Thursday, April 25, 2019

Joy in the Journey

I heard this amazing statement:
"Trying to control outcomes kills joy"


I had a conversation with my husband about this and he said:

"You must have joy in the journey."

This speaks volumes to my soul.

As an autism mom, I have had many moments when I feel exasperated in the journey.
When is this season going to end?

I have asked myself how can I get through the day?

I know the long term outcome will be good, I know Isaac will go to heaven. I know Jesus is good and He will work all things together for good. (Romans 8:28)
I pray.

"I am tired dear God and I am struggling to find joy in this season.
I cannot find joy today.
I am sad and blue. Help me Jesus remember for the joy set before You, You chose to go to the cross"

We sing:

"Restore unto me, the joy of my salvation"
Psalm 51

How can one lose the joy of her salvation?

Many of us are familiar with Psalm 51.

David's joy tank ran low because he was in sin.
He sinned against God by having Uriah killed, lying about it, cheating with Bathsheba, etc.

God sent Nathan to give an illustration to David and prompt David's to desire to repent and get right...
David needed to get right with Yahweh.

This is not always the case.

We are not always low on joy because we are in sin.

Maybe just maybe...
We are struggling with depression and we cannot pinpoint what is causing this loss of joy.

You might feel like a leaky balloon, draining helium and getting flat...losing joy but not completely.

Or, maybe just maybe, you are low on your joy tank because you have been looking at Facebook or Instagram and you do not know why you are melancholy.
You go to sleep with thoughts like
"I wish my husband would bring me flowers 'just because' as my friend received today"
"I wish my child got A's in school, instead of hanging with the wrong crowd"
"I wish I could afford a Hawaii vacation like Mrs. Smith went on."

Jealousy kills joy.

This is tough to swallow, but it's true.
You look at Instagram and Facebook with good intentions but slowly and surely you feel bothered, then sad, then grumpy and then your joy is popped like a bubble.

Jesus =JOY

Jesus, Others, You (J.O.Y)

Sometimes (more often than not) you need

JESUS, Pray for Others as the Spirit leads and skimp on you...


If my joy tank is on low, shouldn't I focus on self help?

Maybe yes, maybe no.

I find the greatest way to restore my joy is praise and thanksgiving.

With an open Bible and wide open heart, read God's Word and let His love song sing over you.

Remind your soul who is the Boss- Yahweh, the Great I AM.

As you read God's Word, confess your funk- confess your funky attitude.

"God I love you. You laid down your life Jesus. So why do I feel so down?
Why am I dry? Why am I drab? Why during this season of spring do I feel like a gray overcast day?
Lord show me! Introduce me to me. Search my heart Oh God and see if there is any wicked way in me. See what is wrong. Show me! Show me my unrighteousness and clear the path so your joy can fill me up again. Maybe Abba the problem has been a complaining spirit. I have been grumbling and complaining and not obeying! Why have I not stopped to say thank you? Lord help me have a heart that is grateful, open and obey you the first time as your Holy Spirit shows me!"

Then put on a worship song. Choose an old familiar song. Choose a song that you used to sing when you first got saved. Let the LORD use your tongue and song to raise a hallelujah in the midst of your leaky joy.
Watch what He will do!
He will lift you up.

There is no formula or routine with the LORD. God may use this (or some other quiet time) to lift you up. Another day He may use a quiet time at the park. Another time He may use a quiet time at night. He may use a prayer warrior to pray over you.

We cannot put God in a box.

We must surrender all and confess our joy-less-ness.
Remember, joy is not happiness.

We can have joy in the midst of pain, suffering or gray grumpy days.

We can pray like Habukkuk:

Lord, I have heard Your speech and was afraid;Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years!In the midst of the years make it known;In wrath remember mercy. (Habukkuk 3:2)

Though the fig tree may not blossom,Nor fruit be on the vines;Though the labor of the olive may fail,And the fields yield no food;Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,And there be no herd in the stalls—Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,I will joy in the God of my salvation.The Lord God is my strength;He will make my feet like deer’s feet,And He will make me walk on my high hills. (Habukkuk 3:17-19)

Let's ask our Father to give us joy in the journey...

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