Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Autism t-shirts

Autism Awareness Month 2019
Psalm 139:13-14
Scripture teaches us that each one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made by God.
However, let’s be real- people can be mean to others who are different than them.
When Isaac was small people would offer parenting advice to me in the stores. Isaac dropped a toy once. A mom picked it up and looked straight at Isaac and said 
“now say thank you” 
I explained that he was non-verbal had autism and could not talk. I said he knows some signs and I made the American Sign Language sign for
“thank you”
She felt embarrassed and apologized.
My husband was very determined that during our summer national park explorations we come prepared!
We have Isaac wear an autism t-shirt.
Some t-shirts have a puzzle piece.
Others say “Autism Awareness” or something clever about autism with a puzzle piece. 
My husband has a T-shirt that says “Autism dad”
We do this because it is so much easier than having awkward conversations with people.
I have burst into tears with people- teachers, counselors, the manager at our bank, and others. 
People can say weird things like 
“Do you think it was the vaccines?”
“Is he on a gluten free diet? My sister’s cousins neighbor’s coach’s son is on a gluten free diet and he’s so much better now”
It’s not that we special needs parents avoid “the talk” about autism.... it’s just that these conversations are complex. 
At times, I just need to make my bank deposit, or buy the bananas and I cannot adequately answer the tough questions a stranger asks me.
Some people aren’t rude, they are curious and I respect that.
From the mom’s perspective, I’m scanning the store or location to make sure Isaac doesn’t run away and it is very hard to discuss things.
Bottom line- the t-shirts help! 
Do you want to know what helps special needs parents?
Or Texting an encouraging verse.
Or Asking how are you?
...if you really want to get to know Isaac, come over and hang out with him at our house. His home is a familiar environment and he is much less anxious.
I’m thankful for t-shirts as they help us cope with the outside world! 
Phil 4:6-7 

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