As a special needs mom there is one thing I often notice...
I notice how children greet their parents at pick up from school.
The scene is so sweet.
Some children light up with the biggest smile when they see mom or dad.
Some children can’t wait to show a parent (or grandparent) a craft or assignment they completed.
An autistic child does not have the same reaction at pick up. Some are warm and happy and shout out “mommy!”
However, many of the children do not smile but simply walk towards the parent or caregiver in a fog with no expression of delight on their face almost to say
“It is what it is!” Going home now...
I remember one special needs child who always smiled and greeted mom with a huge bear hug and delightful greeting “Momma!”
That same child pouted, became agitated when the father picked him up, and no expression when grandma picked him up.
Today in my One Year Bible, I began to remember all of these images and reflected on this:
How do I greet God?
How do others greet God?
What is my greeting like when I spend time with the Lord?
Am I warm, smiling, eager to have “after school” adventures with my Abba Father, or do I have a resentful “Oh it’s you again...” attitude when I spend time with Him?
Sometimes I think we just get too comfortable with the Lord.
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”
Genesis 2:7 NKJV
God is Creator and giver of life and He longs for us to call Him “Abba Father”
We have all seen those beautiful images of a child greeting dad at the airport or a surprise greeting at home when dad was overseas in the military.
The scene is powerful.
The child dreams about the day when he/she gets to see daddy again.
The child cannot wait to spend time with his/her father!
Some kindergarteners are like that. Even though it’s only been a few hours, the child is so enthusiastic about seeing a parent. The feeling is mutual! You can see it in Dad’s eyes as he walks away proud with the child draped over him, (she’s too precious to let her walk), he carries her and they talk about the day.
This is how I want to approach my heavenly Father!
Not with a nonchalant, “whatever” attitude. I want the military child greeting. I want to see Jesus and think:
“My Lord went to the Cross for me, He fought my war for me, and I get to spend time with Him? I am the luckiest daughter in the world! Spin me around again Jesus! Tell me about where you have been, what you have been through and how you want me to grow up and be JUST LIKE YOU one day!”
As a special needs mom, I have never heard my son say “Hi mom! I missed you. Let me tell you about my day”
Never...and yes it hurts.
I get it.
He does not know how to express himself... He has special needs.
But some people actually CHOOSE to ignore God like that...
God the Father daily asks His child:
“How was your day my child?
How are you doing?
How are you doing on the inside?
You know I love you right?
Well I can tell by your body language and facial expression you don’t really feel like talking but please know I’m here for you whenever you’re ready...”
This attitude must grieve the heart of God.
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!”
Matthew 23:37 NKJV
Having conversations with the Lord, reading our Bible, prayer and intimacy with the Lord is not a “have to” it’s a “get to.”
Our attitude makes ALL the difference.
“The LORD is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. He will not always strive with us, Nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor punished us according to our iniquities.
As a father pities his children, So the LORD pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.”
Psalms 103:8-10, 13-14 NKJV
Lord help us.
Father forgive us for so many times when you pick us up from school not literally but in a symbolic way you pick us up from our day and we give you the cold shoulder. Please forgive us. Please give us a welcoming and warm attitude, the enthusiasm of a small child saying I can’t wait to be in your arms Father. We want to embrace you and we want to know you deeply, we want to read your word, meditate on your promises. We want to feed on your faithfulness Lord. We want to tell you all about the day, talk about our feelings, tell you the good and the bad and know that Jesus you conquered all. Father thank you for being faithful even when we fail you. Father thank you for loving us even though we act so unlovable at times. Father thank you for your desire of intimacy with us, help us long to be in your presence and help us remind ourselves that you’re always with us and you’re always willing and ready to talk to us. Your help is always available! Jesus we love you in your name we pray Amen