Monday, August 3, 2020

Dear Governor Newsom...

Dear Governor Newsom,
I am sure you receive a lot of legal correspondence. Thus, I am also quite sure hearing from yet another disgruntled California attorney does not bother you nor sway your opinions. However, this letter is more for me than for you.

I must share my deep concerns regarding Isaac Gonzalez, a California resident.
First, not only am I an active practicing attorney in the beautiful state of California, but I am also a special needs mother. I am an advocate for my son, Isaac Gonzalez who is a 12-year-old student with autism spectrum disorder.

Please note, I fully understand the concerns for the health and safety of others during this world-wide pandemic and your decision to not allow children to return to school in August for the 2020-2021 school year. My son would have started 7th grade in the special education autism program in a local middle school.

It was recently determined that he qualifies for a very much needed 1-1 aide (or temporary special needs assistant)

The decision to not allow special needs children to attend school is actually hurting them more than the virus or threat of obtaining the virus. In fact, everyone in my household is dramatically impacted by Isaac's requirement to stay home. He is anxious, more aggressive, stressed and he even had a seizure. Our hearts are breaking as his school routine truly helps him thrive.

You see Governor Newsom, there is an "r" word that we fear in our home. The "r" word is regression. Isaac takes several steps back every time he is out of school for any extended period of time. In fact, he was required to start special ed pr-school for children with autism at the age of 3. He is encouraged to attend ESY, Extended School Year (also known as "special ed summer school").

Isaac already regressed from the school shut down in March 2020. He lost skills and he has suffered from severe anxiety. His regression is not due to the pandemic or the threat of the coronavirus, but from the abrupt and now continuous halt of all his public education. His school routine is like medicine for his autism disorder.

I am one person- his mother. In school, Isaac has a personal aide, his specially trained/credentialled teacher, 3 aides to every 1 child in his class, a school psychologist housed at his school site, an Adaptive PE teacher, a speech therapist, an occupational therapist and many other administrative staff to ensure Isaac has all the support he needs.

I am sure this letter will go into your "junk" email box, or correspondence pile to be responded to by a Berkely student intern, however, I felt in my heart I needed to let you know two things.

1. Special education students need to return back to school immediately.
2. You need Jesus as Savior.

Although I am an attorney and an autism mom, neither of these roles define me. My primary identity is as a Christian. I pray for you. I am asking God to reveal His truth to you and for you to realize Jesus is the only vaccine able to cure a sin-infected soul.

This pandemic has affected everyone in California. However, for the California native developmentally disabled children who cannot speak for themselves, I am requesting you consider allowing special ed students back on campus with their teachers and aides and learning supports. My child cannot successfully learn via "zoom" computer sessions with a teacher. 

Regarding my second point, I cannot emphasize this enough: For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, and whoever believes in Him will not die but have eternal life. These are Jesus' words, not my own.

I prayerfully consider you to think about my concerns not only for my son's well being but for your own well being as a man created by God.


Laura E. Gonzalez (California resident, attorney, autism mom, and Daughter of God)


  1. Well said. I pray he softens his heart towards special needs children and towards Jesus!🙏🏼

  2. I pray he reads this and the Lord softens his heart and opens up the school's.


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