Friday, November 26, 2010

Is it hard to Say “Thank You?”

Is it hard to Say “Thank You?”

You may read this question and think, “Of course not!” It’s easy to thank God for who He is and what He’s done. It’s easy to thank the waiter or waitress for doing a good job. But I challenge you to really think about this…
Can it sometimes be hard to say, “thank you” ?

I think it can...

When a person gives you an extravagant gift you know you don’t deserve, it sometimes can make you feel uncomfortable. You might feel unworthy. You might try to “reject” the gift. Or, you might just feel uncomfortable by a person’s continual generosity.

I had a girlfriend in law school that constantly bought me a Starbuck’s coffee to our study dates and would never let me pay her for them. She would drive by Starbuck’s at least 2-3 times a week and pick up our coffee. It was so thoughtful, sweet and generous (you know it can get expensive). She would get offended if I tried to pay her back or cut in front of her to pay at a Starbuck’s line. It was something she felt she had to do…What could I say but “thank you?”

I think sometimes people can do something for us that catches us off guard and we aren’t prepared to properly say thank you. One time a woman in my Bible study group was surprised when she came to study and there were boxes and boxes of diapers for her newborn twins. She called me later and asked, “Did I even say thank you to the group?” She was surprised by the generosity and was literally speechless. (She did say thank you by the way)

There are so many verses in the Bible that talk about thanksgiving.

Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. Hebrews 13:15

When is it a sacrifice of praise to give God thanks? When it hurts. When we are in a trial or when we don’t feel especially thankful. I have a friend with a child with Autism. I am sure it is especially hard for her to thank God for this. It is an ongoing trial for her and her family. But does she thank God even when it is hard to? Absolutely. She says that she can see God’s hand at work in her child, in her family and in her walk with God and although she can’t wait until her child is completely healed in heaven, she can continually offer the sacrifice of praise, thanking God for who He is and TRUSTING although not all things are good, all things are working together for good. Amen?


Sometimes it is a sacrifice of praise to give thanks because we are prideful. A relative of mine once said, “Why should I thank God for this? I am the one that did it!” That’s just pride. Not one single heart beat or breath or thought can occur without God. Sometimes pride can creep in and we don’t feel we need to give thanks to God. It can be simply, “I did a good job at work and I deserved that gratitude from my boss.” Or “I worked hard on dinner and I deserved that gratitude from my husband.”
We deserve nothing.
God deserves the credit and thanks and it is a sacrifice of praise when we can die to ourselves and pride and truly say, “God does give talents and gifts but how can I receive the credit, praise or glory? How can someone praise the gift more than the gift-giver?”
Sometimes it is a sacrifice of praise to give thanks because we are bitter. This is tied to pride but slightly different. When a person feels “wronged” by something or someone, when that person does something polite or kind, the “wronged” person may feel there is no need to say thank you. “Why should I say ‘thank you’ when he hurt me to begin with?” He is only correcting the wrong and there is no need to say thank you. We are even. This is another time we can offer a sacrifice of praise to God by giving thanks. Sometimes God allows things to stretch our faith and to grow our faith. When the trial is done and we’ve come through the fire, sometimes we stay “bitter” by the trial and don’t thank God for the answers to prayer…
At Thanksgiving, it’s easy to give thanks for our food, for our families and for our spiritual and material blessings, but it isn’t easy to say “thank you” to a person who has wronged us…It isn’t easy to say “thank you” to God when we are in a trial or when we see others suffer or we see injustice. But truly, God is well pleased when we continually, not just on Thanksgiving day, but we continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, giving thanks to His name. Thanking God for His love, His saving grace, for His sovereignty, for His perfect will, for His hand in our life even in the midst of trials…we can even thank God for the trial itself knowing that although we don’t understand it, somehow in God’s infinite wisdom He WILL work it together for good in our life. It’s certain. It’s a fireproof promise from His Word (Rom 8:28)
It’s God’s will to give thanks.
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thess 5:18
So even if you are upset, or confused, or you might feel so emotionally and mentally tired to give thanks, do it any way…for in this, you are giving a sacrifice of praise and God is well pleased.

1 comment:

  1. What I want to know, is how do you know what my husband and I were talking about last night? On Thanksgiving, my walls and ears were rattling because our neighbors were blairing their radio. I have a huge sensitivity to sound where I loose my hearing at times. I gripped about it yesterday and last night. I told my husband that I can give thanks in most things,and I've been through allot. But when my hearing is wracking my nerves, it's almost impossible to give thanks. Of course we went to bed with no problem solved. But anyway, I knew I had to read this to hear what God wanted to say to me through you. I'm just laughing inside cuz God always has a way to show me that he is listening, and that he understands. God bless you sister, and may you continue to be blessed as you write for JESUS.


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