Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"Call Me Dad"

Growing up as a little girl I felt blessed to have “two dads.” I had my blood father who was a loving man and I had my step-father who I adored and who taught me about Jesus and sacrificial love. However…it wasn’t always easy to have these two relationships and as a little child sometimes I was confused.

My mom met my step-father when I was 3 or 4. They married when I believe I was 5. My older siblings called him “Ruben” but I was encouraged to call him Daddy Ruben. I called him Ruben and sometimes called him “Daddy Ruben.”

We were a blessed blended family. We were not poor but we did not have extras. We never ate out unless it was a special occasion and even then it was In N Out or pizza not a restaurant. We did not purchase clothes unless it was back to school time. Toys were only purchased for birthdays or Christmas. I can recall my older siblings requesting to be involved in expensive extra-curricular activities and many times we could not afford it.

The LORD reminded me last year of one special time I had with my step dad. I know it was Jesus prompting my memory because I had forgotten about this for over 25 years.

My step-dad was constantly full of joy. He exuded joy. He was so friendly out going and others centered. Constantly smiling and striking up a conversation with a clerk or stranger. Everyone loved him…

As a child, I loved to go with him on errands! Even boring errands like the recycling place or home depot.

One day we went to the store arm in arm as usual…I saw a beautiful Barbie I adored. He saw me admiring it and said, “Mija do you want me to buy that for you”? I knew I couldn’t have it. I would have to wait until my birthday or Christmas and neither one were close by….Maybe he is asking so he can tell my mom to get it for me for my next birthday.

“Yes I want it.” I answered. “Ok mija. Let’s get it”

I truly remember this being one of the first times I received an extra special costly gift and it wasn’t my birthday or Christmas. I was so happy. I hugged the doll in the car. “I’ll do anything for this. I said. Thank you! Thank you! Do you want me to do chores for it? I’ll even pull weeds in the garden”

He told me I didn’t have to do anything. He simply wanted to buy it for me. I insisted, isn’t there something I can do to earn it? It’s expensive!

“Well…” he said. “There is one thing you can do for me. Can you call me Dad?”
 I can still to this day, so many years later, hear the softness in his voice when he asked me this.

“Yes Dad! Of course!” As a little girl, I remember thinking this is great! I don’t have to do chores! This is not payment. Of course I will call him dad, he is my dad, he’s my step-dad, but he’s my dad! I just got confused as others in the home called him by first name.

So fast forward almost 30 years later. It’s Christmas time and my dad is in heaven. I remembered this moment and began to cry. He was such a wonderful dad.

God spoke to my heart and said, “You see. I don’t want anything from you Laura. I just want to hear you call me dad”

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 (NKJV)

I love studying and learning the names of God. He is Immanuel God with us. He is our prince of peace, the Great I AM, the Alpha and Omega and so much more.

But there is just something so very special about our being able to call God “Father”  Abba means literally “Daddy.”

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God. 1 John 3:1 (NKJV)

Jesus called the LORD “His Father” many many times (some say over 100 times). In John 5:16-18 the leaders wanted to arrest Him because he called God his Father.

And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, "Abba, Father." Galatians 4:6 (NLT)

Jesus prayed "Abba, Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will." Mark 14:36

The names Father, Abba, or Daddy all imply relationship. A stranger could not walk up to my dad and call him “dad” he would not respond to them. But when I call out “Dad” my father will respond because we have a relationship.

This illustration with me and my step-father is so special to me because it’s the same as the spiritual relationship I have with God. I have been adopted in to God’s family. We were separated from our Heavenly Father because of sin. Jesus bridged the gaping hole of sin and united us again so by the Spirit of adoption we cry out Abba Father.

What does a baby do when she is in need? She cries. We are encouraged to daily, moment by moment call on our Father, our Dad, for our need. Not just physical need, but emotional need, spiritual need, ALL our needs are met in Jesus- the Great I AM.

Our Father wants one thing from you this Christmas JUST CALL HIM DAD. Just call Him Abba Father. Talk to Him, be close to Him and see that He daily wants to give you presents “just because.”

If you don’t know God as your Abba Father, ask Jesus into your heart! He is waiting for you to call! 

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said Laura! You have inspired me to go to Him and call him Father, Dad and Abba. Thank you! God bless. Sarah Deiner :)


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