Saturday, January 22, 2011

What to do while you are waiting...

This verse has been on my mind, "But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

All day today I have been thinking about waiting...

I also thought of that song from the Fireproof movie, with the lyrics, "I will worship while I'm waiting...I will serve you while I'm waiting"

My son Isaac just turned 3 and is not talking yet. It's been difficult to see other babies, even as small as 9 months say "Mama" and "ball" and Isaac does not speak with words yet. We pray every day for God to unseal Isaac's lips so that he may praise the LORD (Psalm 51:15)

Tonight as I was praying for him I started to cry...I can't wait to hear him simply say, "Mommy..." "Daddy" or "Jesus"

I told the LORD I am waiting...I know you will open his mouth and give him words to me to be patient while I am waiting.

I told the LORD, "LORD, instead of tapping my foot and looking at my watch and feeling frustrated while I am waiting...I will raise my hands to heaven and praise you." We must trust God's timing is always perfect. ALWAYS. We must worship and get closer to God. He is trying to teach us something while we are waiting...Remember, He is or "good teacher."

Waiting is hard...What do you do when you are waiting for an answer to prayer?

Whether you are waiting for a loved one to get a job, waiting for a loved one to get saved, waiting for a womb to be opened, waiting for a revival to break through...or waiting for a toddler to say "Jesus loves me" my encouragement is raise your arms and worship while you are waiting...

It beats watching the clock any day!


  1. Very encouraging! I have so many prayers that I'm waiting for. I praise God because I know that our ABBA knows best.Jesus, we love you!

  2. Oh, mama, i have lived this! My eldest had a speech delay, and has always been off the charts tall. He did not really say much until 7 weeks after his third birthday. Then it came out in 7 word sentences from a single word vocabulary. He never babbled as a baby. He said few words. It was heartbreaking for me to understand, and heartbreaking for others not to understand. I remember the waiting and waiting. All I can tell you is that tonight we celebrate a half birthday, his 6.5 birthday. He is such a chatterbox now, and talks endlessly. I never would have guessed. I was grateful then, as I am grateful now, for his amazing and polite personality.


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