14 is not just a number
December 2 is a day we will never forget
14 is not just a number
The reality sinks in.
The horror resonates.
14 is not just a number
They were real they were human
They were moms and dads brothers and sisters friends co workers neighbors
They were artists, silly jokesters, brides to be, planning trips to Disneyland, enjoying Christmas ...living life, breathing alive and full of life
14 is not just a number
Now Bennetta, Robert, Damian,
Shannon, Nicholas, Aurora, Sierra, Tin,
Michael, Yvette, Larry, Isaac, Harry, and Juan are gone...
We pray
We grieve
We ask Jesus for His will to be done and His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven
We weep with those who weep
We ask for truth to be revealed that terrorism is to blame and evil is real
But God is bigger and He will judge
He will heal; He will bring peace
So as we celebrate the Prince of Peace on Dec 25, may we pause to reflect that 14 is more than a number and beauty will come from ashes will come ....but for now we ask God our Father to scoop up these families with His everlasting arms ...and may His presence light up their lives at this dark time....