Have you ever tried to bless someone only to have it backfire?
On Nov. 2, 2020 Isaac had brain surgery.
Yes, he had brain surgery.
It was a very scary day to put it lightly.
The pediatric neurosurgeon assured us it was a 1 day overnight procedure and recover time would be minimal. "Endoscopic brain surgery to have a fenestration of an arachnoid cyst." That is the name of the procedure.
After the surgery Isaac was resting in his room. The medical team said he would be groggy and might be nauseous.
Once Isaac ate 2 meals he would be free to go home.
He ate small bites but definitely did not have an appetite.
Finally he finished enough and got the "all clear" to go home.
We were so excited to see how the procedure would help him.
So much of our life and our home revolves around helping Isaac.
On the way home Chuck said "Let's get Isaac pizza!" This is his favorite food.
We don't buy pizza often because it can cause him to melt down wanting more food and not knowing/understanding when he should stop...
We ordered the pizza and were excited to help Isaac rest and recover at home...
What we neglected to notice was that the doctor said to feed him "light meals" for the next few days.
Isaac ate the pizza and then vomited.
Here we were trying to bless Isaac and it backfired. He ended up feeling icky and vomited and now we had to clean his room, etc.
"I was just trying to bless him"
Chuck and I have said this many times.
We try to bless Isaac only to have the gift become a problem.
It reminds me of Moses...
God appoints Moses to be the delivered and prophet to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, out of slavery and into the Promised Land.
This is what was said to Moses:
The man said, “Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?” Then Moses was afraid and thought, “What I did must have become known.” (Exodus 2:14)
Moses had killed an Egyptian man and he was trying to be a blessing...but his behavior backfired.
In the New Testament Stephen mentions this very incident, "Moses assumed his fellow Israelites would realize that God had sent him to rescue them, but they didn’t." (Acts 7:25)
Moms and Dads are used to this....
You try (and try really hard!) to be a blessing to your kids.
As the saying goes "I am blessed to be a blessing."
Then later you realize...sometimes our intentions can backfire or go unappreciated.
I recall a very godly friend of mine was in a counseling session. Her daughter was struggling with same sex attraction and she literally said "I forgive you mom for how you raised me."
This mom had poured love, devotion, care and the child lacked nothing...yet she was now stating emphatically- "You wronged me! You raised me wrong"
I pray this daughter will one day return to the LORD and realize what a blessing her parents are...
Many many times we have thrown up our arms and said to Isaac directly "I was just trying to bless you!"
Isaac has special needs and all the circumstances must be exactly right. For example, if he sees a gift bag, he will want it. I cannot have wrapping paper or gift bags around in the home or he will rip them and assume there are gifts or treats in them. It's very hard.
My point is this:
How do we bless God?
How do we bless the LORD in a way that won't backfire?
We often think God wants us to serve Him. Yes! The LORD does love when we serve.
However, we must get to know God's love language.
Everyone has a love language. I might tell Olivia she is beautiful and she is the most amazing daughter in the world. But using words of affirmation is not her love language. Her main love language is physical touch. She would rather me sit next to her or give her a hug.
Isaac likes gifts. He does not like hugs...
I think you get the point.
God's love language is Jesus.
As we love the Son, the Father gets blessed. This will take a lifetime to live out and fully explore.
In Him (Christ) dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.
When we love on Jesus, the Father beams with joy.
We need to grasp this.
We want to bless God but at times we feel like it "backfires."
God's Word says "To obey is better than sacrifice" (1 Sam 15:22) and a broken and contrite spirit He will not despise.
"My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. Psalm 51:17
Jesus was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
Keith Green wrote a song "Asleep in the Light"
"Oh, bless me Lord, bless me Lord
You know, it's all I ever hear
No one aches, no one hurts, no one even sheds one tear
But He cries, He weeps, He bleeds
And He cares for your needs
And you just lay back and keep soaking it in
Oh, can't ya see it's such sin?"
In stead of trying to bless God in the way I WANT TO bless Him...I must bless the LORD according to His love language.
We must decide to bless God by loving Jesus, seeking Jesus, clinging to Jesus, being ambassadors for Jesus, living like Jesus, praying to Jesus, and abiding in Jesus.
Remember Mary and Martha?
Where was Mary? Sitting at Jesus' feet.
Martha was busy serving and neglected to sit at His feet.
Jesus was RIGHT THERE in front of her...and she missed an opportunity to get to know Him better.
Martha would say "I'm just trying to bless you Jesus."
I am trying to bless you with the best meal in town. I am trying to bless you with all of my gifts. I want to bless you with this meal. I want to bless you with my service.
Somewhere along the line...she missed that Jesus wanted "her" not her services.
Oh how we need to get this my friends!
Don't forget Jesus as you serve Jesus.
Don't forget to bless the LORD as you are striving to bless Him with your day to day tasks.
Get to know God's love language.
One day Jesus may want you to sit.
Another day Jesus may want you to step out of your comfort zone and serve.
Lord help us bless you in the way that you desire!