Saturday, September 3, 2011

More Alike Than Different

I was next to Isaac the other day and had one of those special moments with the LORD and with my son....

I was looking at Isaac and realized...I am like him in many ways.

He doesn't communicate with words. Isaac has what the world calls a "speech delay." While other kids his age are talking and using language to communicate, Isaac doesn't....(yet).

He can be strong willed and desires to do his own thing...even if it can cause him danger. He doesn't like being in crowds and he much rather play by himself.

How alike you two are...I felt the LORD tell me.
I disagree. I love to talk and I love to be around people....but that's not what I felt God was showing me...

The Word says, "Ask and it will be given to you." Instead of praying, we try to do things on our own.We want to be independent and do our own thing. We think our way is the best way and we only go to God when it will help us.

I look at Isaac and think, "Just tell me how you feel. Just share with me...Just talk and open up your thoughts and communicate."

This is the LORD's heart. He just wants to be near us. He just wants to communicate with us and share and have a relationship....It's pretty simple if you think about it.

So while I continue to be a "talker" in the family, sharing and talking and communicating with words...Isaac remains non-verbal.

May this cause us to remember how important prayer is. God just wants us to chat with share our thoughts, our hearts, our lives.

As a mother of a non-verbal child, I can tell you how I long for the day when Isaac and I can sit and have a "chat." That's all God wants from us too...

Let's continue to pray without ceasing and enjoy the company of our Abba Father.

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