On Oct 17, 2020 I watched a huge boxing upset.
Teofimo Lopez Jr. beat Vasiliy Lomachenko to claim undisputed lightweight crown - he won 4 belts.
“We did something nobody thought we could do,” said Teofimo Lopez Sr., father and manager. “We outboxed him. It was a matter of hitting and not getting hit. We just made the best boxer in the world look like nothing. He (Lomachenko) had 370 amateur fights and we beat him at his own game.”
Teofimo Lopez Jr. is a champion.
Teofimo Lopez Jr. (the boxer- less likely to win) did what his dad kept saying he would do- win against a well known amazing boxer named Lomachenko.
"I have to thank God. I had to dig deep," Lopez said. "I'm thankful, I'm grateful and each and every day I take that in. I walk by faith for a reason and it feels good."
Dear little Laura!
You enjoy watch boxing!
Actually I do...
Well-Not usually.
I’m not a big boxing fan but this fight caught my attention and Chuck and I watched it Saturday evening...
There are so many illustrations in scripture of boxing (1 Cor 9:26), war (Rev 12:7-11) and fighting the good fight (1 Tim 6:12).
We all love the story of David versus Goliath. (1 Sam 17:1-51)
I think we have to be careful (real careful) to remember this isn’t some kids Bible story or a fairytale - it really happened! A man named David really did kill a man named Goliath who was a big bully to all of the children of Israel.
What struck me about the boxing match between Loma and Lopez wasn’t the fight itself ... what caught my attention was the end of the fight...The reaction of the father.
The father - Teofimo Lopez Sr. pranced around the ring shouting “I TOLD YOU! I told you. I’ve been telling you! I told you!!!”
The father was the promoter of the boxing son. The father was the promoter -the trainer -the manager - he was everything.
“I told you!!”
It hit me!
This is a pictiure of our heavenly Father.
He is shouting to the world- “Look at my Son! Look at how awesome He is! Trust Me! He is a champion!”
Recall the disciples wanted to see what the Father was like.
(John 14:9-11) Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves”
Look! Jesus is coming. We tell people and some believe while others think we are nuts.
The bottom line is that Jesus is truly the hero of our story. He is not weak and frail Jesus, or baby Jesus meek and mild like the paintings. No. Jesus is a fighter. He sweat drops of blood. He was whipped, humiliated, killed for you and me.
He is the undefeated, undisputed champion of the world and Satan wants a re-match. Sorry. There are no “do-overs” promoted by pay-per-view. It’s over.
Jesus won the war.
As the world seems to be unraveling with Covid19, civil unrest, wars/rumors of wars, gender confusion, child/slave/sex trafficking, abortion up to the date of live birth, we might think Satan is winning.
I dare you to close your eyes and imagine the heavenly Father bursting with pride saying:
“I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU! This is my Son. Trust Him. He is the undefeated champion of death and shame and sin and the grave.
He is the resurrection.
Didn’t I tell you!?
Didn’t I tell you!?
I told you He would be Immanuel-God with us. He would be Wonderful, He would be stricken and smitten and acquainted with grief! He would come from Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, killed like a common thief but later buried in a rich man’s tomb! I told you- He is the One- He would rise again and reign in Victory! Stop looking to a President to be your Champion. Stop looking to an entertainer or a spouse or a country or government or a pastor or religion or medicine or health or wealth... none of these killed death- only JESUS! He is the One! Trust my Son! He is the Warrior and Hero! He is The Champion of all Champions!”
There is a song that I love called “Champion”
by Dante Bowe (and Bethel Music)
Part of the song says -
“You are my champion
Giants fall when you stand
Every battle -You’ve won
I am who You say I am
You crown me with confidence
I am seated, in the heavenly place
Undefeated, with the
One who has conquered it all
Now I can finally see it
You’re teaching me how to receive
So let all the striving cease
This is my victory
When I lift my voice and shout
Every wall comes crashing down
I have the authority
Jesus has given me
When I open up my mouth
Miracles start breaking out
I have the authority
Jesus has given me”
What if we really lived as if we live on this side of victory?
I think so often our emotions the news and the troubles of this world cloud the view of our Champion.
We need new eyes to see.
We need new ears to hear.
We need tp remember who we are !
Sons and daughters of the Champion!