Thursday, January 10, 2013

Questions to God and Praying along the Journey....

Genesis 24:1 "Abraham was now a very old man, and the LORD had blessed him in every way" I LOVE this! My favorite scripture, my life scripture is Matt 6:33 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Here we are way back in Genesis and we see a humble, obedient man, Abraham who gets the very same thing Jesus teaches His disciples years later. It makes sense. Abraham knew Yahweh which means Abraham knew Jesus (see John 8:58... Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.")
Abraham is now old...he is looking to his legacy. He understands the influence a woman has on a man. His wife Sarah is now in heaven and now his eyes turn to the future of his son. My son, Isaac must continue this life with God, he must have thought. He must continue to walk with Yahweh, the LORD. Abraham wisely looks to the "home." If Isaac marries a worldy, Canaanite woman, he will certainly fall into sin. If Isaac marries a woman who loves Yahweh, Isaac's walk (not guaranteed but may) continue to be tied to God. No doubt Abraham must have spoken to Isaac about how miracuously he was born. Abraham probably shared how Isaac was promised before hand. He was the son by which Abraham'sfuture generation would be blessed. Isaac is now mature and needs to be a "man." Now it is time for him to have his own wife and family. I love the servant's heart! The servant was so very loyal to Abraham. He could have questioned Abraham's judgment and Abraham's wisdom. He did not question his decision. He knew Abraham was in tune with God, talked with God and had intimacy with God. All though the servant had this "head knowledge" he still calls God "the God of my master" so the servant has questions.

The servant asks, Gen. 24:5 "But suppose I can't find a young woman who will travel so far from home? May I then take Isaac there to live among your relatives"

Abe responds: "No!" Be careful never to take my son there. For the LORD God of heaven who took me from my father's house and my native land solemnly promised to give this land to my offspring. He will send his angel ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a young woman there to be my son's wife."

Abraham is so content in God's Word! He understands since God said it, it will come to pass.
The servant needed to be reminded about this. The servant had questions. It's ok to ask God questions. It's ok to pray, "LORD I want to be in your will. I want to move as you lead and follow your directions. But I don't get this Father! Show me. What if I move to another city and I can't find a job?" or "What if this man is not the one you want me to marry?" It's ok to take your "what ifs" to God. I can ASSURE you 100% God will speak back and He will use the promises from His WORD. Abraham tells the servant...I don't know exactly how this is going to play out...but I know Isaac needs a wife, I know the ladies around here are ungodly, and I know this land we live in is promised to my offspring. I know God will fulfill His WORD. I love this!!!

So we see it's ok to have questions as long as we present them to our Master, our God and remember His promises are sure and certain.

What do we do with questions? We take them to the cross and we PRAY ALONG THE JOURNEY. I love how Genesis 24 shows the servant praying, verse 12 "O LORD God of my master." he prayed "Give me success and show kindness to my master Abraham. Help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey..." The servant asks God to show him a woman that was kind that she agrees to give him water and goes beyond that, offers water to his camels too. "As he was still praying...a young woman named Rebekah arrived" Gen. 24:15

This completely shows the heart of God!! As we pray God reveals answers! God answers yes, no, or wait. He always answers the prayers of His saints. Check out Matthew 6:8b For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.

Even before we pray, God knows, God sees and God is waiting to answer. Isn't that wonderful? It causes my heart and spirit to praise Him!!

Here, the servant learns from watching his master Abraham. The servant learned that when you are on a journey YOU PRAY. That is what a Godly person does. Do I always do this? No. But I need the reminder. I need to remember to pray along the journey always!! (every step of the way, pray!)

Gen. 24:16 says, "Rebekah was very beautiful and old enough to be married, but she was still a virgin."
How awesome. God gave Rebekah wisdom to wait for the man. To wait for the man she would marry. She was old enough to marry. Perhaps she wondered why her time had not come? Perhaps she was praying and waiting on the LORD and knew God would bring her husband to her. I don't know....what I do know is that she was a virgin and she wisely saved herself for the man, the husband God would provide (Jehovah Jireh).

Today in Onew Year Bible NT Matthew 8:8 shows us a similiar picture of God's trust in God's Word. The Roman officer has a sick servant. He seeks after Jesus for the healing of his servant. "LORD I am not worthy to have you come into my home. Just say the word from where you are and my servant will be healed"
Jesus marveled at the servant's faith.
All the officer needed was Jesus' Word. This is the SAME FAITH Abraham had. All we need is Jesus' Word. His Word is enough. His promises are more than enough.
The officer says to Jesus, "say the word from where you are"
God speaks to us too. He speaks His Word to us as we read it, meditate on it and pray His promises back to Him. When we pray, it's ok to have questions....just remember to pray in faith, pray His promises back to Him and believe His Word is enough because His promises are sure! It's an exciting journey with twists and turns so pray along the way and God will guide you (Prov. 3:5-6) "Seek His will in all you do and He will direct your paths." Do not depend on your own understanding....Seek First His kingdom (Matt 6:33)

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