"I'll have what He's having"
Matt 6:10-
Jesus teaches us to pray. He says "your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven"
We pray this constantly-
God -your will be done.
One commentary said
The thought is not merely God's will realized in this or that action, whether performed or endured by us (. Matthew 26:42; Acts 21:14), but God's will as a whole coming into full being.
So Gods will coming into full being- how can we include this in our prayer lives?
His residence in Us He - Christ Making us Whole
Praying "His will be done" is actually a prayer of surrender.
pastor Levi Lusko said this---
"I'll have what He's having"
It really struck me and I want to help illustrate.
Imagine you walk into a French restaurant. The entire menu is in French and you have no idea what to order.
The person you're with is French born and raised he knows the menu inside and out and understands the language and He knows the cuisine.
He orders.
Then you say
"I'll have what he's having."
You trust him because he knows- he has full knowledge of the menu and what is best -
So you trust his meal selection
Rather than ordering something that might be subpar or just out right gross you trust him you say I'll have what he's having.
That is what we are saying when we pray
Your will be done.
Jesus lives to make intercession for us. So we pray your will be done we are saying God you know my heart and know I would like to live in a different neighborhood or that I would like to see you work in this area but nevertheless I'll have what he's having -Jesus you have a better knowledge of me better than I even know myself and you know what I need so I'm going to trust you and what your will is for me, so if I have prayed anything that is not pleasing to you I give you permission to cancel it out ---I trust you.
Another example is with parenting-
I don't know what it is about motherhood that can make us so sad at times---
We pray this child would be better at math we pray that child would mind her manners-
And why won't any of them clean their rooms.
God I need help- ugh no God takes too long I'll just do it all myself-
I will whip this child into shape I'll get a tutor for the math and I'll clean their rooms myself ---
We in essence have an agenda a preconceived notion of what motherhood is supposed to be or what it's supposed to look like---
When it doesn't look right, we get grumpy mad at our husbands and sometimes even mad at God.
So what if your child likes to play in the mud? let him. Pray and ask God to show you his heart for your kids.
Your will be done Lord, I'll have what you're having
I share this because I want you to know that it's ok to want things- good things - but what you want maybe good, God wants to give you His best! We have to trust Him when we pray..
Really really trust him
Colossians 1:9
"So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding."
Let Him order from the menu-
God is the chef, the inventor of the dish, the designer of the food menu, the creator and cultivator of every good and perfect gift, He knows- He knows what's best- it is not easy but may we yield to Him in our prayers and learn to say your will be done! "I'll have what you're having Jesus I trust you"