Some of you might say who is Jennifer Knapp? Some of you might know exactly what I'm talking about and the specific reason I'm praying for her today.
I'm sad...and this is a hard issue, but I decided to blog about it to get my thoughts out.
I'm praying for Jennifer Knapp. She was one of my favorite Christian musicians. I love the song "A Little More"
One part of the songs says,
"For all the sin that lives in me
It took a nail to set me free still,
What I do I don't want to do and so goes the story
What You had in mind
What we seek we'll find, shine, show me grace"
I listen to her music often because I loved how her music quickened my heart to worship Jesus. I love songs that bring me in to God's presence.
I do enjoy listening to some secular music...but I prefer worship music.
So the other day I was listening to one of Jennifer Knapp's older CD's and I thought...What happened to her? Did she get married and have babies and go on a hiatus from the music scene? Is she busy traveling? What happened to her? I found her website which said she was releasing a new CD in May 2010 called, "Letting Go." For some reason, I felt uneasy about the content of her website...Her news release states, "After seven years of soul searching and time spent in Australia, Knapp comes full circle in 2010 with a new album, new tour and a renewed love of music." I noticed nothing in the news release about Jesus? The words worship and praise were absent…
Just a few days later I got an email announcing, "Jennifer Knapp has announced that she is a lesbian."
My heart sank. Now I understood why she entitled the new album, "Letting Go."
I've been thinking so much about this and praying for her daily.
This scripture keeps coming back to me again and again, "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting" Romans 1:26-28.
Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to be the Holy Spirit but she still claims to be a Christian. She states she is not going to be an advocate of Homosexual rights…She is just happy to be who she is.
This is where my heart hurts...Yes of course we are all sinners and unworthy to hold the title of Christian (little Christ or follower of Jesus Christ). But, here is the difference. I KNOW I have a problem with my flesh and my sinful tendencies. I have to daily take myself off of the throne and pray and ask Jesus to be the King of my life. Laura constantly wants to be in control (that's the flesh) but the Spirit (Christ in me, the hope of glory) fights against her and with the Word of God (Bible study, meditation on Scriptures, reading through the Bible regularly) and prayer, the Spirit wins...
The key is that it is a daily walk with Jesus.
I've been debating whether I will still listen to her music. Will I support her new CD? This is what I feel the Spirit confirmed in my heart.
I can listen to secular music if it's not hurting my walk with Jesus (all things are lawful but not all thing edify. 1Corinth 10:23)For example, I love Morrissey. I mean his voice is amazing! Some of his lyrics are deep and profound. However, it's not worship music. It's not Christian doesn't bring me into the presence of Jesus. Listening to Morrissey for me, is just plain entertainment. I do pray for him too to be saved...but he and Knapp are distinctly different.
Morrissey is not claiming to be a Christian. He is not claiming to be saved..he's a secular musician. He's an entertainer.
Jennifer Knapp however, is proclaiming to have her identity with Christ. For that reason, I cannot continue to support her music.
Notice this with me…Jennifer Knapp left to live in Australia for seven years...
I believe this seclusion or isolation was part of her decision to deny God's Word and what it says about homosexuality. Where was her family? Where were her friends? Where was the (here comes the "A" word) ACCOUNTABILITY. We must be careful to NEVER isolate ourselves away from the body of Christ. We must stay accountable to our spouses, friends and family... We must be in the Word.
We need each other and we need to pray for each other. Therefore, I am praying for Jennifer Knapp and will continue to lift her up that she may come back to Jesus and sing for HIM once again.
(If you want to read the article about her it's here
Laura, you have a way of making one look at things. I love it! Keep blogging sista.
ReplyDeleteLaura, I totally agree with you. Thank you for writing with conviction and compassion. The Lord doesn't tell us to stay away from sinners, but to seperate ourselves from those who call themselves Christians but continue in sin (1 Corinthians 5:9-11).
ReplyDeleteDear LORD, please bring Jennifer back to your loving arms. May you show her that she CAN walk in victory over her fleshly desires. Lord, You can use even this to help many people see Your grace, power, and glory. You are mighty to save. In Jesus name Amen
My Husband Gabe just told me about this yesterday. I thank God for CHristians who can pray and not condem. It was definatly from the Lord to share this.
I love how you poured your heart into this post, Laura. It was very bold of you to write this but you did it in love. Thank you for such compassion! I was burdened too when I heard the news. I was burdened for other reasons... reasons that I hope to share with you, if God wills. I am jumpin' on board and prayin' with you... for her and all those we may know living and struggling with this sin. Until next time... Renay
ReplyDeletePS Thank you for including an Anonymous tab... ;)