I love God's Word. It is a lamp to me and a light to me as Psalm 119 says.
However, I did not always go to the Word to get my instructions for the day.
I went to me myself and I.
What do I want to do? Where do I want to go? What food should I eat? Me me me.
Over the course of this Christian journey I have learned through daily discipline the NECESSITY of reading God's Word EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Would you go one day without a meal?
(well unless you are fasting but that's not what I am implying here)
In general, we eat 3 meals a day, plus some snacks.
I have been meditating on God's Word and trying to be more intentional of letting it "get into me."
We can read and then get nothing out of it. We can say- what did I just read?
We have all been there.
But we need to be disciplined to read.
My husband takes blood pressure meds and I daily remind him to take it.
We all need daily reminders! It is critical to take our medications, drink water, eat food, etc.
Well duh you might be thinking...
But what about treats?
Ice cream, brownies, cookies, scones, doughnuts, mydelight cupcakes....
Oh the joy of eating THESE type of foods. We don't even need reminders to eat these because we want to.
I have been really enjoying reading through the Gospel of John. It is in my one year Bible reading.
I am so thankful for this time and this season, God plants me RIGHT where I need to be in the Gospel of John.
I need Jesus.
Yes the Old Testament is fabulous and I read through those books...but Jesus.
There is just something about that Name.
There is a favorite old song that we used to sing at church:
Jesus Jesus Jesus Holy and Anointed One
Your Name is like honey on my lips
Your Spirit like water to my soul
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet
Jesus I love you
I love you
Today I was walking with Isaac and my Spirit was refreshed after just reading John 15 in the morning before the day escaped me.
I said in my spirit "LORD You are like Honey"
There are many verses in the Word that mention honey
"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones" Proverbs 16:24
"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" Psalm 119:103
God's Word is like honey the psalmist writes...but when we are in pain...we often run from God instead of running to His Word.
I love this word picture because I love sweets. I actually prefer dessert over dinner.
But Honey doesn't just "come" alive out of no where.
What is nectar?
nectar: noun, A sugary fluid secreted by plants especially within flowers to encourage pollination by insects and other animals. It is collected by bees to make honey.
The bees collect the nectar and then they make honey.
Wow LORD you are speaking!
We are like the bee. We must GO TO the plant (God's Word) to gather the nectar (the sugary fluid) and meditate on it, take it with us whereever we go and keep doing it over and over and over again and then low and behold- God's Word turns into honey in our lives!
What a blessing!
I read a book recently where the author endured intense chronic pain and years of suffering.
She said "read the Bible even when it tastes like cardboard"
My encouragement to you is STICK WITH IT.
It's summer and many people fall off their reading plan and devotional time because of vacations and other things....
I remember one time Jeanette Walls said "What started as duty, ended up becoming a delight"
What she means is....when you read the Word, you might feel distracted, sleepy, unengaged bored, or down right uninterested.
Make a decision to read the Word every day and if possible twice a day.
Also, don't compare yourself with others. If your spouse or friend or relative reads and has 3 hour devotions...that's awesome.
If you are a busy mom and can only read for 15-20 minutes that is glorious and God will use the Word you implant in yourself to bear much fruit.
His Word really is alive and active.
We need the Holy Spirit.
If the Bible was a car, the Holy Spirit is the spark plug. It is so important to ask God to open your eyes and heart to what He is saying.
Lastly, pray the Word. Open a psalm and pray God's Word back to Him. Or whatever you just read, turn it into a prayer. If you read John 15 like I did this morning, thank God for being the vine and for allowing you to be a branch. Give Him permission to prune away dead branches, ungodly thoughts, fleshly attitudes and dead activities that are not bearing fruit but actually hindering your growth,.
His Word is like honey.
Jesus-His name is like honey.
Read God's Word, even if it feels like duty, trust me, it will turn into a delight!