Confessions of a prom queen
Wait- what?
Yes I was prom queen. 1997.
May is the month for moms and proms.
So here we go...
Walk with me down memory lane
Next year will be 20 years since I graduated high school. (Wow!) and all of a sudden the Lord struck my mind with memories...
Not of prom ... But of the young me...
Our fellowship Calvary Chapel Chino Valley has been using the month of May to help the youth with identity struggles.
They have tackled issues such as body image, eating disorders, cutting, homosexuality, etc.
High school years for most people are extremely awkward and heart wrenching.
But for me, I always loved school, loved activities, loved friends. It was bliss.
I excelled at many things.
But I still needed God.
Here's my prom story-
Obligatory backstory first (I'll keep it brief)
It didn't bother me much that people called me teacher's pet or joked that I was the smartest kid in class.
I wasn't the smartest kid. I simply loved school and had an enthusiasm for learning and loved sharing what I had learned.
I was the first person to raise my hand, volunteer an answer or write on the board.
I won student of the year in 5th grade.
Lots of honor rolls, etc
Fast forward to High school. I had not completely walked away from the Lord...but I sure let a big distance creep in.
I got good grades, tried to stay away from drugs, took my SATs...was active in drill team ... Tried out for swim ( I was super slow...short legs I guess- humor- you can laugh)
Then senior prom time.
Some friends mentioned my name. I was nominated.
I won.
Every little girls dream. Hold the roses, get a crown, dance a dance, college bound...
I still remember my parents asking me "can you call us when you find out if you've won or not- call us either way" I had to use a pay phone- no cell phones yet
It was a fun experience ...
The reason I'm sharing this is because I know there are a great many kids out there like me (or rather how I was growing up ) NOT doing outwardly bad things. Getting good grades, obeying parents, involved in activities.
These honor roll kids need God too.
I remember one night going to bed and literally feeling like I had it all.
I have friends, a boyfriend, leader on my drill team, good grades, fun times, parents who love me- I won the prom queen! I have a lot going good for me...right now.
But there was still a void.
I needed Jesus.
This is why I'm writing this blog-
Moms, dads, aunts, uncles---There is a sea of uncharted territory out there-- a mission field -
Good kids.
(Good in the worldly sense, of course Gods Word says there is none who does good not one) Psalm 14:2-3
I knew I had a wall up with God. That wall was sin.
I felt convicted but I didn't know how to move forward. I started attending church (by then I was a teen, I drove myself and started going to a youth group too)
One day I got on my knees in my bedroom at the age of 18 and I said I was sorry for my sins. I confessed that I had been leading my own life instead of letting God lead me.
I was never the same.
I know if you are reading this you might be thinking of a friend or family member who has always been a "good person"
Don't stop praying for them.
Don't be fooled ...
They still need the Gospel, they still need to be born again.
Pray for the people in your life who appear to have it all together.
Remember it just looks good on the exterior. Without God and Christ's blood we all perish. John 3:16
We need Him and we need Him bad.
Christ is our identity ---not the good we've done or the bad we've done.
No good deed is good enough to get to heaven, and no bad deed is bad enough to separate you from Gods love.
It's all grace.
I'm thankful for Gods love in saving me and using me- I'm not worthy of any of it- but I accept His gift.
I see a lot of myself in my daughter. She is very driven and at times gets upset if something is scary or not going her way. I encourage her to go to Jesus with any problem ...for He is always the right answer.