Monday, March 7, 2016

It's Buffering...

Uh oh- It's Stuck!
If you come over my home you will hear Isaac say this. He would get so frustrated when the computer website would not download I told him- use your words--and now he says "computer stuck" The Internet might be buffering or the website might not load correctly- it's stuck-

Last Sunday Robert Baltodano shared from Ecclesiastes 9 and shared about this reality- we are all going to die.

But the truth is we don't think about this every day. We try to avoid this topic.

We know we're going to die and we know we want to live a life of purpose but we get stuck. We get stuck on that hamster wheel of life.

Wake up get a cup of coffee read a couple Bible verses go to work come home cook dinner go to bed wake up do it all again and wait for the weekend.

I challenge you friends where is the purpose in that ?
God did not create us to be hamsters-God created us with purpose each unique by the Master's hand. God sent Jesus not so we can have fire insurance and avoid hell-- but God sent Jesus to give us abundant life.
John 10:10

So what's up?

It's buffering.
It's stuck.
It's loading.
A bad Wi-Fi connection?


Maybe just maybe our computer system of life is buffering---
We acknowledge something  is wrong.
Something just ain't right!

There is something wrong when we see so many marriages failing. There's something wrong that we see so many 25 to 35-year-olds falling away from church and from walking with Jesus. There's something wrong that prayer meetings are so small. There's something wrong that so many servants are spread so thin...
There's something wrong when we see a lot of Moses-type-leaders but where are all the Joshuas?
Where is the passion ?
Where is the zeal?
Many in the church are staring at a computer because well...its buffering
Guess what?
We have a choice!
We can say- "hey wait a minute I'm not content with this hamster wheel life.
I am not content with maintaining the status quo."

Pastor Levi Lusko said every church is either
Or Undertaking

We can't sit around and wait for revival- we need to BE the revival.
We need to live passionately for God
We need to wait WITH EXPECTATION for God to move- wait in prayer and praise in the upper room.
We need to wake up and remember
If life seems "cushy and comfortable"
Be careful
You might be asleep- sleep walking
Or you might be slowly becoming numb to the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit

Years ago I was participating in a fast.
Just me and Jesus...
Life was going pretty well at that time. No major trials. I just felt led to participate in this fast---
Then I realized something-

What in the world does that mean?
Trials give us perspective.
Trials wake us up to the desperate need of God.
Just think about 9/11 and how people everywhere we're praying and the Lord used this terrible day to bring unity in our country.

So if you're not in a trial put yourself in one...
Intercede for someone who is hurting! (Care deeply)
Focus on the cross
Focus on praying for the lost
Meditate on verses that cause lamenting and Books like Job, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Lamentations, Psalm 22, 51, etc.
Go there.
Admit to God, "I'm too comfortable and I need you Holy Spirit to help me grieve over lost souls, help me pray without ceasing, show me the areas in my life where I am dead.
REVIVE ME... I admit to you God, my life has been stuck, I've been "buffering" waiting for better Wi-Fi waiting for someone else to do WHAT YOU ARE CALLING ME to do.
Jesus bring me to the cross."

Don't settle.
Life is too short to waste it in the monotony of religious activity- fall crazy in love with Jesus.
Don't wait- step into His will now.

He might be prompting you to take a step of faith. He might ask you to give something up. He might ask you to wake up earlier or stay up later. I don't know what God is telling you because He's personal and He speaks to you through  His word specifically to your heart-

Let's do this! Let's start revival praying and revival living - bye bye hamster wheel- it's about to get REAL!

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