As you may know, Isaac will turn 4 very soon...on January 2. Still no mama, dada, cat, dog, cup, mcdonalds...Jesus loves me. He doesn't use words to communicate. He uses pointing and says, "ah-tah" when he really wants something...He is what the world calls "non-verbal."
I was not too concerned in the beginning as I knew boys talk a lot less than girls (same is true of men v. women by the way) and my brother didn't talk until he was 4.
However, the School District and medical professionals are concerned and the new catch-phrase is this, "Early intervention is the best." Of course my God is a God of the impossible so we trust Jesus, send him to pre-school for special needs boys and pray, pray, pray...
They say he needs intervention. Intervention? It sounds like Isaac is on drugs or something. He is a vivacious, fun loving, energetic, unique boy...who just doesn't talk. He is different in addition to the speech delay...he hates crowds, is sensitive to sounds and does have occasional tantrums, etc. I diagnose him as moderate on the spectrum, but who am I? I'm just the mother....
Anyhow, in September the School District said they determined he was on the Autistic Spectrum. He has either, Autism, Social-Behavioral-Speech Delay, Cognitive Delay, Asperger's, Pervasive Development Disorder, or something else....(stay tuned).
My concerns were not with his behavior, energy, disobedience to teachers/parents, lack of fears, anti-social behavior, non-typical behavior, etc. My main concern was SPEECH. I was and still am waiting for Isaac's speech. I can't wait to hear, "Mom" or "Jesus love me" or "I want an ice cream." Oh glorious day!!!
God is teaching me soooooo (add 10 to the 25th o's) much through this. I am learning to pray. I am learning to surrender and I am learning to pray big because God is a Big God. I am learning to pray scripture over Isaac, over my family, over my needs and the needs of others. I am learning compassion for special needs kids, adults and families with special needs loved ones.
I am also learning to trust in His Word and lean not on my own, or the world's understanding.
Just yesterday I was reading in my One-Year-Bible and came across one of those verses that made me stop and cry and praise at the same time...
Ezekiel 33:22 reads---
Now the hand of the LORD had been upon me the evening before the man came who had escaped. And He had opened my mouth; so when he came to me in the morning, my mouth was opened, and I was no longer mute.
I prayed, wow LORD! I didn't even know (or remember) that Ezekiel was mute for a season. You came to Him in the morning and His mouth was opened and he spoke! But what did he speak for? For the LORD of course!!!
Such a powerful verse God gave me...another reminder from God's Word that there is a time to speak and a time to be silent. God will open Isaac's lips to praise Him and give glory to Him. Sometimes God closes our mouths for a reason. God wants us to LISTEN.
When Chuck and I asked my brother recently (now 39) what were you doing in your toddler years when you didn't talk, when you didn't use language to communicate? He said, "I was listening."
I pray daily over Isaac that God would, "Unseal his lips that he might praise you" Psalm 51:15. But I never though to pray for Isaac's listening ears. Now I am I going to pray that God would bless this time of listening. I sing God of Wonders to Isaac when he goes to sleep. We have praise music in the car. We listen to God's Word on the radio through KWVE. He hears Chuck, Olivia and I praying over meals. Although he doesn't yet communicate with words, HE IS LISTENING and I pray and ask God to annoint Isaac's ears. May the scriptures and truths about God be upon Isaac's heart during this precious season of listening....Thank you LORD for giving me a new prayer for my concern over my son!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
New Insights on Romans 8:28
September 23, 2011
Today, September 23, 2011 I took Olivia to science lab at school. My kids are both in school…something I am not used to…Isaac’s first week of school for pre-school boys with autism, Olivia now in Kindergarten….
Listening to Kwve and the LORD in His perfect timing puts on a message for ME. I pull over and listen, cry and type these notes….I hope this blesses you as it did me. This is Allistair Begg’s Commentary on Romans 8:28 paraphrased my me and with my thoughts too…
Allistair Begg’s Commentary on Rom 8:28
My notes from Allistair Begg's message--
There is much to discover from this familiar passage---
Rom 8:28
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. (New Living Translation)
Rom 8:28
We have to be careful to keep Romans 8:28 in its context
Love for God is the chief distinguishing feature of the child of God. (Romans 8:28 applies to the child of God)
The Child’s Attitude towards God- one of love. Supreme love. Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
God’s action toward us-the love of God expressed through the call of God
God’s the initiator- HE LOVED US FIRST
Instead of going to Rom 8:28 as a “mantra” like this, “Don’t worry, God works all things for good…”
He writes to all believers in Rome, who are LOVED by God and called to be His saints and who LOVE GOD
The comprehensive nature of this statement is that is limited to those who identify with God as their Father.
This is not a “self help” scripture that can be applied to everyone
Has this “call” reached you?
To those who are CALLED according to His purpose
Are you one who says, “I am His and He is mine”
How do you know if you are “called” ?
You know by the way God providentially, divinely and gracefully called you to Him (a drawing…a pulling, like a chords that draws you in)
God uses Sunday school teachers as a privilege to effectually plant a calling in a child’s heart. (wow)
“God works”
NIV- In all things God works
Its not a jig saw puzzle where the puzzle haphazardly fit together…
Example of Joseph’s life- it was A BAD THING for him to get sold into slavery, A BAD THING to get thrown into jail, etc. It appeared, the things were working against him. In all of the stuff, good bad and ugly GOD WORKS
John Murray- not one detail God works for evil to the child of God. Not one thing that happens in the child of God’s life will work for evil…in the end….even sufferings work GOOD (see Rom 8:18-27)
In the present life there is suffering…there are so many things that work AGAINST US. But things are not working haphazardly, in all things GOD WORKS.
All these things (good, bad and ugly) are working for a purpose
Rom 11:33-36 ----How unsearchable are his ways
You can’t use Rom 8:28 to remove you from the storm…(wow)
The foreknowledge of God-
God’s foreknowledge doesn’t mean this, “He knows those who would believe and so He gives them a little bit of help.”
Deut 7 paraphrased God says, “the reason I have loved you is because I have loved you” He loves because he loves….
Romans 8:28 provides fundamental encouragement to all believers.
My thoughts---
I needed to hear this. I remember things when I take notes so I took notes as Allistair Begg spoke on the radio air waves.
Divine- I JUST READ this morning a passage in Psalms about Joseph and it spoke to my heart about trusting in what God’s Word says, WILL come to pass. So awesome that I read about Joseph, I shared my thoughts, and then again, within only 2 hours, God repeated it for me on the radio air waves.
My heart—
My heart has been so heavy missing Isaac as he is in a new school. He cried when He got on the bus this morning. God over and over keeps telling me, “I have a plan.” I choose to cling to God’s Word and all of those scripture promises of God’s love, God’s sovereignty and God’s divine WORKING out of His plan.
Isaac just got diagnosed with Autism on September 14, 2011. My heart, mind, emotions are everywhere. Yet, again and again God is speaking to me and encouraging me. Some of my prayers this week have been ---Jesus help me. Jesus let your will be done. Jesus protect my babies when they are in school. Simple prayers from a little girl (me), who loves her Daddy (Abba Father)
Wow! I hope this encourages you….God is supremely GOOD. I am loved by Him and so are you!!
Today, September 23, 2011 I took Olivia to science lab at school. My kids are both in school…something I am not used to…Isaac’s first week of school for pre-school boys with autism, Olivia now in Kindergarten….
Listening to Kwve and the LORD in His perfect timing puts on a message for ME. I pull over and listen, cry and type these notes….I hope this blesses you as it did me. This is Allistair Begg’s Commentary on Romans 8:28 paraphrased my me and with my thoughts too…
Allistair Begg’s Commentary on Rom 8:28
My notes from Allistair Begg's message--
There is much to discover from this familiar passage---
Rom 8:28
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. (New Living Translation)
Rom 8:28
We have to be careful to keep Romans 8:28 in its context
Love for God is the chief distinguishing feature of the child of God. (Romans 8:28 applies to the child of God)
The Child’s Attitude towards God- one of love. Supreme love. Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
God’s action toward us-the love of God expressed through the call of God
God’s the initiator- HE LOVED US FIRST
Instead of going to Rom 8:28 as a “mantra” like this, “Don’t worry, God works all things for good…”
He writes to all believers in Rome, who are LOVED by God and called to be His saints and who LOVE GOD
The comprehensive nature of this statement is that is limited to those who identify with God as their Father.
This is not a “self help” scripture that can be applied to everyone
Has this “call” reached you?
To those who are CALLED according to His purpose
Are you one who says, “I am His and He is mine”
How do you know if you are “called” ?
You know by the way God providentially, divinely and gracefully called you to Him (a drawing…a pulling, like a chords that draws you in)
God uses Sunday school teachers as a privilege to effectually plant a calling in a child’s heart. (wow)
“God works”
NIV- In all things God works
Its not a jig saw puzzle where the puzzle haphazardly fit together…
Example of Joseph’s life- it was A BAD THING for him to get sold into slavery, A BAD THING to get thrown into jail, etc. It appeared, the things were working against him. In all of the stuff, good bad and ugly GOD WORKS
John Murray- not one detail God works for evil to the child of God. Not one thing that happens in the child of God’s life will work for evil…in the end….even sufferings work GOOD (see Rom 8:18-27)
In the present life there is suffering…there are so many things that work AGAINST US. But things are not working haphazardly, in all things GOD WORKS.
All these things (good, bad and ugly) are working for a purpose
Rom 11:33-36 ----How unsearchable are his ways
You can’t use Rom 8:28 to remove you from the storm…(wow)
The foreknowledge of God-
God’s foreknowledge doesn’t mean this, “He knows those who would believe and so He gives them a little bit of help.”
Deut 7 paraphrased God says, “the reason I have loved you is because I have loved you” He loves because he loves….
Romans 8:28 provides fundamental encouragement to all believers.
My thoughts---
I needed to hear this. I remember things when I take notes so I took notes as Allistair Begg spoke on the radio air waves.
Divine- I JUST READ this morning a passage in Psalms about Joseph and it spoke to my heart about trusting in what God’s Word says, WILL come to pass. So awesome that I read about Joseph, I shared my thoughts, and then again, within only 2 hours, God repeated it for me on the radio air waves.
My heart—
My heart has been so heavy missing Isaac as he is in a new school. He cried when He got on the bus this morning. God over and over keeps telling me, “I have a plan.” I choose to cling to God’s Word and all of those scripture promises of God’s love, God’s sovereignty and God’s divine WORKING out of His plan.
Isaac just got diagnosed with Autism on September 14, 2011. My heart, mind, emotions are everywhere. Yet, again and again God is speaking to me and encouraging me. Some of my prayers this week have been ---Jesus help me. Jesus let your will be done. Jesus protect my babies when they are in school. Simple prayers from a little girl (me), who loves her Daddy (Abba Father)
Wow! I hope this encourages you….God is supremely GOOD. I am loved by Him and so are you!!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Children Spared on 9-11, Children Spared Today
I was explaining 9-11 to Olivia and she said, “it’s sad a lot of people died…even kids.” I had to correct her… “No Olivia there weren’t children in the twin towers, it was a place where grown ups worked”
It hit me…Children saved...parents saved…another example of God’s mercy on 9-11-01.
I thought of the fact that many people were running late to work that day because it was the first day of school. This year, August 30, 2011, was Olivia’s first day of school. As a parent, my mind was not on any other obligation, errand or task…I wanted to get my child to school, meet her teacher and make sure the school year went off to a great start.
This was the same mentality for many parents who survived simply because they were fulfilling their responsibilities as parents and were intentionally “running late” to work that day…
“I knew I was going to stay at the school. A lot of parents were staying around the school anyway because it was beginning of the school year, it was a very touchy-feely school and at the beginning of the school year they let parents stay in the classroom for the first half hour or hour.” Jacques Menasche, a New York-based writer, editor, and filmmaker speaks about his experience taking his son to school on the first day, 9-11-01
I also learned that to the best of our knowledge, no child was left as an orphan as a result of 9-11.
Nina Bernstein of The New York Times writes that there is "Not a single child who needs foster care or adoption by strangers. Not a single documented case of a child who lost both parents."
Amazing Grace….
I thought of school field trips to the twin towers…As far as we know, there were no school field trips that day…
The terrorists did not discriminate against man, woman or child….anyone could have been a victim that day… but I believe God in His mercy spared many parents and children as they were at school, the first day of school, and fathers and mothers were staying behind in the classroom to make sure all was well. Even President Bush was in a classroom with children when the twin towers were hit.
A firefighter said it best, “We talk about how many people died on 9-11 but we forget how many were saved…”
People try to explain the “why” of 9-11. Why did this happen? I cannot answer that. However, I was so blessed by something Pastor Bob Botsford said on KWAVE this week. He said the tomb is empty, the throne is and always has been occupied. That really blessed me. God is sovereign. We don’t understand His ways or why He allows certain things to happen in this life. (Isaiah 55:8)
If we read His Word and get to know His ways by studying Jesus we learn that ALL THINGS, not some things, but all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). God’s children will turn closer to Him during times of trial and God in His amazing grace and mercy will indeed bring beauty from ashes. Just look at plants. A rose plant must be pruned and cut down in order to produce blooming roses. A fruit tree must be pruned to bear “more fruit.” John 15:1-5.
One amazingly beautiful thing that came out of 9-11 was a nation brought to her knees in prayer. We saw unity in prayer as people were praying for our nation, for safety, for healing from the wounds of the attacks, for peace for the families, and for peace in trying to stand up again after such a devastating blow on our country.
I read Job this week and saw something new…Something I never saw before. Job went through trial after trial after trial. He lost his children. He lost his business/livelihood, he lost compassion from his friends, he lost intimacy with his wife, his health deteriorated…He lost a lot…but the Word clearly says that after God spoke with Job, he instructed Job to pray for his friends.
“…My servant Job shall pray for you. For I will accept him” (Job 42:8b)
Job’s friends did not have an accurate view of God and they assumed Job must have sin in his life and that was the cause of his trials. Many people after 9-11 thought God was judging America.
“And the LORD restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.” Job 42:10
Did you catch that? Job was restored when he prayed. How can we play a part in the after math of 9-11? PRAYER.
I am sure you feel like I do…totally inadequate and unworthy of the many blessings God gives me. I am thankful for God’s amazing grace through the blood at Calvary’s cross. One of my favorite blessings is motherhood…
Just like God showed mercy on so many parents and children on 9-11 in New York, God is giving us mercy and an opportunity to be part of restoration in America through prayer, and through raising children after His own heart.
LORD Jesus, we don’t know why so many evil things occur in this world. We know Satan is at work big time in America. Father, you are no longer allowed in schools, in work, or even in public open prayer at the Sept. 11, memorial service, but we cannot be silenced. As long as there is breathe in our lungs we will pray. As long as we walk in this life, we will be people who serve you and are committed to raising our kids to know you love you and share your truth with the lost. Jesus, please, please bring beauty through ashes to the families of firefighters, police officers, first responders, twin tower workers, airplane travelers, pentagon workers, and others who died on Sept. 11. May the families and friends turn to you in their times of grief and know that they have hope in seeing their loved ones again for there is hope for those who know and trust in Jesus. We have no words at times LORD and for those moments, Holy Spirit, intercede for us. May we continue to be one nation under God and have mercy on America. In Jesus Name, AMEN.
It hit me…Children saved...parents saved…another example of God’s mercy on 9-11-01.
I thought of the fact that many people were running late to work that day because it was the first day of school. This year, August 30, 2011, was Olivia’s first day of school. As a parent, my mind was not on any other obligation, errand or task…I wanted to get my child to school, meet her teacher and make sure the school year went off to a great start.
This was the same mentality for many parents who survived simply because they were fulfilling their responsibilities as parents and were intentionally “running late” to work that day…
“I knew I was going to stay at the school. A lot of parents were staying around the school anyway because it was beginning of the school year, it was a very touchy-feely school and at the beginning of the school year they let parents stay in the classroom for the first half hour or hour.” Jacques Menasche, a New York-based writer, editor, and filmmaker speaks about his experience taking his son to school on the first day, 9-11-01
I also learned that to the best of our knowledge, no child was left as an orphan as a result of 9-11.
Nina Bernstein of The New York Times writes that there is "Not a single child who needs foster care or adoption by strangers. Not a single documented case of a child who lost both parents."
Amazing Grace….
I thought of school field trips to the twin towers…As far as we know, there were no school field trips that day…
The terrorists did not discriminate against man, woman or child….anyone could have been a victim that day… but I believe God in His mercy spared many parents and children as they were at school, the first day of school, and fathers and mothers were staying behind in the classroom to make sure all was well. Even President Bush was in a classroom with children when the twin towers were hit.
A firefighter said it best, “We talk about how many people died on 9-11 but we forget how many were saved…”
People try to explain the “why” of 9-11. Why did this happen? I cannot answer that. However, I was so blessed by something Pastor Bob Botsford said on KWAVE this week. He said the tomb is empty, the throne is and always has been occupied. That really blessed me. God is sovereign. We don’t understand His ways or why He allows certain things to happen in this life. (Isaiah 55:8)
If we read His Word and get to know His ways by studying Jesus we learn that ALL THINGS, not some things, but all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). God’s children will turn closer to Him during times of trial and God in His amazing grace and mercy will indeed bring beauty from ashes. Just look at plants. A rose plant must be pruned and cut down in order to produce blooming roses. A fruit tree must be pruned to bear “more fruit.” John 15:1-5.
One amazingly beautiful thing that came out of 9-11 was a nation brought to her knees in prayer. We saw unity in prayer as people were praying for our nation, for safety, for healing from the wounds of the attacks, for peace for the families, and for peace in trying to stand up again after such a devastating blow on our country.
I read Job this week and saw something new…Something I never saw before. Job went through trial after trial after trial. He lost his children. He lost his business/livelihood, he lost compassion from his friends, he lost intimacy with his wife, his health deteriorated…He lost a lot…but the Word clearly says that after God spoke with Job, he instructed Job to pray for his friends.
“…My servant Job shall pray for you. For I will accept him” (Job 42:8b)
Job’s friends did not have an accurate view of God and they assumed Job must have sin in his life and that was the cause of his trials. Many people after 9-11 thought God was judging America.
“And the LORD restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.” Job 42:10
Did you catch that? Job was restored when he prayed. How can we play a part in the after math of 9-11? PRAYER.
I am sure you feel like I do…totally inadequate and unworthy of the many blessings God gives me. I am thankful for God’s amazing grace through the blood at Calvary’s cross. One of my favorite blessings is motherhood…
Just like God showed mercy on so many parents and children on 9-11 in New York, God is giving us mercy and an opportunity to be part of restoration in America through prayer, and through raising children after His own heart.
LORD Jesus, we don’t know why so many evil things occur in this world. We know Satan is at work big time in America. Father, you are no longer allowed in schools, in work, or even in public open prayer at the Sept. 11, memorial service, but we cannot be silenced. As long as there is breathe in our lungs we will pray. As long as we walk in this life, we will be people who serve you and are committed to raising our kids to know you love you and share your truth with the lost. Jesus, please, please bring beauty through ashes to the families of firefighters, police officers, first responders, twin tower workers, airplane travelers, pentagon workers, and others who died on Sept. 11. May the families and friends turn to you in their times of grief and know that they have hope in seeing their loved ones again for there is hope for those who know and trust in Jesus. We have no words at times LORD and for those moments, Holy Spirit, intercede for us. May we continue to be one nation under God and have mercy on America. In Jesus Name, AMEN.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
More Alike Than Different
I was next to Isaac the other day and had one of those special moments with the LORD and with my son....
I was looking at Isaac and realized...I am like him in many ways.
He doesn't communicate with words. Isaac has what the world calls a "speech delay." While other kids his age are talking and using language to communicate, Isaac doesn't....(yet).
He can be strong willed and desires to do his own thing...even if it can cause him danger. He doesn't like being in crowds and he much rather play by himself.
How alike you two are...I felt the LORD tell me.
I disagree. I love to talk and I love to be around people....but that's not what I felt God was showing me...
The Word says, "Ask and it will be given to you." Instead of praying, we try to do things on our own.We want to be independent and do our own thing. We think our way is the best way and we only go to God when it will help us.
I look at Isaac and think, "Just tell me how you feel. Just share with me...Just talk and open up your thoughts and communicate."
This is the LORD's heart. He just wants to be near us. He just wants to communicate with us and share and have a relationship....It's pretty simple if you think about it.
So while I continue to be a "talker" in the family, sharing and talking and communicating with words...Isaac remains non-verbal.
May this cause us to remember how important prayer is. God just wants us to chat with share our thoughts, our hearts, our lives.
As a mother of a non-verbal child, I can tell you how I long for the day when Isaac and I can sit and have a "chat." That's all God wants from us too...
Let's continue to pray without ceasing and enjoy the company of our Abba Father.
I was looking at Isaac and realized...I am like him in many ways.
He doesn't communicate with words. Isaac has what the world calls a "speech delay." While other kids his age are talking and using language to communicate, Isaac doesn't....(yet).
He can be strong willed and desires to do his own thing...even if it can cause him danger. He doesn't like being in crowds and he much rather play by himself.
How alike you two are...I felt the LORD tell me.
I disagree. I love to talk and I love to be around people....but that's not what I felt God was showing me...
The Word says, "Ask and it will be given to you." Instead of praying, we try to do things on our own.We want to be independent and do our own thing. We think our way is the best way and we only go to God when it will help us.
I look at Isaac and think, "Just tell me how you feel. Just share with me...Just talk and open up your thoughts and communicate."
This is the LORD's heart. He just wants to be near us. He just wants to communicate with us and share and have a relationship....It's pretty simple if you think about it.
So while I continue to be a "talker" in the family, sharing and talking and communicating with words...Isaac remains non-verbal.
May this cause us to remember how important prayer is. God just wants us to chat with share our thoughts, our hearts, our lives.
As a mother of a non-verbal child, I can tell you how I long for the day when Isaac and I can sit and have a "chat." That's all God wants from us too...
Let's continue to pray without ceasing and enjoy the company of our Abba Father.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Fashion Me
Webster's first entry definition is this: the make or form of something.
The more common definition (for a woman's brain at least) is this: a prevailing custom, usage, or style (1) : the prevailing style (as in dress) during a particular time (2) : a garment in such a style
Something occured to me a few hours ago and I HAVE to share it! I shared it the other day with my husband and I felt the Spirit leading me to write a blog about it...
The other day my mother in law asked me if I wanted her "In Style" magazine. She subscribed for one month for free and of course, they are continuing to send it to her even though she no longer wants the magazine.
In Style...It brings back memories...When I was in high school (x- years ago) I would eagerly wait for my new magazine. I reviewed it every month. I liked to look through the magazine and get ideas of how to "get the look for less."
Now, as a woman and closer to the LORD I have no desire to look at this type of magazine. Let me explain why:
1.) It's depressing. These types of magazines send a message of consumerism. You NEED this perfume to be attractive, You NEED this type of clothing to be hip and cute, You NEED to be as thin as these women (models) in the magazine, You NEED these accessories that cost $300 each (that's my downfall, jewelry and shoes), You NEED this make up to make you look pretty and on and on and on...
2.) My true identity is not in my outward appearance. As a teenage girl, it's ALL about how you look and appear. Now, I want to cultivate my relationship with Jesus. I want to be a woman after God's heart. I want to be a submissive, helpmate and encouraging wife to my husband. I want to be a mother who is praying for and pouring the love of God into my kids. That's what I want my identity to be! I want to encourage and pray for people. I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman.
Don't get me wrong! I still like fashion, clothes, shoes, accessories, make up, etc. However, those things don't DEFINE me. My identity is in Christ. I'm not writing this to seem overly spiritual or like I've arrived or anything...God is constantly pruning and purging me of lots of things....but God revealed to me, "You're not that girl any more. That girl that was constantly walking around a mall or make up counter trying to fix up and make the outside look cute and funky. Now, you have realized that true beauty comes from spending time with the Father. Let me fashion you"
Today I was listening to one of my favorite Phil Wickham cd's in the car. Part of the song says this, "Invade my very heart. Change me until I am who you want. Come and fashion me until every part is how you desire. Come and fashion me....come and fashion me..."
It clicked! The world's view of fashion and trends and clothing isn't really important to me anymore. I do like fashion, but it's not that important....I want to be clothed in robes of righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10) I want to put on the armor of God. (Eph 6:13) I want to put on love which is the bond of perfection. (Col 3:14) I want God to fashion my heart...well if I can
in-expensively (I made up the word) make my exterior fashion look cute that's just bonus...Remember the first definition of fashion is "the make or form of something." That's God's area- creating, forming and molding...
"I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks [himself] with ornaments, And as a bride adorns [herself] with her jewels." Isaiah 61:10
Please feel free to leave a comment. I will be blessed to read your thoughts...
Webster's first entry definition is this: the make or form of something.
The more common definition (for a woman's brain at least) is this: a prevailing custom, usage, or style (1) : the prevailing style (as in dress) during a particular time (2) : a garment in such a style
Something occured to me a few hours ago and I HAVE to share it! I shared it the other day with my husband and I felt the Spirit leading me to write a blog about it...
The other day my mother in law asked me if I wanted her "In Style" magazine. She subscribed for one month for free and of course, they are continuing to send it to her even though she no longer wants the magazine.
In Style...It brings back memories...When I was in high school (x- years ago) I would eagerly wait for my new magazine. I reviewed it every month. I liked to look through the magazine and get ideas of how to "get the look for less."
Now, as a woman and closer to the LORD I have no desire to look at this type of magazine. Let me explain why:
1.) It's depressing. These types of magazines send a message of consumerism. You NEED this perfume to be attractive, You NEED this type of clothing to be hip and cute, You NEED to be as thin as these women (models) in the magazine, You NEED these accessories that cost $300 each (that's my downfall, jewelry and shoes), You NEED this make up to make you look pretty and on and on and on...
2.) My true identity is not in my outward appearance. As a teenage girl, it's ALL about how you look and appear. Now, I want to cultivate my relationship with Jesus. I want to be a woman after God's heart. I want to be a submissive, helpmate and encouraging wife to my husband. I want to be a mother who is praying for and pouring the love of God into my kids. That's what I want my identity to be! I want to encourage and pray for people. I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman.
Don't get me wrong! I still like fashion, clothes, shoes, accessories, make up, etc. However, those things don't DEFINE me. My identity is in Christ. I'm not writing this to seem overly spiritual or like I've arrived or anything...God is constantly pruning and purging me of lots of things....but God revealed to me, "You're not that girl any more. That girl that was constantly walking around a mall or make up counter trying to fix up and make the outside look cute and funky. Now, you have realized that true beauty comes from spending time with the Father. Let me fashion you"
Today I was listening to one of my favorite Phil Wickham cd's in the car. Part of the song says this, "Invade my very heart. Change me until I am who you want. Come and fashion me until every part is how you desire. Come and fashion me....come and fashion me..."
It clicked! The world's view of fashion and trends and clothing isn't really important to me anymore. I do like fashion, but it's not that important....I want to be clothed in robes of righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10) I want to put on the armor of God. (Eph 6:13) I want to put on love which is the bond of perfection. (Col 3:14) I want God to fashion my heart...well if I can
in-expensively (I made up the word) make my exterior fashion look cute that's just bonus...Remember the first definition of fashion is "the make or form of something." That's God's area- creating, forming and molding...
"I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks [himself] with ornaments, And as a bride adorns [herself] with her jewels." Isaiah 61:10
Please feel free to leave a comment. I will be blessed to read your thoughts...
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Happy Anniversary to My Husband, 12 years already?
After 12 years of being married, my husband can still land a “backside disaster”-a.k.a. A cool skate trick
When I first started dating my husband I already knew that he enjoyed skateboarding. I would hang around West Covina High School and he would be there….skateboarding.
Since July 17 is our 12 year wedding anniversary I wanted to share one of my favorite stories….
On the evening of our first date Chuck tells me that he put on some nice pants and a nice shirt and boots. He looked in the mirror and decided to change his outfit. “If this girl is real she’ll like me for me” He changed his clothes, put on a skate shirt, jeans and Vans. We went out on our first date. I love this story! One of the things I love about my husband is his honesty, transparency and integrity.
He is the real deal.
He does not sugar coat things and tells things as they are. I love the fact that from day one he wanted me to like him for who he really was…A young man, a man dedicated to Jesus Christ, a man who enjoyed reading and studying his Bible, skateboarding, worked at CostPlus World Market and was enrolled at Citrus College. He told me on our first date, “If Christ is not in the relationship it can’t work.” I was in love!!!!!! What guy brings up the importance of having Christ as the center of a relationship on the very first date? He brought this conversation up even before he knew me. That’s my Chuck.
My husband and I have truly matured together over the years. They say some couples either grow together or grow apart. Well, I know from experience that a marriage with Jesus in the center, a marriage that emphasizes self-denial, prayer, daily encouragement in God’s Word, DATING each other, Eph 5:33 (love and respect), friendship, patience (and every fruit listed in Gal 5), is truly amazing and will produce growth.
I told Chuck the other day that there is nothing that attracts me more to him than seeing him interact as a dad. I realize that Olivia is going to one day be a wife and mother. I told her, “See how Daddy opens the door for me, your husband will do that for you too.” He spends time with her even when he’s tired. It’s those things that matter. I tell her that her future husband must answer the 5 questions- Do you read your Bible? Do you pray? Do you have Jesus in your heart? Do you go to church? Do you go to work? If he says yes to all these things then you can marry him. I know it sounds funny but I want to teach her while she’s young to look for these characteristics in her future spouse.
A girlfriend of mine said, “Even if he answers the 5 questions correctly, Olivia…you can’t get married yet…you have to wait a few minutes and see if he really does those things”
I thought that was a great addition! Watch and see! As a woman, I have observed my husband continually show me sacrificial love. I have watched him grow into a man of prayer, a man committed to serving young men and encouraging them in their walks with the LORD. I can honestly say my husband is a role model. As an 8th grade teacher, many of his students look up to him and they can say like I do, “Mr. G is the real deal.” Sometimes he still skateboards with his students after school and can win them at a battle of “sk8.” That is what I love about my husband. He is so down to earth and approachable, yet he is also full of wisdom and knowledge about life and about God’s Word. I love it that we still stop at skateparks on our vacations! I love it, my kids love it and it reminds me of when we were dating and I would watch him skate…I am privileged and honored to have Chuck as my husband, my love, my soul mate and best friend.
My encouragement to women who read this is to remember that your husband knows you love him….what he needs is your respect. Tell him you respect him as a man and pray for him daily. See photo above of Chuck landing a backside disaster, photo credit- his wife of 12 years...
When I first started dating my husband I already knew that he enjoyed skateboarding. I would hang around West Covina High School and he would be there….skateboarding.
Since July 17 is our 12 year wedding anniversary I wanted to share one of my favorite stories….
On the evening of our first date Chuck tells me that he put on some nice pants and a nice shirt and boots. He looked in the mirror and decided to change his outfit. “If this girl is real she’ll like me for me” He changed his clothes, put on a skate shirt, jeans and Vans. We went out on our first date. I love this story! One of the things I love about my husband is his honesty, transparency and integrity.
He is the real deal.
He does not sugar coat things and tells things as they are. I love the fact that from day one he wanted me to like him for who he really was…A young man, a man dedicated to Jesus Christ, a man who enjoyed reading and studying his Bible, skateboarding, worked at CostPlus World Market and was enrolled at Citrus College. He told me on our first date, “If Christ is not in the relationship it can’t work.” I was in love!!!!!! What guy brings up the importance of having Christ as the center of a relationship on the very first date? He brought this conversation up even before he knew me. That’s my Chuck.
My husband and I have truly matured together over the years. They say some couples either grow together or grow apart. Well, I know from experience that a marriage with Jesus in the center, a marriage that emphasizes self-denial, prayer, daily encouragement in God’s Word, DATING each other, Eph 5:33 (love and respect), friendship, patience (and every fruit listed in Gal 5), is truly amazing and will produce growth.
I told Chuck the other day that there is nothing that attracts me more to him than seeing him interact as a dad. I realize that Olivia is going to one day be a wife and mother. I told her, “See how Daddy opens the door for me, your husband will do that for you too.” He spends time with her even when he’s tired. It’s those things that matter. I tell her that her future husband must answer the 5 questions- Do you read your Bible? Do you pray? Do you have Jesus in your heart? Do you go to church? Do you go to work? If he says yes to all these things then you can marry him. I know it sounds funny but I want to teach her while she’s young to look for these characteristics in her future spouse.
A girlfriend of mine said, “Even if he answers the 5 questions correctly, Olivia…you can’t get married yet…you have to wait a few minutes and see if he really does those things”
I thought that was a great addition! Watch and see! As a woman, I have observed my husband continually show me sacrificial love. I have watched him grow into a man of prayer, a man committed to serving young men and encouraging them in their walks with the LORD. I can honestly say my husband is a role model. As an 8th grade teacher, many of his students look up to him and they can say like I do, “Mr. G is the real deal.” Sometimes he still skateboards with his students after school and can win them at a battle of “sk8.” That is what I love about my husband. He is so down to earth and approachable, yet he is also full of wisdom and knowledge about life and about God’s Word. I love it that we still stop at skateparks on our vacations! I love it, my kids love it and it reminds me of when we were dating and I would watch him skate…I am privileged and honored to have Chuck as my husband, my love, my soul mate and best friend.
My encouragement to women who read this is to remember that your husband knows you love him….what he needs is your respect. Tell him you respect him as a man and pray for him daily. See photo above of Chuck landing a backside disaster, photo credit- his wife of 12 years...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
I am not worthy...
Luke 7:2 And a certain centurion's servant, who was dear to him, was sick and ready to die.
Luke 7:6-9
Then Jesus went with them. And when He was already not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to Him, saying to Him, "Lord, do not trouble Yourself, for I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof.
"Therefore I did not even think myself worthy to come to You. But say the word, and my servant will be healed.
"For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, 'Go,' and he goes; and to another, 'Come,' and he comes; and to my servant, 'Do this,' and he does [it]."
When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, "I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!"
I love this! I was reading this recently and noticed something I never had before. Two times the Centurion confesses that he is "not worthy."
Self-worth is a big area of discussion these days. In the Christian's life, we die to our self so that Christ can be magnified.
I love how the Centurion ACKNOWLEDGES who Jesus is and confesses that he is not worthy of Jesus actual presence in his home...The Centurion realizes Jesus' Word alone has the power to heal. We need to trust Jesus at His Word too.
Just today I was reading about the prodigal son and the "older brother."
The older brother was angry that his father had a party for the younger brother (recall he returned from his spending the inheritance foolishly), "these many years I have been serving you; I never transgressed your commandment at any time; and yet you never gave me a young goat; that I might make merry with my friends" Luke 15:29
Today, the Holy Spirit revealed to me the focus of the older brother. The focus was self.
"I" and "my" and "me."
Five times the older brother says "I" or "me" or "my." (read it again and look for I, my, or me.)
Who's agenda was the older brother focuesed on? Why was he upset? He was upset because he felt cheated. He felt he was worthy of a party like this but nooooo....the father has to have a big party for the foolish younger son. This is selfish thinking and opposite from the centurion in the earlier picture.
The older son was focused on his own self worth. "I've worked hard! I deserve that kind of praise." He didn't get the Father's heart! The centurion got it...I trust your Word Jesus. I am not worthy of you and only AT YOUR WORD my servant could be made whole. The centurion didn't care about his own self worth or agenda. All he cared about was that his servant be healed and restored...
The older son felt cheated. The father in the story said, "'It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found'" Luke 15:32
We must remember our self worth. We are NOT worthy of the LORD and if our heart is to be alligned with the Father's we are to say like the centurion, "I am not worthy" and trust God's Word. We are to rejoice like the prodigal son's father when others are saved...and we are to be careful not to become self-righteous in our good works and feel something is owed to us.
We are not worthy...we were lost and now we have been found. We were dead and now we are alive. I think we can all agree that at some point in our lives we related (or can relate) with each person in these illustrations...
As Easter approaches, may we pray for MANY to return to the Father or come to know Him for the first time. May we ask God to give us a heart of humility to say, "I am not worthy" and may we refrain from any self righteousness in our self because apart from Him we can do nothing.
LORD Jesus, you are worthy. I am not worthy. You lived and died and rose again. I am not even worthy to be in your presence, but thank you that by calling on your name I am forever saved and I fall in love with you more and more each day. I love your presence. Please Jesus reveal yourself to many people this Good Friday and Easter. Thank you for your pouring out your life so that we may enjoy eternity with you. In Your Holy Name, the only name WORTHY to be praised Jesus, AMEN.
Luke 7:6-9
Then Jesus went with them. And when He was already not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to Him, saying to Him, "Lord, do not trouble Yourself, for I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof.
"Therefore I did not even think myself worthy to come to You. But say the word, and my servant will be healed.
"For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, 'Go,' and he goes; and to another, 'Come,' and he comes; and to my servant, 'Do this,' and he does [it]."
When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, "I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!"
I love this! I was reading this recently and noticed something I never had before. Two times the Centurion confesses that he is "not worthy."
Self-worth is a big area of discussion these days. In the Christian's life, we die to our self so that Christ can be magnified.
I love how the Centurion ACKNOWLEDGES who Jesus is and confesses that he is not worthy of Jesus actual presence in his home...The Centurion realizes Jesus' Word alone has the power to heal. We need to trust Jesus at His Word too.
Just today I was reading about the prodigal son and the "older brother."
The older brother was angry that his father had a party for the younger brother (recall he returned from his spending the inheritance foolishly), "these many years I have been serving you; I never transgressed your commandment at any time; and yet you never gave me a young goat; that I might make merry with my friends" Luke 15:29
Today, the Holy Spirit revealed to me the focus of the older brother. The focus was self.
"I" and "my" and "me."
Five times the older brother says "I" or "me" or "my." (read it again and look for I, my, or me.)
Who's agenda was the older brother focuesed on? Why was he upset? He was upset because he felt cheated. He felt he was worthy of a party like this but nooooo....the father has to have a big party for the foolish younger son. This is selfish thinking and opposite from the centurion in the earlier picture.
The older son was focused on his own self worth. "I've worked hard! I deserve that kind of praise." He didn't get the Father's heart! The centurion got it...I trust your Word Jesus. I am not worthy of you and only AT YOUR WORD my servant could be made whole. The centurion didn't care about his own self worth or agenda. All he cared about was that his servant be healed and restored...
The older son felt cheated. The father in the story said, "'It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found'" Luke 15:32
We must remember our self worth. We are NOT worthy of the LORD and if our heart is to be alligned with the Father's we are to say like the centurion, "I am not worthy" and trust God's Word. We are to rejoice like the prodigal son's father when others are saved...and we are to be careful not to become self-righteous in our good works and feel something is owed to us.
We are not worthy...we were lost and now we have been found. We were dead and now we are alive. I think we can all agree that at some point in our lives we related (or can relate) with each person in these illustrations...
As Easter approaches, may we pray for MANY to return to the Father or come to know Him for the first time. May we ask God to give us a heart of humility to say, "I am not worthy" and may we refrain from any self righteousness in our self because apart from Him we can do nothing.
LORD Jesus, you are worthy. I am not worthy. You lived and died and rose again. I am not even worthy to be in your presence, but thank you that by calling on your name I am forever saved and I fall in love with you more and more each day. I love your presence. Please Jesus reveal yourself to many people this Good Friday and Easter. Thank you for your pouring out your life so that we may enjoy eternity with you. In Your Holy Name, the only name WORTHY to be praised Jesus, AMEN.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Worship and Bacon
I know. The two words sound weird together right? Well let me explain.
My kids love bacon. They are 3 and 5. We cook “turkey bacon” in our house but it is just as tasty…
Anyhow one day I was making breakfast. My daughter wakes up and comes straight to the kitchen. “Mom, are you cooking baking? Is it ready? Can I have some?” Isaac who doesn’t talk yet comes by and stands on tip toes with an expression that is the same, “I want some!” The smell is intoxicating. The smell is inviting…Best of all…the smell invites you in.
I know it might seem strange…but I think of this often. The sense of “smell” I mean. I love fragrance. Perfumes, scented candles, night jasmine in bloom, a clean baby’s hair…etc. One of the best scents I love is the smell of bacon cooking over a campfire in Yosemite. There is nothing like it! You have the combined scent of fresh air, pine trees and the wonderful smell of “outdoors” with the smell of fire wood burning and bacon cooking.
A couple of weeks ago I was cooking breakfast for my family. Olivia and Isaac congregate around me waiting for the bacon to be cooked and consumed. I realized--- this is exactly what worship is. It is a sweet smelling aroma. It draws you in. Worship is a fragrance of a sacrifice. Recall in the old testament God directed Moses to burn the “fat” to the LORD. This is the best part. When the fat of an animal is burned it smells so good! That’s what God wants from us. He wants us to be drawn into Him so that our worship is a sweet smelling aroma and it is so fragrant, so inviting that OTHERS want to be near the LORD too.
'and the priest shall burn them on the altar as food, an offering made by fire for a sweet aroma; all the fat is the LORD's. Leviticus 3:16
I bet people passing/travelng by could smell it and notice and think to themselves, "someone is probably making an offering to the LORD."
Our life is to be lived out sacrificially to the LORD. Jesus gave Himself as an offering and the Word says His sacrificial, surrendered life was a “sweet smelling aroma” to the Father.
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Ephesians 5:2 Our praise and/or singing is often called “worship.” The same idea applies. Worship is (or should be) like bacon. It is a sweet smelling aroma to the LORD and it draws others into the presence of the Almighty. Some of my favorite worship artists are Keith Green, Phil Wickham, Mary Barrett, Sherri Youngward, and Jeremy Camp. I often weep when I listen and worship to their songs. The songs are so powerful that I am brought to a place of worship with Jesus. The artist lived a life (or is living a life) poured out to Jesus and you can hear their love for the LORD through the song. The song causes you to want to love God like that! You hear the song and it turns into a prayer…
Here's my personal application…
Sometimes in church services I get distracted during worship. People walking in, a cell phone rings, I can’t find my pen…(it’s somewhere in this purse), the worship group leader got a new hair cut, I see a friend of mine sitting close by, etc. I notice my heart is unsettled. I close my eyes and say this simple prayer, “Just me and you Jesus.” I then try to focus in on worshipping him. I pray and I focus on the words of the song. I ask the Spirit to fill me so I can worship in spirit and in truth. I desire, just like you do, for my worship to be a sweet smelling aroma to the LORD. God desires our sacrifice to be sweet and pleasant. The result--When we have a worshipful heart we are drawn into His presence and others will see Christ through you and they will be drawn in too.
LORD Jesus, help us to have a worship that smells so good to you…May our worship rise to you like the yummy intoxicating smell of bacon cooking on the grill….everyone can smell food cooking and knows it is something good. May our worship please you and also affect our lives so powerfully that others are drawn to you by the aroma our life produces. We know this can only be done through the Spirit, prayer and meditation on your Word. Fill us with your Spirit and make us true worshippers so our life brings you glory and honor and praise. In Jesus Holy Name, AMEN
My kids love bacon. They are 3 and 5. We cook “turkey bacon” in our house but it is just as tasty…
Anyhow one day I was making breakfast. My daughter wakes up and comes straight to the kitchen. “Mom, are you cooking baking? Is it ready? Can I have some?” Isaac who doesn’t talk yet comes by and stands on tip toes with an expression that is the same, “I want some!” The smell is intoxicating. The smell is inviting…Best of all…the smell invites you in.
I know it might seem strange…but I think of this often. The sense of “smell” I mean. I love fragrance. Perfumes, scented candles, night jasmine in bloom, a clean baby’s hair…etc. One of the best scents I love is the smell of bacon cooking over a campfire in Yosemite. There is nothing like it! You have the combined scent of fresh air, pine trees and the wonderful smell of “outdoors” with the smell of fire wood burning and bacon cooking.
A couple of weeks ago I was cooking breakfast for my family. Olivia and Isaac congregate around me waiting for the bacon to be cooked and consumed. I realized--- this is exactly what worship is. It is a sweet smelling aroma. It draws you in. Worship is a fragrance of a sacrifice. Recall in the old testament God directed Moses to burn the “fat” to the LORD. This is the best part. When the fat of an animal is burned it smells so good! That’s what God wants from us. He wants us to be drawn into Him so that our worship is a sweet smelling aroma and it is so fragrant, so inviting that OTHERS want to be near the LORD too.
'and the priest shall burn them on the altar as food, an offering made by fire for a sweet aroma; all the fat is the LORD's. Leviticus 3:16
I bet people passing/travelng by could smell it and notice and think to themselves, "someone is probably making an offering to the LORD."
Our life is to be lived out sacrificially to the LORD. Jesus gave Himself as an offering and the Word says His sacrificial, surrendered life was a “sweet smelling aroma” to the Father.
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Ephesians 5:2 Our praise and/or singing is often called “worship.” The same idea applies. Worship is (or should be) like bacon. It is a sweet smelling aroma to the LORD and it draws others into the presence of the Almighty. Some of my favorite worship artists are Keith Green, Phil Wickham, Mary Barrett, Sherri Youngward, and Jeremy Camp. I often weep when I listen and worship to their songs. The songs are so powerful that I am brought to a place of worship with Jesus. The artist lived a life (or is living a life) poured out to Jesus and you can hear their love for the LORD through the song. The song causes you to want to love God like that! You hear the song and it turns into a prayer…
Here's my personal application…
Sometimes in church services I get distracted during worship. People walking in, a cell phone rings, I can’t find my pen…(it’s somewhere in this purse), the worship group leader got a new hair cut, I see a friend of mine sitting close by, etc. I notice my heart is unsettled. I close my eyes and say this simple prayer, “Just me and you Jesus.” I then try to focus in on worshipping him. I pray and I focus on the words of the song. I ask the Spirit to fill me so I can worship in spirit and in truth. I desire, just like you do, for my worship to be a sweet smelling aroma to the LORD. God desires our sacrifice to be sweet and pleasant. The result--When we have a worshipful heart we are drawn into His presence and others will see Christ through you and they will be drawn in too.
LORD Jesus, help us to have a worship that smells so good to you…May our worship rise to you like the yummy intoxicating smell of bacon cooking on the grill….everyone can smell food cooking and knows it is something good. May our worship please you and also affect our lives so powerfully that others are drawn to you by the aroma our life produces. We know this can only be done through the Spirit, prayer and meditation on your Word. Fill us with your Spirit and make us true worshippers so our life brings you glory and honor and praise. In Jesus Holy Name, AMEN
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Not a Better Life a NEW LIFE
Jesus went to the country of the Gadarenes and when he arrived he was met by "a certain man from the city who had demons for a long time. And he wore no clothes, nor did he live in a house but in the tombs..."Luke 8:27 The man was often seized by he demons and was "driven by the demon into the wilderness" Luke 8:29b We all know this story. Jesus casts the demon "Legion" into the herd of pigs and the herd runs off a cliff and drowns. Later the people from the town "found the man from whom the demons had departed sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind." Luke 8:35 I think there is a temptation (in fact I KNOW there is a temptation) to say, "God clean my life up and then use me for your glory" I do not think this is the correct way to approach God. We must ask God to GIVE US A NEW LIFE not just a clean sterile one. When you have walked with the LORD for a while you know many truths from God's Word. You know that you need Jesus and apart from Him you can do nothing (John 15). However, there is a temptation to ask God to change your life. We ask God to refine us to change us to clean us up...but we forget the simple prayer made at altar calls the prayer of repentance is not "Jesus give me a changed life" the prayer is "give me a new life." Of course we pray like David, "Create in me a clean heart Oh God" asking God for the daily cleansing of our sins when we repent and confess and approach the Holy throne to obtain mercy. But look at the next part, "renew a right spirit within me" Psalm 51:10 The Revised Standard Version says, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." Let's face it. We need a NEW life. Not a changed and improved life...but a new life. This has been on my heart because I think we can easily fall prey to walking in our own strength in stead of in the Holy Spirit's strength. We can say a quick prayer, read our devotion and go about our day to day tasks, but are we really walking in NEWNESS of life? Jesus healed the demon and gave him a NEW life. Jesus gave him a new mind so that he could sit at Jesus feet and learn from him. He changed and transformed him. The man went from living without clothes, sleeping in tombs, walking as "dead" to a totally transformed man with a "right mind." The man now sat, clothed, in his right mind, in a right state of thinking, and NOW he was able to sit at Jesus feet and learn from Him. Only after the man became NEW could he be used by God. "Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful." Rev. 21:5 Jesus didn't say, "Behold I made all things changed" He said behold I make all things "new." "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17 Abba Father, please forgive us for walking in this life in our own strength seeking change and modifications in our lives instead of asking for your Holy Spirit to fill us afresh and anew. We have prayed and asked for you to change us...but please don't just change us to make us better in our own finite minds, make us new with a new Spirit so we may walk in newness of life in accordance with your will. May we have your Spirit living in us, guiding us into the things you want for us. Help us to be humble and to seek to live new lives and be the new creations you desire us to be. In Jesus Mighty name, AMEN.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Be Still
It has been a long time since I have had a free moment to write…
I love to write and share what God has been teaching me. It’s such a cool and refreshing thing to click the “publish” button and post a blog and watch what God will do with it…It always ministers to me first and if it blesses the LORD and He uses it to encourage another I am thrilled beyond explanation.
Lately God has been telling me the importance of this, “BE STILL”
The other day I was changing my son’s diaper. I told him “hold still.” Next I told him, “be still” with a louder tone. Finally I said exclaiming, “Be still or I will spank you!” He didn’t listen to the warning. Without getting into too much graphic details due to all the defiance and squirming, he got poop up his back, on his clothes, on me and on his bed. Then, he got a spanking. It was so upsetting after I cleaned the mess I got on my knees and wept. “Why won’t he listen? I am trying to clean him. I am trying to make him better. I am trying to refresh him. Why does he make me spank him? Why won’t he just be still?”
God told me… “Laura, you can be the same way…I tell you all the time to be still and when you don’t listen, I have to discipline you”
Talk about a teachable moment for me from my Abba.
We all know the verse, “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10. You may even have it memorized. You may have it posted somewhere or highlighted in your Bible. But do you know what Psalm 46:11 says? I must confess I didn’t know…As I was reading Psalm 46:10 AGAIN I read the following:
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge.” Psalm 46:10-11
God wants us to be still…but its not like a “time out.” God always asks us, invites us, and then if we are stubborn commands us to be still for a reason. Here, he wants us to know that He is the LORD of hosts…He is Yahweh Sabaoth, the LORD of heavenly hosts. The LORD who fights our battles. Get it? Be still and Know He is God. Stop squirming and stressing over things. Whatever your battle is, HE IS FIGHTING FOR YOU.
Look at this awesome passage:
“You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!' Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the LORD is with you." 2 Chronicles 20:17
Once again, God is telling us to “stand still” so we can allow Him to first, calm our fears, second, remind us who is fighting the battle (Him and not us) and always, and I mean always remember He is with us!
Just this morning I was reading in my daily devotions and I came to Leviticus 26. In Lev. 26:1-18 (to paraphrase and briefly summarize) God is telling the people of Israel not to make idols, keep the Sabbath, reverence or keep holy the sanctuary, keep the statutes and commandments and perform them and then His promise is to give rain, give fruitful lands and peace and when enemies come, the people of God would defeat them (ie., victories). He then gives the best promise of all, “I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people.” Lev. 26: 12. All of these great promises are amazing.
But THIS was what the Holy Spirit really brought alive to me:
But if you do not obey Me, and do not observe all these commandments, and if you despise My statutes, or if your soul abhors My judgments, so that you do not perform all My commandments, but break My covenant, I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. I will set My face against you, and you shall be defeated by your enemies. Those who hate you shall reign over you, and you shall flee when no one pursues you. 'And after all this, if you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.” Lev. 26:14-18
Basically, a spanking…and it will HURT!
Please, please don’t get me wrong. God is not a disciplinarian with a ruler in His hand waiting for the moment we mess up to slap our wrist. No way. God is a loving father. Just as I illustrated, I am a loving mother. I am not going to let my son continue with a soiled diaper that is going to cause a rash and hurt him. I am going to ask him to be still and if he won’t listen I am going to discipline him…because I love him and want what’s best for him period. It’s the same with the LORD. He first asks us to be still. If we don’t listen to His nudging, He may command us to be still and if we aren’t we will suffer the consequences. Discipline is necessary for growth. If this is true with earthly parents who love us, would it not be true with our Heavenly Father?
Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, Like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me. Psalm 131:2
Let’s not be a defiant child. Let’s quiet our soul and listen to our Abba Father. Let’s be like a weaned child with his mother. Totally at peace, totally safe, without a fear and knowing if danger should come, our Abba Father is indeed the LORD of Hosts and He’s got it all under control. Would you have it any other way? Of course not. Yield your self-willed defiance to Him and allow him to change you…it’s only meant for your good. He fights your battles and all He asks for is your obedience.
I love to write and share what God has been teaching me. It’s such a cool and refreshing thing to click the “publish” button and post a blog and watch what God will do with it…It always ministers to me first and if it blesses the LORD and He uses it to encourage another I am thrilled beyond explanation.
Lately God has been telling me the importance of this, “BE STILL”
The other day I was changing my son’s diaper. I told him “hold still.” Next I told him, “be still” with a louder tone. Finally I said exclaiming, “Be still or I will spank you!” He didn’t listen to the warning. Without getting into too much graphic details due to all the defiance and squirming, he got poop up his back, on his clothes, on me and on his bed. Then, he got a spanking. It was so upsetting after I cleaned the mess I got on my knees and wept. “Why won’t he listen? I am trying to clean him. I am trying to make him better. I am trying to refresh him. Why does he make me spank him? Why won’t he just be still?”
God told me… “Laura, you can be the same way…I tell you all the time to be still and when you don’t listen, I have to discipline you”
Talk about a teachable moment for me from my Abba.
We all know the verse, “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10. You may even have it memorized. You may have it posted somewhere or highlighted in your Bible. But do you know what Psalm 46:11 says? I must confess I didn’t know…As I was reading Psalm 46:10 AGAIN I read the following:
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge.” Psalm 46:10-11
God wants us to be still…but its not like a “time out.” God always asks us, invites us, and then if we are stubborn commands us to be still for a reason. Here, he wants us to know that He is the LORD of hosts…He is Yahweh Sabaoth, the LORD of heavenly hosts. The LORD who fights our battles. Get it? Be still and Know He is God. Stop squirming and stressing over things. Whatever your battle is, HE IS FIGHTING FOR YOU.
Look at this awesome passage:
“You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!' Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the LORD is with you." 2 Chronicles 20:17
Once again, God is telling us to “stand still” so we can allow Him to first, calm our fears, second, remind us who is fighting the battle (Him and not us) and always, and I mean always remember He is with us!
Just this morning I was reading in my daily devotions and I came to Leviticus 26. In Lev. 26:1-18 (to paraphrase and briefly summarize) God is telling the people of Israel not to make idols, keep the Sabbath, reverence or keep holy the sanctuary, keep the statutes and commandments and perform them and then His promise is to give rain, give fruitful lands and peace and when enemies come, the people of God would defeat them (ie., victories). He then gives the best promise of all, “I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people.” Lev. 26: 12. All of these great promises are amazing.
But THIS was what the Holy Spirit really brought alive to me:
But if you do not obey Me, and do not observe all these commandments, and if you despise My statutes, or if your soul abhors My judgments, so that you do not perform all My commandments, but break My covenant, I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. I will set My face against you, and you shall be defeated by your enemies. Those who hate you shall reign over you, and you shall flee when no one pursues you. 'And after all this, if you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.” Lev. 26:14-18
Basically, a spanking…and it will HURT!
Please, please don’t get me wrong. God is not a disciplinarian with a ruler in His hand waiting for the moment we mess up to slap our wrist. No way. God is a loving father. Just as I illustrated, I am a loving mother. I am not going to let my son continue with a soiled diaper that is going to cause a rash and hurt him. I am going to ask him to be still and if he won’t listen I am going to discipline him…because I love him and want what’s best for him period. It’s the same with the LORD. He first asks us to be still. If we don’t listen to His nudging, He may command us to be still and if we aren’t we will suffer the consequences. Discipline is necessary for growth. If this is true with earthly parents who love us, would it not be true with our Heavenly Father?
Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, Like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me. Psalm 131:2
Let’s not be a defiant child. Let’s quiet our soul and listen to our Abba Father. Let’s be like a weaned child with his mother. Totally at peace, totally safe, without a fear and knowing if danger should come, our Abba Father is indeed the LORD of Hosts and He’s got it all under control. Would you have it any other way? Of course not. Yield your self-willed defiance to Him and allow him to change you…it’s only meant for your good. He fights your battles and all He asks for is your obedience.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
What to do while you are waiting...
This verse has been on my mind, "But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
All day today I have been thinking about waiting...
I also thought of that song from the Fireproof movie, with the lyrics, "I will worship while I'm waiting...I will serve you while I'm waiting"
My son Isaac just turned 3 and is not talking yet. It's been difficult to see other babies, even as small as 9 months say "Mama" and "ball" and Isaac does not speak with words yet. We pray every day for God to unseal Isaac's lips so that he may praise the LORD (Psalm 51:15)
Tonight as I was praying for him I started to cry...I can't wait to hear him simply say, "Mommy..." "Daddy" or "Jesus"
I told the LORD I am waiting...I know you will open his mouth and give him words to me to be patient while I am waiting.
I told the LORD, "LORD, instead of tapping my foot and looking at my watch and feeling frustrated while I am waiting...I will raise my hands to heaven and praise you." We must trust God's timing is always perfect. ALWAYS. We must worship and get closer to God. He is trying to teach us something while we are waiting...Remember, He is or "good teacher."
Waiting is hard...What do you do when you are waiting for an answer to prayer?
Whether you are waiting for a loved one to get a job, waiting for a loved one to get saved, waiting for a womb to be opened, waiting for a revival to break through...or waiting for a toddler to say "Jesus loves me" my encouragement is raise your arms and worship while you are waiting...
It beats watching the clock any day!
All day today I have been thinking about waiting...
I also thought of that song from the Fireproof movie, with the lyrics, "I will worship while I'm waiting...I will serve you while I'm waiting"
My son Isaac just turned 3 and is not talking yet. It's been difficult to see other babies, even as small as 9 months say "Mama" and "ball" and Isaac does not speak with words yet. We pray every day for God to unseal Isaac's lips so that he may praise the LORD (Psalm 51:15)
Tonight as I was praying for him I started to cry...I can't wait to hear him simply say, "Mommy..." "Daddy" or "Jesus"
I told the LORD I am waiting...I know you will open his mouth and give him words to me to be patient while I am waiting.
I told the LORD, "LORD, instead of tapping my foot and looking at my watch and feeling frustrated while I am waiting...I will raise my hands to heaven and praise you." We must trust God's timing is always perfect. ALWAYS. We must worship and get closer to God. He is trying to teach us something while we are waiting...Remember, He is or "good teacher."
Waiting is hard...What do you do when you are waiting for an answer to prayer?
Whether you are waiting for a loved one to get a job, waiting for a loved one to get saved, waiting for a womb to be opened, waiting for a revival to break through...or waiting for a toddler to say "Jesus loves me" my encouragement is raise your arms and worship while you are waiting...
It beats watching the clock any day!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Leaving it all for Jesus
I read something amazing in the Word yesterday morning and God keeps pricking my heart about this...LEAVING ALL BEHIND to follow Him.
In Matt 4:18-22, to paraphrase, Jesus sees Peter and Andrew. He asks them to follow Him. They immediately leave their nets and follow Jesus. Then, Jesus sees James and John and immediately they too leave their nets and their father and follow Jesus. I noticed something I never really did before (by the way, I love how the Word of God is always enlightening, new and teaches us afresh every single day)
Notice how Peter and Andrew left their nets, but Matthew tells us James and John lef their nets AND their father and followed Jesus (Matt 4:22)
I have always loved this picture in scripture! Here you have these burly fishermen, real men's men, who love God but they work for a living. They fish. That's just what they do...but it doesn't define "who they are." They are men who must have been religious even before Jesus came into their lives. Something about Jesus was different, that's for sure...but still...I believe they felt a calling in their life as God was working on their hearts all of their lives.
When I read this in the Gospels...I think to myself, "Cool!" They left it all! They were radical. They literally dropped their nets, stopped their status quo, ordinary way of life and followed Jesus.
Many pastors, Bible teachers, missionaries and other Christian leaders have done the same...They leave their old way of life behind, they leave their "day jobs" and enter into full time ministry...
But wait! Remember, Peter and Andrew were fishermen. Maybe they hated their jobs. Maybe they were just waiting for an opportunity to try something new...for something big, for something better. Peter and Andrew left their nets and they should be applauded for their obedience.
Look at James and John...the Word says they left their nets AND their father. This is what struck me. Family is so important. I just picture this strong father, maybe a widower, who loves his boys more than life itself. They worked day by day, side by side fishing...and they loved every minute of it. They were close...They laughed and enjoyed going to work fishing together. The father was so pleased that his boys worked with him. Who else was going to take over the business? Now all of a sudden his boys leave. They drop their nets and they leave. Was the father heart broken? Were James and John heartbroken? The scripture doesn't say. It just says, they left him. It's hard to leave family...especially when you are close...Nonetheless, God reminded me this morning that no love in this life can compare with His love for me. No desire in my life can be fulfilled apart from Him. He is it! He is all we need.I believe after the "shock" left the father, joy filled his heart because they left all to follow Jesus.
So as the new year is upon us let's LEAVE ALL BEHIND to follow Jesus. Whether you are clinging to your past, or whether you are letting relationships get in the way, DON'T ANY MORE. Make a choice to drop whatever nets you are holdig, whatever is in your way and follow Jesus completely. That's my prayer and I am sure it's yours too.
In Matt 4:18-22, to paraphrase, Jesus sees Peter and Andrew. He asks them to follow Him. They immediately leave their nets and follow Jesus. Then, Jesus sees James and John and immediately they too leave their nets and their father and follow Jesus. I noticed something I never really did before (by the way, I love how the Word of God is always enlightening, new and teaches us afresh every single day)
Notice how Peter and Andrew left their nets, but Matthew tells us James and John lef their nets AND their father and followed Jesus (Matt 4:22)
I have always loved this picture in scripture! Here you have these burly fishermen, real men's men, who love God but they work for a living. They fish. That's just what they do...but it doesn't define "who they are." They are men who must have been religious even before Jesus came into their lives. Something about Jesus was different, that's for sure...but still...I believe they felt a calling in their life as God was working on their hearts all of their lives.
When I read this in the Gospels...I think to myself, "Cool!" They left it all! They were radical. They literally dropped their nets, stopped their status quo, ordinary way of life and followed Jesus.
Many pastors, Bible teachers, missionaries and other Christian leaders have done the same...They leave their old way of life behind, they leave their "day jobs" and enter into full time ministry...
But wait! Remember, Peter and Andrew were fishermen. Maybe they hated their jobs. Maybe they were just waiting for an opportunity to try something new...for something big, for something better. Peter and Andrew left their nets and they should be applauded for their obedience.
Look at James and John...the Word says they left their nets AND their father. This is what struck me. Family is so important. I just picture this strong father, maybe a widower, who loves his boys more than life itself. They worked day by day, side by side fishing...and they loved every minute of it. They were close...They laughed and enjoyed going to work fishing together. The father was so pleased that his boys worked with him. Who else was going to take over the business? Now all of a sudden his boys leave. They drop their nets and they leave. Was the father heart broken? Were James and John heartbroken? The scripture doesn't say. It just says, they left him. It's hard to leave family...especially when you are close...Nonetheless, God reminded me this morning that no love in this life can compare with His love for me. No desire in my life can be fulfilled apart from Him. He is it! He is all we need.I believe after the "shock" left the father, joy filled his heart because they left all to follow Jesus.
So as the new year is upon us let's LEAVE ALL BEHIND to follow Jesus. Whether you are clinging to your past, or whether you are letting relationships get in the way, DON'T ANY MORE. Make a choice to drop whatever nets you are holdig, whatever is in your way and follow Jesus completely. That's my prayer and I am sure it's yours too.
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