This topic is real. This topic is raw. This issue keeps me up at night.,…and it’s a heavy burden on my heart. Although everything in my brain is saying, “Don’t do it!” I must obey the spirit. Here are my thoughts.
I’ve been really blown away lately about the problem of hypocrisy in the church. First, my brother and Chuck and I had a wonderful discussion about God and His place in our lives. My brother broke it down (his rejection of God that is). He said he does believe in the Bible and in Jesus but he doesn’t attend church because there are too many fake Christians. I have been hearing this problem and excuse a lot lately and I am totally heart broken. I’m crying as I type this…
One of my favorite quotes of all time is from Keith Green, “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to McDonald’s makes you a hamburger.”
Last night as the Whosoevers gave their testimonies Ryan Ries shared how disgruntled and angry he became at fake Christians. Although he grew up in the church, his dad was an evangelist and pastor of a large church, he wanted nothing to do with it. Ryan Ries said he would see people raising their hands during a worship service but then later, he would see these SAME PEOPLE smoking weed and doing drugs and partying. This was a big turn off for him. He did not want church and he certainly did not want their Jesus. This is where my heart breaks.
I think a lot of people understand John 14:6. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me.” People check the box on Sunday. OK, I choose Jesus. Not Mohammed, not Krishna, not Buddha, I choose Jesus H. Christ. The Trinity. Father, Son and Spirit. Done. I am a Christian. Done. Now waiter, please pass the joint, pass the margarita, pass the sex, pass the gossip, pass the porn, pass the unforgiveness, pass the discontentment and please, do heap on the self because that’s the tastiest of all. Some people say, pass the selfishness and pride and tolerance and morality…because I am a good person. I am a Christian but really, I am the god in control of my life. Either way, idolatry has crept into the church and it’s one way for the enemy to encourage others to reject Jesus. Why would anyone want to serve God daily when it doesn’t make a difference in your life any way?
Oh how badly we’ve misrepresented Jesus. I’m so heart broken.
We don’t get it. We don’t realize the POWER we hold when we say we are Christians. Even though of course everyone knows “Christians aren’t perfect just forgiven” we are representatives of Christ. We need to keep it real. We need to die to our flesh…But so many of us are failing at this. So many of us Christians are looking at Jesus as our savior, but then we spit on his face as our LORD. Lord means He is the master of our lives. But we spit on that….
We want to live in sin but gain heaven and it’s so wrong!
How I can I expect to stay fit if I don’t drink water? How can I expect to stay healthy if I don’t exercise? How can I expect to maintain a healthy weight if I eat junk food all day? Oh it’s easy. Just take this pill. It’s a diet pill. Do what you want and eat what you want and you’ll stay thin. It’s a miracle.
Would anyone in their right mind believe this garbage? Would anyone buy such a pill that is obviously a lie?
Every human being on this earth knows, if you want to be healthy, you need to eat a healthy balanced diet, you need to exercise, you need to get sleep, you need to abstain from over-eating certain foods, etc. Even my 4-year old daughter gets this. However, we adults don’t get it. We think we can just say we are Christians and then it’s all good.
Well it’s not all good. We are not taking our walks seriously. People are perishing. People are turning away from the acceptance of Jesus NOT ONLY ACCEPTING HIM INTO THEIR HEARTS but into THEIR DAILY LIVES because we are not setting good examples.
Please friends, may we pray for ourselves, our walks, our homes, our churches and for others. May we be bold for our faith and ask God to be the God of our daily lives in our homes, our work and EVERYWHERE we go. May we truly remember it is an honor to call ourselves “Christians.” May we take it back. I don’t want to be ashamed to say I am a Christian because immediately people think I am self-righteous, judgmental and a hypocrite. But sadly, that’s what many people think.
I want to say I am a Christian and for people to inspect my life and say, “She’s got joy. She’s got peace. She’s got satisfaction in life and she doesn’t need to drink because there is nothing she needs to escape from. She’s doesn’t need to self medicate away her pain, because her Jesus wiped away all her sins and pain. She's not perfect, but she daily lives a surrendered life for Jesus. Not just on Sunday, but every second, of every minute of every day.” That’s what I want my testimony to be. Sound radical? Sound crazy? If Jesus died for me, I ought to LIVE every day for Him. Please Jesus bring revival to our churches and may it start with ME.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him would not die, but have everlasting life. John 3:16.
Not just life after death, but life during life… Abundant life. (John 10: 10)
Wow, Laura, you have totally convicted my heart. Thank you for your boldness in love! I love that the Lord really spoke to me about a related issue- the ME issue- in so many of our lives through a song early this morning. I leave you with the chorus of the following song:
ReplyDeleteSo Long, Self by Mercy Me
So long, self
Well, it's been fun, but I have found somebody else
So long, self
There's just no room for two
So you are gonna have to move
So long, self
Don't take this wrong but you are wrong for me, farewell
Oh well, goodbye, don't cry
So long, self
I have heard this song many times but only today did it strike a chord (no pun intended)! ;) Totally my theme song for every new day the Lord gives to me! Thanks again... love you!
Laura, you are so right. it took me about 7 yrs to finally give myself up. I was calling myself a christian and still doing worldly things. I can give you a list...N-E ways,in the past, i was being stubborn and did not like to attend church because "i had better things to do." i realized that there IS a HELL and that HELL is real and HELL is eternal. Well...I don't want to go there for eternity. I want to live in paradise with my maker. Realizing that HELL is real, it scared me that i can die at any moment and i could end up there if i did'nt walk with GOD. HELL and HEAVEN are real and that's what did it for me. Alot of christians hardly use that word HELL. You see Laura, i knew about GOD's love,peace,salvation,etc...but realizing that i have to worry about my soul and were i was going to spend eternity, thats when i came on my knees. I know that the LORD reaches out to everyone differently. he was a little more extreme with me.(-; now i could of not been happier in my life. i have peace and joy. I grew closer to the LORD intimatly and he has done many wonders in my life. God bless you Laura. peace i leave you
Hey Laura,
ReplyDeleteI kind of 'whizzed' through your blog here today. Very interesting. I think I have a harder heart about such things- probably the wrong point of view- but I have heard that 'excuse' many times. Like in sales, people rarely tell you the real reason they don't want to 'buy' because they don't know. Sometimes they come up with a seemingly good objection and stick with it until someone debunks it or overcomes it. Afterward, it is on to the next new reason why I won't buy Jesus. It's hard to resist taking someones excuses to reason- have you also found that no matter how much evidence you provide and how much reasoning you do, some people just don't want it? The real reason to me is that they love their life of sin and are unwilling to compromise. Maybe I am being a negative Sally, but after I cast my net, I don't cast it again; I'll just pray..
I better get to bed- Tammy is going to kill me.