Friday, September 23, 2011

New Insights on Romans 8:28

September 23, 2011
Today, September 23, 2011 I took Olivia to science lab at school. My kids are both in school…something I am not used to…Isaac’s first week of school for pre-school boys with autism, Olivia now in Kindergarten….

Listening to Kwve and the LORD in His perfect timing puts on a message for ME. I pull over and listen, cry and type these notes….I hope this blesses you as it did me. This is Allistair Begg’s Commentary on Romans 8:28 paraphrased my me and with my thoughts too…

Allistair Begg’s Commentary on Rom 8:28
My notes from Allistair Begg's message--
There is much to discover from this familiar passage---
Rom 8:28

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. (New Living Translation)
Rom 8:28

We have to be careful to keep Romans 8:28 in its context
Love for God is the chief distinguishing feature of the child of God. (Romans 8:28 applies to the child of God)

The Child’s Attitude towards God- one of love. Supreme love. Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

God’s action toward us-the love of God expressed through the call of God

God’s the initiator- HE LOVED US FIRST

Instead of going to Rom 8:28 as a “mantra” like this, “Don’t worry, God works all things for good…”

He writes to all believers in Rome, who are LOVED by God and called to be His saints and who LOVE GOD

The comprehensive nature of this statement is that is limited to those who identify with God as their Father.

This is not a “self help” scripture that can be applied to everyone
Has this “call” reached you?
To those who are CALLED according to His purpose
Are you one who says, “I am His and He is mine”
How do you know if you are “called” ?
You know by the way God providentially, divinely and gracefully called you to Him (a drawing…a pulling, like a chords that draws you in)

God uses Sunday school teachers as a privilege to effectually plant a calling in a child’s heart. (wow)

“God works”
NIV- In all things God works
Its not a jig saw puzzle where the puzzle haphazardly fit together…
Example of Joseph’s life- it was A BAD THING for him to get sold into slavery, A BAD THING to get thrown into jail, etc. It appeared, the things were working against him. In all of the stuff, good bad and ugly GOD WORKS
John Murray- not one detail God works for evil to the child of God. Not one thing that happens in the child of God’s life will work for evil…in the end….even sufferings work GOOD (see Rom 8:18-27)

In the present life there is suffering…there are so many things that work AGAINST US. But things are not working haphazardly, in all things GOD WORKS.
All these things (good, bad and ugly) are working for a purpose

Rom 11:33-36 ----How unsearchable are his ways

You can’t use Rom 8:28 to remove you from the storm…(wow)

The foreknowledge of God-
God’s foreknowledge doesn’t mean this, “He knows those who would believe and so He gives them a little bit of help.”

Deut 7 paraphrased God says, “the reason I have loved you is because I have loved you” He loves because he loves….

Romans 8:28 provides fundamental encouragement to all believers.

My thoughts---
I needed to hear this. I remember things when I take notes so I took notes as Allistair Begg spoke on the radio air waves.
Divine- I JUST READ this morning a passage in Psalms about Joseph and it spoke to my heart about trusting in what God’s Word says, WILL come to pass. So awesome that I read about Joseph, I shared my thoughts, and then again, within only 2 hours, God repeated it for me on the radio air waves.
My heart—
My heart has been so heavy missing Isaac as he is in a new school. He cried when He got on the bus this morning. God over and over keeps telling me, “I have a plan.” I choose to cling to God’s Word and all of those scripture promises of God’s love, God’s sovereignty and God’s divine WORKING out of His plan.
Isaac just got diagnosed with Autism on September 14, 2011. My heart, mind, emotions are everywhere. Yet, again and again God is speaking to me and encouraging me. Some of my prayers this week have been ---Jesus help me. Jesus let your will be done. Jesus protect my babies when they are in school. Simple prayers from a little girl (me), who loves her Daddy (Abba Father)

Wow! I hope this encourages you….God is supremely GOOD. I am loved by Him and so are you!!

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much for sharing sister. God indeed weaves His story through His workmanship.


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