Monday, February 11, 2013

Don't Turn Away From Jesus.. ..Stay in Prayer and the Word

Matthew 26 verse 56. At that point all the disciples deserted him and fled. What a sad Scripture. Jesus had just spent a considerable amount of time in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. He tells his disciples "it's time." "Time for what?" they must have thought. They were so confused they were exhausted and couldn't stay awake to pray. They had missed the opportunity to put on the full armor of God in prayer. When Judas betrayed Jesus with the kiss Jesus is calm.....why?? Jesus was ready.....this was the reason he had die for us. It was very difficult but he had spent time with his Father in prayer and was ready. The disciples deserted him. Although I've read this scripture many many times it really struck me this time around. The disciples and Jesus had lived together, ate together,  slept/camped together, done ministry together for 3 years. They were close....They were a family. Jesus was their leader and master and now they are deserting him. As heartbreaking as it is to know the disciples all left you.....Jesus had to go this road alone. Yet we must ask ourselves what would we do if we were in a life or death situation??? Would we desert Jesus too?? There are many pastors and Christian brothers and sisters that are being persecuted even now and they will not deny the name of Jesus. They have treasures stored in heaven for their loyalty to our great God.....although as Americans we will not likely be tested like that....we will be hated for our love and devotion for Jesus. Exodus chapter 32 verse 8 says they have already turned from the way I commanded them to live. The word that stood out to me today is "already". God had done so many great and mighty acts on behalf of the Israelites, His peopl.....but now Moses is on mountain talking with God and now they get impatient...they have a heart that desires to worship something or someone so they go to Aaron and Aaron has a bright idea of using their gold to form a golden calf. It seems so foolish to us now but what if we were in their shoes what if we felt that our leader Moses abandoned us....what I've learned from this is that people are fickle. We can be on fire for God 1 day and walking in the flesh and in the ways of the world the next.......but what about Moses???? what made him different???Exodus chapter 33 verse 17 says and the Lord replied to Moses I will indeed do what you have asked for you have found favor with me and you are my friend....verse 18 then Moses had 1 more request please let me see your glorious presence he said. Moses couldn't get enough of the Lord. He he spent so  much time with the Lord talking with him and praying for people..... interceding to God for the people. Moses was constantly asking God for guidance and direction Moses truly was a humble man. Moses wanted to see God's glory. What we need in our lives is a constant dependence on God in prayer and constant meditating on his word and his precious promises. If we hide God's Word in our hearts Psalm 119:11 says we are guard our hearts from sin. We all can fall at any time so we must be on guard. Think about it .....the disciples walked with Jesus for 3 years and they still deserted him. We may walk with the Lord for more than 10, 15 or even 20 years and Satan will be there with an opportunity to turn our backs on Jesus. May that never happen! may God guard our hearts our minds and hold our dreams and guard our walks so that we can be like Moses called a friend of God.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Tabernacle.....God's Instructions are Perfect

I hate math. Whenever I see numbers I cringe. I was so blessed several years ago to learn that math anxiety is a real problem for some people. Well.....I have it......Today in the 1 year Bible there are many numbers to describe the tabernacle... .the entrance of the tabernacle and the instructions of how the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant was to be constructed. Exodus chapters 26 and 27 describe in numerical perfection the design for the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. These chapters are not easy to read if you are not comfortable with math, geometry and visual images coordinated with the dimensions for a construction project.....God gives perfect dimensions to Moses. After reading through Exodus chapter 26 my mind is exhausted...but God blessed me with verse 33. The curtain will separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. I'm so thankful Jesus and His work on the cross made it possible for the curtain to be ripped in two. There is no more curtains separating the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place I can go directly to Jesus I can go directly to the Father because of the work Jesus did for me and his blood that was shed. Exodus chapter 26 verse 30 says set up this tabernacle according to the design you were shown on the mountain. Exodus 27 verse 8 be careful to build it just as you were shown on the mountain. God reminded me in these verses and in the details of the tabernacle that God is a God of order and God desires us to follow in simple obedience to Him..... step by step. God said be careful to build it just as you were shown on the mountain. We are not to deviate from his Word. We are not to deviate from His plan for us. We are to follow after the design he showed us...... the design is Jesus. How many details do we have in the New Testament of how to live. Jesus....the carpenter and Creator....He is more than enough! Exodus chapter 27:20 says tell the people of Israel to bring you pure olive oil for the lampstand so it can be keep burning continually. This is a picture of prayer...... our prayers should be continually rising to our Heavenly Father. No need is too small to be lifted to God in prayer. Oil also represents the Holy Spirit. In Matthew chapter 25 verses 7-9 we see the image of the virgins. 5 of them took extra oil with them so they would be ready when the bridegroom came in. The other 5 women were foolish and had no oil. We are foolish if we think that we can survive without prayer and without the Empowering of the Holy Spirit. Exodus shows us God's Word is not always easy to understand but we will receive many blessings when we read it daily and I'm thankful that there are not too many math versus the Scriptures!!!!! God wants to teach us and to change us! Let's obediently read His Word every day for that is the key to being wise

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