn't really reading it on my own. It wasn't until I truly saw the value of reading my Bible, line upon line, every chapter, every book, and also reading commentaries to help me understand, that I begin to see God's Word as more valuable than gold.

See we all need the bills paid. We all have different types of "gold." It might not be your gold jewelry that you trade in for cash. For most people, their gold is their work/labor. If you work 40 hours a week, put in your time, then you get paid. Cash for gold. It's the same principle as the jewelry trade, Cash 4 Gold concept.

These days...the most precious gold I believe is OUR TIME. Believe me, if you give your time to Jesus, you will get something MUCH MUCH MUCH better than gold... You will get wisdom, you will gain insights and direction about how to live a joyful abundant life, you will get so much from sitting at the feet of Jesus and soaking up His Word.

One year, at a women's retreat, a sweet gal told me she wanted to be like a "sponge" all weekend long. She had such joy in her eyes and she said, "I want to soak up all of God's Word and learn and listen and retain what He has for me."

I liked that!

As the weather is heating up and even when money is tight may we trade in our cash (or time) for gold...the gold of reading, studying and meditating on God's Word. Also, let's soak in the son, let's soak in Jesus.

Again, I think so many people are turning in their gold jewelry for cash because times are hard. God's Word has something to say about this too:

These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold. So if your faith remains strong after being tried by fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. 1 Peter 1:7

Ah...I want faith that is far more precious to God than mere gold. It seems the world is always focusing on gold. The price of gold. Wearing gold jewelry. Wedding rings are made from fine gold. The richest people have a lot of gold. But in the eternity, at our funerals, people won't say, "Wow. She was wealthy and had a lot of gold." No. People talk about CHARACTER. People talk about how the deceased person impacted others. That's gold to me and that's what I want.

I want to bring praise and glory and honor to Jesus and I KNOW this can ony be attained when I give my time to Jesus sitting at His feet, reading the Bible and learning from Him.

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