I can't believe it's been months since I've blogged! I have had many blogs simmering in my mind...but haven't set aside the time to write.
This is such a powerful truth that I am reminded of I need to share.
This week Isaac went back to school. Kindergarten. He is in a special day class...he started at 3 1/2 and now he's 5 1/2. I shouldn't be sad. I shouldn't be anxious. I should be prayed up and ready to go! I thought I was. I prayed Isaac would understand he needed to start back to school. It's not like preparing with other "typical kids." With typical kids there is a build up of excitement, new clothes, new backpack, for homeschool parents- new curriculum, excitement to see friends...not with Isaac. With Isaac we have a big question mark. Does he understand? I passed by his school, "We'll be back on Tuesday" I explained the Saturday before. I laid out pictures....almost time for school. No response. The day came and I felt peace, but nervous he would have a tantrum and cry. He did cry a little when we walked out the door but after the walk down our block and a little bit of wait time....Isaac got on the bus without a tear! It was a huge answer to prayer! I felt so excited. My boy is such a pro! Then I check my email and learn he has a new teacher. Heart pounding...nerves on edge and my stomach churned. How did this happen? We had a meeting before summer and Isaac would have the same teacher he had in pre-school. Now a change. How would he do? Is she nice? She knows NOTHING about my son....God reminded me He has Isaac in the palm of His hands and I need not fear. As the week went by I realized something...I had been praying so much for Isaac to not cry/freak out/have melt downs about going back to school. This was answered in a big way. But I did not even think to pray for his teacher! I did pray a general prayer for his teacher and classroom, for Isaac to not act agressive, for him to make a friend this year, for him to get back into the swing of things...but the teacher was not a concern I felt I needed to lift to my Abba. God already had this! He was going to have a teacher I knew and loved. Now....gulp, this all changed. God gently reminded me, "Laura, you did not need to pray for Isaac's new teacher...You did not even know until after the fact that Isaac would have a new teacher. But guess what....I had this covered. Remember, I, Jesus, live to make intercession for you. I have been praying for you and for Isaac so the new teacher is covered in prayer. All you need to do is trust me." (Romans 8:34 NIV-Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Romans 8:26 NLT--And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.)
I didn't know Isaac would have a new teacher so I didn't think to pray for that! But God knew and as I prayed for my son to have a great school year, for him to be a blessing in his classroom and in his school, for him to be able to speak more words and overcome the obstacles and challenges of autism, God knew....God knew what Isaac needed and He prayed all those prayers I missed. I do not believe I can express it in words how peaceful I feel to know this. I didn't pray for this new teacher...but God did...Jesus had it covered and now I can "catch up" and pray for her along with Him. Amazing...
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
Don't Turn Away From Jesus.. ..Stay in Prayer and the Word
Matthew 26 verse 56. At that point all the disciples deserted him and fled. What a sad Scripture. Jesus had just spent a considerable amount of time in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. He tells his disciples "it's time." "Time for what?" they must have thought. They were so confused they were exhausted and couldn't stay awake to pray. They had missed the opportunity to put on the full armor of God in prayer. When Judas betrayed Jesus with the kiss Jesus is calm.....why?? Jesus was ready.....this was the reason he had come.....to die for us. It was very difficult but he had spent time with his Father in prayer and was ready. The disciples deserted him. Although I've read this scripture many many times it really struck me this time around. The disciples and Jesus had lived together, ate together, slept/camped together, done ministry together for 3 years. They were close....They were a family. Jesus was their leader and master and now they are deserting him. As heartbreaking as it is to know the disciples all left you.....Jesus had to go this road alone. Yet we must ask ourselves what would we do if we were in a life or death situation??? Would we desert Jesus too?? There are many pastors and Christian brothers and sisters that are being persecuted even now and they will not deny the name of Jesus. They have treasures stored in heaven for their loyalty to our great God.....although as Americans we will not likely be tested like that....we will be hated for our love and devotion for Jesus. Exodus chapter 32 verse 8 says they have already turned from the way I commanded them to live. The word that stood out to me today is "already". God had done so many great and mighty acts on behalf of the Israelites, His peopl.....but now Moses is on mountain talking with God and now they get impatient...they have a heart that desires to worship something or someone so they go to Aaron and Aaron has a bright idea of using their gold to form a golden calf. It seems so foolish to us now but what if we were in their shoes what if we felt that our leader Moses abandoned us....what I've learned from this is that people are fickle. We can be on fire for God 1 day and walking in the flesh and in the ways of the world the next.......but what about Moses???? what made him different???Exodus chapter 33 verse 17 says and the Lord replied to Moses I will indeed do what you have asked for you have found favor with me and you are my friend....verse 18 then Moses had 1 more request please let me see your glorious presence he said. Moses couldn't get enough of the Lord. He he spent so much time with the Lord talking with him and praying for people..... interceding to God for the people. Moses was constantly asking God for guidance and direction Moses truly was a humble man. Moses wanted to see God's glory. What we need in our lives is a constant dependence on God in prayer and constant meditating on his word and his precious promises. If we hide God's Word in our hearts Psalm 119:11 says we are guard our hearts from sin. We all can fall at any time so we must be on guard. Think about it .....the disciples walked with Jesus for 3 years and they still deserted him. We may walk with the Lord for more than 10, 15 or even 20 years and Satan will be there with an opportunity to turn our backs on Jesus. May that never happen! may God guard our hearts our minds and hold our dreams and guard our walks so that we can be like Moses .....be called a friend of God.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
The Tabernacle.....God's Instructions are Perfect
I hate math. Whenever I see numbers I cringe. I was so blessed several years ago to learn that math anxiety is a real problem for some people. Well.....I have it......Today in the 1 year Bible there are many numbers to describe the tabernacle... .the entrance of the tabernacle and the instructions of how the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant was to be constructed. Exodus chapters 26 and 27 describe in numerical perfection the design for the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. These chapters are not easy to read if you are not comfortable with math, geometry and visual images coordinated with the dimensions for a construction project.....God gives perfect dimensions to Moses. After reading through Exodus chapter 26 my mind is exhausted...but God blessed me with verse 33. The curtain will separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. I'm so thankful Jesus and His work on the cross made it possible for the curtain to be ripped in two. There is no more curtains separating the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place I can go directly to Jesus I can go directly to the Father because of the work Jesus did for me and his blood that was shed. Exodus chapter 26 verse 30 says set up this tabernacle according to the design you were shown on the mountain. Exodus 27 verse 8 be careful to build it just as you were shown on the mountain. God reminded me in these verses and in the details of the tabernacle that God is a God of order and God desires us to follow in simple obedience to Him..... step by step. God said be careful to build it just as you were shown on the mountain. We are not to deviate from his Word. We are not to deviate from His plan for us. We are to follow after the design he showed us...... the design is Jesus. How many details do we have in the New Testament of how to live. Jesus....the carpenter and Creator....He is more than enough! Exodus chapter 27:20 says tell the people of Israel to bring you pure olive oil for the lampstand so it can be keep burning continually. This is a picture of prayer...... our prayers should be continually rising to our Heavenly Father. No need is too small to be lifted to God in prayer. Oil also represents the Holy Spirit. In Matthew chapter 25 verses 7-9 we see the image of the virgins. 5 of them took extra oil with them so they would be ready when the bridegroom came in. The other 5 women were foolish and had no oil. We are foolish if we think that we can survive without prayer and without the Empowering of the Holy Spirit. Exodus shows us God's Word is not always easy to understand but we will receive many blessings when we read it daily and I'm thankful that there are not too many math versus the Scriptures!!!!! God wants to teach us and to change us! Let's obediently read His Word every day for that is the key to being wise
Saturday, January 26, 2013
God appears to Moses...God turns ordinary into Holy
Exodus 3:8 So I have come to rescue them from the Egyptians and even out of Egypt to enter their own good and spacious land. God appears to Moses. God commissions Moses and gives him a job to do. Exodus chapter 3 verses 1-3 One day Moses was tending the flock of his father in law jethro the priest of midian and he went deep into the wilderness near Sinai the mountain of God. Suddenly the angel of the LORD appeared to him as a blazing fire in a bush. Moses was amazed because the bush was engulfed in flames but it didn't burn up "amazing"....Moses said to himself. what struck me today was the fact that God revealed himself to Moses on an ordinary day in an extraordinary way. Moses fled Egypt because he had killed an egyption slave master. Moses sinned. But as I read about Moses this morning I saw how much Moses was being formed into the mighty man of God and the leader that God would use. Moses killed the Egyptian master because he felt injustice in his heart. Moses knew slavery of God's special people was wrong. Moses was raw and in the flesh and did not know how to handle his emotions. God really spoke to my heart this morning over and over again in today's 1 year Bible reading with the word "rescue"...the word rescue is cited several times in Exodus and the theme rescue is also seen. First Moses was rescued from being murdered at the hands of Pharaoh. Moses' mother put her son in a basket in the river. Moses was then rescued by Pharaoh's daughter. Moses fled Egypt and was living in the land of midian and was rescued from a life of guilt and sadness. Moses encounters God in the burning bush. Moses was rescued from a mundane routine life and led into a life of awesome ministry for God.I love how Moses says to the Lord in Exodus 3 verse 11 Who Am I to appear before Pharoah? Moses should have stopped talking after that... We too can learn a lesson here. It is good to talk to God and and ask him Who am I. He will tell us the answer we are children of God we have a plan and a purpose in God's will. I love to think about the sphere of influence. A college student may think I'm just a college student I can't impact God's kingdom. Wrong!! God will use the ordinary to do extraordinary things. The bush was normal there was nothing extraordinary about it but when God comes the consuming fire, the bush is no longer just a bush... the bush becomes 1 of the most powerful symbols in all of Scripture. We all know the story of the burning bush and how God spoke to Moses in the burning bush. God does the same with us today. ... God uses the ordinary to reach us. God wants to be the Lord of our everyday, day to day life and decisions and our everyday encounters with others. God does not want us to be Sunday only worshippers... God wants us to worship Him in spirit and in truth. I love how God warns Moses in verse 5 of chapter 3 of Exodus "do not come any closer" God told him take off your sandals for you are standing on holy ground. God had to tell Moses He was holy and tell him he was standing on holy ground. God reminded me of the same thing. Raising kids is holy.... being a mother of a special needs child is holy.... having devotions with your spouse is holy .....going to the store and praying for a stranger is holy. Is this taking it too far? No. God wants to take us out of our comfort of Midian, release us from our fears of Egypt and use us to reflect our rescuer --Jesus. Psalm 22 verse 8, "Is this the one who relies on the Lord? Let the Lord save him if the Lord loves him so much let the Lord rescue him . Psalm 22 "for our ancestors trusted in you and you rescued...them you heard their cries for help and saved them. They put their trust in you and we're never disappointed." God is not a disappointing God. God is the God of love, of mercy and He is our Savior our rescuer. May we be sensitive to the spirit so God can invade are ordinary and use us to do extraordinary things for his kingdom.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Spirit filled Speech vs Fleshy speech
There is no doubt that words are powerful. Words can cut and words can build up. We must be very cautious with the words we speak. Matthew 16 verses 16-17 Jesus asks his disciples who do you say I am. The only one that answers is Peter. We see Peter many times in the Gospels putting his foot in his mouth. But not here. Peter answers you are the Messiah the Son of the living God. Jesus replied you are blessed Simon son of John because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. you did not learn this from any human being. I like that. I like the way the New Living Translation says no human being revealed this to you. The Father in Heaven revealed it to Peter and the Father in Heaven gave Peter the boldness to open up his mouth and speak truth. Just a few verses down in Matthew 16 verse 22 Peter responds to Jesus (after Jesus says he would be killed.) Peter says in Matt 16: 22 ....Peter took Jesus aside and corrected him ...heaven forbid Lord he said this will never happen to you. Matthew 16:23 -Jesus turns to Peter and says get away from me Satan you are a dangerous trap to me. you are seeing things from a human point of view and not from God's. Ouch!!!! That must have hurt Peter. We see Peter corrected by Jesus in the scriptures. However this is the only time where Jesus tells Peter get behind me Satan. Why?? I have often wondered how Peter can go from describing perfectly the dirty of Jesus to later being rebuked by Jesus. We too can have this problem. I have often wondered why I can leave a church service feeling so filled with the spirit feeling on fire for God feeling blessed and encouraged. Sometimes I haven't even reached home yet and in the car I have bad news over the phone, kids acting up, an argument with my husband, traffic, you name it. We can go from 0 to 60 to getting in the flesh quicker than anything. Why? When Peter says you are the Messiah the Son of the living God Jesus cimmends Peter vecause he is speaking in the spirit. His words are revealed from the Father's heart. Peter is speaking truth. When Peter takes Jesus aside and says heaven forbid. this will never happen to you (Jesus' death) Peter is speaking in the flesh. Peter does not want Jesus to be killed. But Peter does not understand the Father's plan. We do the same thing ...we must be very careful with our words. When calling a brother or sister in the Lord to pray with them or encourage them we must always pray first asking God to give us the right words. The right words are His words. There have been times I wanted to share a word of encouragement with a sister in Christ. I became nervous and fearful that I will stumble over my words. God reminded me in my heart that if I give a friend His word and ask the spirit to fill me with His word there's nothing to be fearful of. God wants to use us just like he used Peter. However we must make sure are speech is Spirit filled and not flesh filled.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Jesus says "it's all right....I'm here"
Matthew 14:27. But Jesus spoke to them at once. "It's alright" he said "I'm here don't be afraid".I read this verse this morning in the 1 year Bible. It brought such comfort to my heart. it's so amazing how God can use 1 verse to comfort the deepest part of our souls. As I stopped and meditated on this verse I thought about what it means to hear Jesus' voice. I thought about what it means to hear him say it's alright and what it means to hear him say I'm here don't be afraid. The Lord reminded me of my daughter Olivia. She'll be 7 next month the last 7 years have been full of joy. We have always been very close. I can remember when I would drop her off in the nursery at church she would cry every time. At our home we have a very large backyard. There have been times when I went to the backyard to water plants or to get something from the garage and Olivia could not find me. She ran out in the back crying...mom mom where are you. I'm here in the back l say. The same has happened in the front yard even the other day she came to the front yard "I just wanted to know that you were still here." God reminded me of this today. His presence is enough. His voice is enough to calm my fears. His reassurance that he is always with me brings so much comfort. Even a mother with a newborn child knows that her voice can calm the child's fears. We are living in very dark days. The times are evil and the future of our country is uncertain. May we rest in the fact that Jesus says it is I don't be afraid just hearing his voice and knowing the truth from his word brings comfort. we can rest in Him.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
God will take care of the Weeds in His Garden
Matthew 13:30 NLT
30 Let both grow together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn. In Matthew 13 Jesus tells us what the kingdom of heaven is like. One powerful example is the garden where wheat and tares (or weeds) grow. The farmer plants. The farmer's helpers point out the weeds. Jesus (the farmer) says don't pull out the weeds until the appointed time. Jesus says the wheat and tares must grow together. if you try to uproot the weeds too early it will destroy the wheat. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard people say they don't go to church because of the bad example from another Christian. One of my favorite quotes is from Keith Green song he says if you've been burned here's what I've learned the Lord's not the one to blame. The reality is everyone will at one time or another be hurt by someone in the church. It's just the reality of living with other sinners who are trying to make sin less of a practice in his/her life. Why are we always trying to do God's job for him? We always want to point out those tares and say "God deal with it..... it's killing me it's annoying me it's bugging me." But Jesus is very clear here. The wheat and tares must grow together. Yes of course we must deal with blatant sin as Paul demonstrated in the epistles we must confront the person or discuss it with 2 witnesses and meet with an elder our pastor. That's not Jesus is talking about here. Jesus is showing us that the enemy has plabted tares in God's garden. Jesus is the just judge and He will reward or condemn. As I mature in Lord I realize that not everyone who says with his/her mouth that he/she is a Christian is really saved. But I've also seen people who appear to have a shaky walk with the Lord who suddenly catch on fire and get close to the Lord. There are people that I have doubt in my mind they've really confessed Jesus as Lord and now they are serving Him, raising their kids to know him and living in fear of him. Be patient church. Jesus will present his Father with a spotless bride but until then day the wheat and tares grow together. If someone is annoying you or if you doubt someone's salvation do what Jesus tells us....pray for them intercede and wait patiently for the work to manifest itself. Afteralk Jesus is the farmer we are His servants and who are we to try to pull out weeds until He commands us to? Just grow in Him and be wheat and share His love with others. . Don't focus in weeds, focus on HIM.
30 Let both grow together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn. In Matthew 13 Jesus tells us what the kingdom of heaven is like. One powerful example is the garden where wheat and tares (or weeds) grow. The farmer plants. The farmer's helpers point out the weeds. Jesus (the farmer) says don't pull out the weeds until the appointed time. Jesus says the wheat and tares must grow together. if you try to uproot the weeds too early it will destroy the wheat. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard people say they don't go to church because of the bad example from another Christian. One of my favorite quotes is from Keith Green song he says if you've been burned here's what I've learned the Lord's not the one to blame. The reality is everyone will at one time or another be hurt by someone in the church. It's just the reality of living with other sinners who are trying to make sin less of a practice in his/her life. Why are we always trying to do God's job for him? We always want to point out those tares and say "God deal with it..... it's killing me it's annoying me it's bugging me." But Jesus is very clear here. The wheat and tares must grow together. Yes of course we must deal with blatant sin as Paul demonstrated in the epistles we must confront the person or discuss it with 2 witnesses and meet with an elder our pastor. That's not Jesus is talking about here. Jesus is showing us that the enemy has plabted tares in God's garden. Jesus is the just judge and He will reward or condemn. As I mature in Lord I realize that not everyone who says with his/her mouth that he/she is a Christian is really saved. But I've also seen people who appear to have a shaky walk with the Lord who suddenly catch on fire and get close to the Lord. There are people that I have doubt in my mind they've really confessed Jesus as Lord and now they are serving Him, raising their kids to know him and living in fear of him. Be patient church. Jesus will present his Father with a spotless bride but until then day the wheat and tares grow together. If someone is annoying you or if you doubt someone's salvation do what Jesus tells us....pray for them intercede and wait patiently for the work to manifest itself. Afteralk Jesus is the farmer we are His servants and who are we to try to pull out weeds until He commands us to? Just grow in Him and be wheat and share His love with others. . Don't focus in weeds, focus on HIM.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Joseph's Life and David's Prayer
Genesis 39 verse 2 the Lord was with Joseph and blessed him greatly as he served in the home of the Egyptian master. Potiphar noticed this and realized that the Lord was with Joseph giving him success in everything he did. Genesis 39:21 but the Lord was with Joseph there too and he granted Joseph favor with the chief jailer.Genesis 40 verse 8 "interpreting dreams is God's business" Joseph replied "tell me what you saw." Genesis 41:1....2 years later Pharaoh dreamed that he was standing on the bank of the Nile River.....Genesis 41 verse 16 "it is beyond my power to do this" Joseph replied "but God will tell you what it means and will set you at ease." I love reading about the life of Joseph. His life begins as the youngest of many brothers in the home with Jacob. Jacob gives Joseph a coat of many colors or many pockets which meant he held a special place in Jacob's heart. Joseph's life begins with a close relationship with his father. However jealousy caused his brothers to sell him into Egyptian slavery. Joseph nearly died. .but God had another plan for him. I love how every where Joseph goes he turns to God for strength. One of my favorite things to do in reading God's word is to look at the prayer life of the person we are reading about. Joseph's prayers are not recorded however when Joseph opens his mouth, he always gives the credit to God. Up until Genesis 41 Joseph may have hated the fact that he was given a gift to interpret dreams. These dreams have only gotten Joseph into trouble. Even when he interpreted the cupbearer's and baker's dreams he still had to wait 2 years before coming before Pharaoh. But Joseph waited patiently on the Lord. Isaiah said those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. Waiting is hard. No one likes to wait but when we're waiting on the King of the universe we can have renewed strength. I believe we see this in the life of Joseph. Joseph stayed close to God even in his darkest times even in the times when he doesn't understand what God is doing. Joseph was innocent yet he continued to trust God even in verse 16 of chapter 41 we see Joseph saying it is beyond my power to interpret this dream of yours Pharoah but God will tell you what it means. Joseph knows that he's just an instrument a conduit in the hands of God he doesn't give himself credit for interpreting dreams he gives God the credit and the glory and I believe that is why Joseph shines so brightly as a man that stays on the path with the Lord. in Psalm 17 in today's One year Bible reading it is the prayer of David. I find it beautiful how similar David's pleas are to Joseph's. Psalm 17--- Oh lord hear my plea for justice listen to my cry for help pay attention to my prayer for it comes from an honest heart. Declare me innocent for you know those who do right. You have tested my thoughts and examine my heart in the night you have scrutinized me and found nothing amiss for I am determined not to sin in what I say. I have followed your commands which have kept me from going along with cruel and evil people. My steps have stayed on your path I have not wavered from following you. I am praying to you because I know you will answer oh God bend down and listen as I pray show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways. And then versus 8 says Guard me as the apple of your eye hide me in the shadow of your wings. Simply beautiful....David and Joseph were both wrongfully accused yet they determined not to sin. David says I determine not to sin in what I say. Joseph is determined not to sin in what he does. Joseph was alone in the house with Potiphar's wife. I feel this is one of the most powerful pictures of fleeing from sin in the whole Bible. Joseph knows that even if no one sees ......God sees. Joseph says how could I ever do such a wicked thing it would be a great sin against God. Genesis 39. Even though Joseph has been through many trials and terrible circumstances he knows God continues to guard him as the apple of his eye. Joseph was daily prepositioned by this woman ....verse 10 of chapter 39 says she kept putting pressure on him day after day but he kept out of her way as much as possible. Joseph didn't just tell Potiphar's wife I don't want to sin against my master Potiphar, he says he will not sin against God we must take that same attitude. Jesus said if your left eye causes you to sin cut it out it's better to go into heaven with one eye than to sin against the Father. Oh how we need to remember God's presence with us everywhere even in the midst of our temptations our trials and our sufferings. I think when we encounter trials we tend to I feel like God is distance from us. A very beautiful friend of mine told me that she had lost a child and felt as if that was her ration of trials. she never expected to go through any trials after that. But she did. Joseph being sold by the others to slavery must have been humiliating and completely broke Joseph's heart. Yet he went through additional trials after that. My husband just said recently autism is not a trial it is a journey. Some trials do end.... if a man loses his job and has a season of financial troubles that trial ends when he gets a new job and becomes financially stable. But there are some trials that seem to go on and on and on. That is the life and a portrait we see from Joseph. His trial seems to go on and on and on and on. But he determined not to sin against God we must be careful to guard our hearts and are minds during difficult seasons. We must hold fast to the truth of God's word that he is holding us as the apple of his eye that He loves us with an everlasting love and that the answers to our prayers are on their way. We must hold fast to the truth that we can do nothing apart from Him but in him we can do all things. God is faithful and will never allow us to be tempted beyond what we can endure. The pressures of life are hard but Christ overcame the world and when we pray the Holy Spirit will empower us to give us eyes to see as God sees. Hold on to him and determine in your heart not to sin in what you say or do. We can be like Joseph, others will look and say, "The Lord is with her"
Thursday, January 17, 2013
The Sabbath---Jesus is LORD of the Sabbath
At about that time Jesus was walking through some grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry, so they began breaking off some heads of grain and eating them. But some Pharisees saw them do it and protested, "Look, your disciples are breaking the law by harvesting grain on the Sabbath."...Matt 12:1-2 Jesus then points out old testament examples of others doing quote "labor" on the Sabbath. He then says, verse 8 "For the Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath!"
The Pharisees ask a question, "Is it legal to work by healing on the Sabbath day?" Jesus heals the man with the withered hand and says "Yes it is right to do good on the Sabbath." verse v.12b. The Sabbath...I love how God rested on the 7th day. He saw all that He had made and it was good and He set apart a day of rest....
People have been arguing over what it means to respect and honor the Sabbath and keep it as a holy day forever. How ironic that God who instituted the Sabbath is now being accused of breaking the Sabbath.
I noticed today in the One Year Bible NLT reading that the disciples ate grain. These were 12 men. I would hardly consider their eating a snack "harvesting grain" yet the Pharisees were soooo religious that they considered this act "breaking the Sabbath." How sad. These Pharisees knew so much about God but were so far from Him. They thought God was a God of law and order and any deviation made you evil. Their religion was completely outward. Jesus changed all of this! Jesus said, "the Son of Man is LORD even of the Sabbath."
I find this reminder refreshing! We are under grace. Yes of course we need to rest on the Sabbath. Yes of course we should honor God by going to church, enjoying corporate worship, giving our offerings, and taking the day off from work on the Sabbath. But what about the rest of the week? I believe God in His love, grace, mercy and wisdom knew the human condition was such that we will work ourselves to the bone. When I was in law school I would get so consumed with my studies I would sometimes stay up all hours and forget to eat. Is this healthy? No! I would often get sick after finals...it caught up to me. I needed rest. God who created us knows we need rest. The Sabbath is a day of rest, physically, and a day of refreshment spiritually. But God knows us. Jesus knew us fallen sinners would change His original intent of the Sabbath...a day of rest and a day to set aside for Him as holy. I love how the NLT translates this, "Yes it is right to do good on the Sabbath." Jesus reminds us that it was never about religion. It was never about reguations or regulating behavior. It is right to do good on the Sabbath. God wants all of us, not just one special token, insincere ritual. I love wha Keith Green sings, "To obey is better than sacrifice...I want more than Sundays and Wednesday nights..." God wants us to rest IN HIM. He is LORD of the Sabbath. He is the one who gives rest to our weary souls.I love Jesus and the way He constantly "sets things straight." Rest in Jesus for He is the LORD of the Sabbath....
The Pharisees ask a question, "Is it legal to work by healing on the Sabbath day?" Jesus heals the man with the withered hand and says "Yes it is right to do good on the Sabbath." verse v.12b. The Sabbath...I love how God rested on the 7th day. He saw all that He had made and it was good and He set apart a day of rest....
People have been arguing over what it means to respect and honor the Sabbath and keep it as a holy day forever. How ironic that God who instituted the Sabbath is now being accused of breaking the Sabbath.
I noticed today in the One Year Bible NLT reading that the disciples ate grain. These were 12 men. I would hardly consider their eating a snack "harvesting grain" yet the Pharisees were soooo religious that they considered this act "breaking the Sabbath." How sad. These Pharisees knew so much about God but were so far from Him. They thought God was a God of law and order and any deviation made you evil. Their religion was completely outward. Jesus changed all of this! Jesus said, "the Son of Man is LORD even of the Sabbath."
I find this reminder refreshing! We are under grace. Yes of course we need to rest on the Sabbath. Yes of course we should honor God by going to church, enjoying corporate worship, giving our offerings, and taking the day off from work on the Sabbath. But what about the rest of the week? I believe God in His love, grace, mercy and wisdom knew the human condition was such that we will work ourselves to the bone. When I was in law school I would get so consumed with my studies I would sometimes stay up all hours and forget to eat. Is this healthy? No! I would often get sick after finals...it caught up to me. I needed rest. God who created us knows we need rest. The Sabbath is a day of rest, physically, and a day of refreshment spiritually. But God knows us. Jesus knew us fallen sinners would change His original intent of the Sabbath...a day of rest and a day to set aside for Him as holy. I love how the NLT translates this, "Yes it is right to do good on the Sabbath." Jesus reminds us that it was never about religion. It was never about reguations or regulating behavior. It is right to do good on the Sabbath. God wants all of us, not just one special token, insincere ritual. I love wha Keith Green sings, "To obey is better than sacrifice...I want more than Sundays and Wednesday nights..." God wants us to rest IN HIM. He is LORD of the Sabbath. He is the one who gives rest to our weary souls.I love Jesus and the way He constantly "sets things straight." Rest in Jesus for He is the LORD of the Sabbath....
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Jacob Wrestles With God
Genesis chapter 32 verses 24-30. This left Jacob all alone in the camp and a man came and wrestled with him until dawn. When a man saw that he couldn't win the match struck Jacob's hip and knocked it out of joint at the socket. Then the man said let me go for it is dawn. But Jacob panted I will not let you go unless you bless me. What is your name the man asked he replied Jacob your name will no longer be Jacob the man told him it is now Israel because you have struggled with both God and men and have won. What is your name Jacob asked him why do you ask the man replied then he blessed Jacob there. Jacob name the place peniel "face of God" for he said I have seen God face to face yet my life has been spared. In Genesis chapter 33 verse 20 he named the place El Elohe Israel, which means God the God of Israel. I absolutely love this picture of Jacob wrestling with God. Some Bible scholars believe that this angel Jacob wrestled with was a pre-incarnate Jesus. I do believe Jacob wrestled with Jesus. I find it so awesome that God changes Jacob's name. Jacob was named heel catcher or schemer or sneaky one....and after his enounter with God his name is changed to Israel. Israel means governed by God. Jesus also changes the names of men. Peter's name was Simon, Jesus changed him into Peter. Saul of Tarsus had his name changed after an encounter with Jesus as well... Saul's name was changed to Paul. In the book of Revelation we see that will we go to heaven and we will have new names. God loves us so much that when we have an encounter with him we are never the same. He not only changes us in our inner man in our innermost spirit but he also changes our name. In heaven we will have new names......I can't wait to find out what Jesus will call me in heaven. I find it so beautiful that God loves Jacob so much he waits until Jacob is all alone to have the special encounter with him. Jacob's family is away Jacob children are away....Jacobs servants and animals are all away and Jacob is all alone. No distractions....now God meets with him face to face. The same is true of us. When we get alone with God in our prayer closet in morning devotions God meets with us in a special way in an intimate way. Jesus often woke up early in the morning to depart alone to pray.....in this busy world we live in we must find time to get alone with God.I love Jacob's persistence. He said I will not let you go unless you bless me in Genesis 32 verse 26....we need to be that same way with God in our prayers and in our reading of his word. We need to wait on the Lord, panting, struggling until we finally surrender and God touches our hip and takes it out of place. God will allow areas of our life to cause us to limp just as Jacob did....all of his days....that is a good thing. For when we are weak that is when we are strong (in Him) May we put off the old self, the Jacob that rises up in us and may we surrender everything to God and be people that are "Israel" governed by God and live lives that are totally sold out and dependent on God. May we savor those alone times with God where He changes us!!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Jesus' Authority Scrutinized, Jesus Authority Validated!
Authority. What is and who has it?? Matthew 7 verse 28 -29 says after Jesus finished speaking the crowds were amazed at His teaching. For he taught as one who had real authority....quite unlike the teachers of religious law. Matthew 9 verse 2. Some friends brought Jesus a man that was paralyzed. Jesus told the man your sins are forgiven. v 3 "Blasphemy! this man talks like he is God some of the religious law teachers said. Jesus knew what they were thinking so he asked them "why are you thinking such evil thoughts is it easier to say your sins are forgiven or get up and walk I will prove that I the Son of Man have the authority on earth to forgive sins." Then Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and said stand up take up your mat and go home because you are healed. The man jumped up and went home. fear swept through the crowd as they saw this happen right before their eyes. v8 They praised God for sending a man with such great authority. In the law and in the courtroom authority is everything. Black's Law Dictionary says authority is the power present in any job needed to get it done. It can also be defined as any power that is formally given. Another definition for legal authority is the judgment of the court used to support an argument. Simply stated authority is legal support of an action. Power is defined as the ability to do something or act in a particular way. I get excited when I read scripture that says Jesus has authority. countless times in the courtroom a judge will ask an attorney what is your authority. The attorney will then proceed to quote a case from the California court from the federal court from the Constitution or from a code book or other legal source. An attorney's argument rests on the legal authorities he/she is citing or quoting.the authority is the legal basis for the argument a person is making. The legal authority is the power by which a judge can make a decision. Here we see Jesus has authority... He has authority when he speaks and he has authority to heal and forgive sins. Jesus has the power to do all that is within the Father's power. Jesus has authority to heal sin and to save people. Where does Jesus get his authority?? Jesus has the same authority that the Heavenly Father does. Jesus is Lord of creation Lord of the earth Lord of circumstances.....He is the Lord of all. We can come confidently to our advocate knowing that he always lives to intercede for us and he has the greatest Authority under heaven. This causes us to rejoice. I love the song by Gia Lucid that says over and over there is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain break every chain. Salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which you must be saved. Acts 4:12. There's power in the name of Jesus because there's authority in the name of Jesus.
Friday, January 11, 2013
First Jesus was Sleeping....and then He calmed the storm
Matthew 8 verse 23: "Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. Suddenly a terrible storm came up with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went to him and woke him up shouting Lord save us we're going to drown. And Jesus answered why are you afraid you have so little faith then He stood up and rebuked the wind and waves and suddenly all was calm....." Jesus sleeps. It is amazing to me that the Jesus allowed himself to be human. He was exhausted. As I read this passage today I was reminded of the reason why Jesus was exhausted. Although the scripture does not say precisely, perhaps Jesus was exhausted from all the ministry and service to people. We have to remind ourselves of the context. The disciples and Jesus walked everywhere. They moved around from town to town ministering. I believe He was physically exhausted.....Full time ministry leaves little room for breaks I am sure. Raising my 2 little ones I have often realized I never have time off....I am always a mom I am always on duty. The same goes for being a wife it is full time ministry to pour myself out for my husband and children. I have often heard people ask for prayer for balance between family and ministry. I am sure the reason is because serving the body of Christ and serving at home at the same time is extremely exhausting but of course it is completely worth it!!!! We must be about our father's business and continually be storing up our treasures in heaven. Here Jesus sleep....and the disciples panic. The disciples come to him in fear. God in human form is in the boat with them. Didn't the waves and wind get it? why would the very creation of God allow a storm to be where Jesus is? Did the eind miss the memo that day??? Since Jesus is Lord of all creation I believe he had orchestrated this exact incident. Jesus must have wanted his disciples to know that even the wind and waves obey him. Jesus asks why they are so afraid. However the disciples do not drown because of their own beliefs.... instead Jesus in His grace and mercy removes the source of their fear. Later in Matthew 18 verse 28 when Jesus arrives on the other side of the lake in the land of the Gaderenes 2 men who are possessed by demons meet him. Immediately after a faith building experience and mountain top moment where Jesus calms the wind and the waves the disciples and Jesus are mey by two demon possessed man. Again I believe this timing is God's timing. The disciples needed to learn that Jesus not only was God of creation but he was the God of the spiritual realm and even demons would have to flee at his word. An interesting thing occurred to me this morning why does the entire town beg Jesus to go away as stated in Matthew 8 chapter 34. Jesus heals two men possessed with demons. The 2 men were so dangerous they were living in a cemetery. Why isnt the town excited these 2 men that brought fear to the town are now healed. Instead the entire town came out to meet Jesus and they begged him to go away and leave them alone. Could it be that the economy was hurt when Jesus allowed the pigs to plunge into the lake and drown? I do not know. I do believe the people living in the town did not want to change. When we encounter Jesus he will not leave us the same. We must change. the skeletons in the closet must be dealt with. The demons musr be dealt with. perhaps the people living in the town were content with leaving the 2 demon possessed men in the cemetery away from their families away from their children and away from their day to day lives. But Jesus is not content to leave anyone hurting.... He deals with spiritual oppression by Satan. Jesus wants to deal with it head on. Do not be mistaken....Jesus does deal with wickedness and rebukes it just the same way He rebuked the wind and the waves. In Psalm 10 verse 12 David says arise Oh Lord punish the wicked oh God do not forget the helpless. God has not forgetten the helpless. He will punish the wicked he will arise and show himself. We must wait patiently. Even though it may appear that Jesus is asleep....he is not asleep he is always actively working on our behalf.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Questions to God and Praying along the Journey....
Genesis 24:1 "Abraham was now a very old man, and the LORD had blessed him in every way" I LOVE this! My favorite scripture, my life scripture is Matt 6:33 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Here we are way back in Genesis and we see a humble, obedient man, Abraham who gets the very same thing Jesus teaches His disciples years later. It makes sense. Abraham knew Yahweh which means Abraham knew Jesus (see John 8:58... Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.")
Abraham is now old...he is looking to his legacy. He understands the influence a woman has on a man. His wife Sarah is now in heaven and now his eyes turn to the future of his son. My son, Isaac must continue this life with God, he must have thought. He must continue to walk with Yahweh, the LORD. Abraham wisely looks to the "home." If Isaac marries a worldy, Canaanite woman, he will certainly fall into sin. If Isaac marries a woman who loves Yahweh, Isaac's walk (not guaranteed but may) continue to be tied to God. No doubt Abraham must have spoken to Isaac about how miracuously he was born. Abraham probably shared how Isaac was promised before hand. He was the son by which Abraham'sfuture generation would be blessed. Isaac is now mature and needs to be a "man." Now it is time for him to have his own wife and family. I love the servant's heart! The servant was so very loyal to Abraham. He could have questioned Abraham's judgment and Abraham's wisdom. He did not question his decision. He knew Abraham was in tune with God, talked with God and had intimacy with God. All though the servant had this "head knowledge" he still calls God "the God of my master" so the servant has questions.
The servant asks, Gen. 24:5 "But suppose I can't find a young woman who will travel so far from home? May I then take Isaac there to live among your relatives"
Abe responds: "No!" Be careful never to take my son there. For the LORD God of heaven who took me from my father's house and my native land solemnly promised to give this land to my offspring. He will send his angel ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a young woman there to be my son's wife."
Abraham is so content in God's Word! He understands since God said it, it will come to pass.
The servant needed to be reminded about this. The servant had questions. It's ok to ask God questions. It's ok to pray, "LORD I want to be in your will. I want to move as you lead and follow your directions. But I don't get this Father! Show me. What if I move to another city and I can't find a job?" or "What if this man is not the one you want me to marry?" It's ok to take your "what ifs" to God. I can ASSURE you 100% God will speak back and He will use the promises from His WORD. Abraham tells the servant...I don't know exactly how this is going to play out...but I know Isaac needs a wife, I know the ladies around here are ungodly, and I know this land we live in is promised to my offspring. I know God will fulfill His WORD. I love this!!!
So we see it's ok to have questions as long as we present them to our Master, our God and remember His promises are sure and certain.
What do we do with questions? We take them to the cross and we PRAY ALONG THE JOURNEY. I love how Genesis 24 shows the servant praying, verse 12 "O LORD God of my master." he prayed "Give me success and show kindness to my master Abraham. Help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey..." The servant asks God to show him a woman that was kind that she agrees to give him water and goes beyond that, offers water to his camels too. "As he was still praying...a young woman named Rebekah arrived" Gen. 24:15
This completely shows the heart of God!! As we pray God reveals answers! God answers yes, no, or wait. He always answers the prayers of His saints. Check out Matthew 6:8b For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.
Even before we pray, God knows, God sees and God is waiting to answer. Isn't that wonderful? It causes my heart and spirit to praise Him!!
Here, the servant learns from watching his master Abraham. The servant learned that when you are on a journey YOU PRAY. That is what a Godly person does. Do I always do this? No. But I need the reminder. I need to remember to pray along the journey always!! (every step of the way, pray!)
Gen. 24:16 says, "Rebekah was very beautiful and old enough to be married, but she was still a virgin."
How awesome. God gave Rebekah wisdom to wait for the man. To wait for the man she would marry. She was old enough to marry. Perhaps she wondered why her time had not come? Perhaps she was praying and waiting on the LORD and knew God would bring her husband to her. I don't know....what I do know is that she was a virgin and she wisely saved herself for the man, the husband God would provide (Jehovah Jireh).
Today in Onew Year Bible NT Matthew 8:8 shows us a similiar picture of God's trust in God's Word. The Roman officer has a sick servant. He seeks after Jesus for the healing of his servant. "LORD I am not worthy to have you come into my home. Just say the word from where you are and my servant will be healed"
Jesus marveled at the servant's faith.
All the officer needed was Jesus' Word. This is the SAME FAITH Abraham had. All we need is Jesus' Word. His Word is enough. His promises are more than enough.
The officer says to Jesus, "say the word from where you are"
God speaks to us too. He speaks His Word to us as we read it, meditate on it and pray His promises back to Him. When we pray, it's ok to have questions....just remember to pray in faith, pray His promises back to Him and believe His Word is enough because His promises are sure! It's an exciting journey with twists and turns so pray along the way and God will guide you (Prov. 3:5-6) "Seek His will in all you do and He will direct your paths." Do not depend on your own understanding....Seek First His kingdom (Matt 6:33)
Abraham is now old...he is looking to his legacy. He understands the influence a woman has on a man. His wife Sarah is now in heaven and now his eyes turn to the future of his son. My son, Isaac must continue this life with God, he must have thought. He must continue to walk with Yahweh, the LORD. Abraham wisely looks to the "home." If Isaac marries a worldy, Canaanite woman, he will certainly fall into sin. If Isaac marries a woman who loves Yahweh, Isaac's walk (not guaranteed but may) continue to be tied to God. No doubt Abraham must have spoken to Isaac about how miracuously he was born. Abraham probably shared how Isaac was promised before hand. He was the son by which Abraham'sfuture generation would be blessed. Isaac is now mature and needs to be a "man." Now it is time for him to have his own wife and family. I love the servant's heart! The servant was so very loyal to Abraham. He could have questioned Abraham's judgment and Abraham's wisdom. He did not question his decision. He knew Abraham was in tune with God, talked with God and had intimacy with God. All though the servant had this "head knowledge" he still calls God "the God of my master" so the servant has questions.
The servant asks, Gen. 24:5 "But suppose I can't find a young woman who will travel so far from home? May I then take Isaac there to live among your relatives"
Abe responds: "No!" Be careful never to take my son there. For the LORD God of heaven who took me from my father's house and my native land solemnly promised to give this land to my offspring. He will send his angel ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a young woman there to be my son's wife."
Abraham is so content in God's Word! He understands since God said it, it will come to pass.
The servant needed to be reminded about this. The servant had questions. It's ok to ask God questions. It's ok to pray, "LORD I want to be in your will. I want to move as you lead and follow your directions. But I don't get this Father! Show me. What if I move to another city and I can't find a job?" or "What if this man is not the one you want me to marry?" It's ok to take your "what ifs" to God. I can ASSURE you 100% God will speak back and He will use the promises from His WORD. Abraham tells the servant...I don't know exactly how this is going to play out...but I know Isaac needs a wife, I know the ladies around here are ungodly, and I know this land we live in is promised to my offspring. I know God will fulfill His WORD. I love this!!!
So we see it's ok to have questions as long as we present them to our Master, our God and remember His promises are sure and certain.
What do we do with questions? We take them to the cross and we PRAY ALONG THE JOURNEY. I love how Genesis 24 shows the servant praying, verse 12 "O LORD God of my master." he prayed "Give me success and show kindness to my master Abraham. Help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey..." The servant asks God to show him a woman that was kind that she agrees to give him water and goes beyond that, offers water to his camels too. "As he was still praying...a young woman named Rebekah arrived" Gen. 24:15
This completely shows the heart of God!! As we pray God reveals answers! God answers yes, no, or wait. He always answers the prayers of His saints. Check out Matthew 6:8b For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.
Even before we pray, God knows, God sees and God is waiting to answer. Isn't that wonderful? It causes my heart and spirit to praise Him!!
Here, the servant learns from watching his master Abraham. The servant learned that when you are on a journey YOU PRAY. That is what a Godly person does. Do I always do this? No. But I need the reminder. I need to remember to pray along the journey always!! (every step of the way, pray!)
Gen. 24:16 says, "Rebekah was very beautiful and old enough to be married, but she was still a virgin."
How awesome. God gave Rebekah wisdom to wait for the man. To wait for the man she would marry. She was old enough to marry. Perhaps she wondered why her time had not come? Perhaps she was praying and waiting on the LORD and knew God would bring her husband to her. I don't know....what I do know is that she was a virgin and she wisely saved herself for the man, the husband God would provide (Jehovah Jireh).
Today in Onew Year Bible NT Matthew 8:8 shows us a similiar picture of God's trust in God's Word. The Roman officer has a sick servant. He seeks after Jesus for the healing of his servant. "LORD I am not worthy to have you come into my home. Just say the word from where you are and my servant will be healed"
Jesus marveled at the servant's faith.
All the officer needed was Jesus' Word. This is the SAME FAITH Abraham had. All we need is Jesus' Word. His Word is enough. His promises are more than enough.
The officer says to Jesus, "say the word from where you are"
God speaks to us too. He speaks His Word to us as we read it, meditate on it and pray His promises back to Him. When we pray, it's ok to have questions....just remember to pray in faith, pray His promises back to Him and believe His Word is enough because His promises are sure! It's an exciting journey with twists and turns so pray along the way and God will guide you (Prov. 3:5-6) "Seek His will in all you do and He will direct your paths." Do not depend on your own understanding....Seek First His kingdom (Matt 6:33)
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Obey Obey Obey and Be Blessed!
I think Genesis chapter 22 is one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible. I love the picture of Abraham's obedience to what the Lord asked him to do. Abraham was waiting and waiting... Finally (in God's perfect timing) Abraham was given a beautiful son named Isaac. This is the only time in the Bible where a human father is asked to sacrifice his son (of course God stops him...but the request was made). It is a beautiful picture of our Heavenly Father's willingness to sacrifice his Son Jesus for our salvation. From a personal viewpoint, my Isaac is a 5 year old boy....a son of joy! He is the only grandson on my side of the family. My sister has 4 daughters and my brother has 2 daughters...we are family that waited and waited for a boy to be in the family. It was so funny to continue to celebrate every single babyshower with pink. Finally in 2007 I became pregnant with a boy. I truly believe God led us to name him Isaac as I must daily put him on the altar. I must daily submit my will my dreams my home my son and surrender all on the altar to my Heavenly Father. In Genesis 22 verse 16 reads (NLT), "Then the angel the Lord called again to Abraham from heaven This is what the LORD says: Because you have obeyed me and have not withheld even your son, your only son, I swear by my own name that that I will bless you richly I will multiply your descendants beyond number like the stars in the sky and the sound on the seashore. They will conquer the cities of their enemies and through your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed all because you have obeyed me." There is no doubt God does ask us to sacrifice our children our marriages our finances our pleasures and treasures at the foot of the Cross. Matthew chapter 7 vere 21 (paraphrase) Jesus said not all people who sound religious are really godly .....they may call me Lord but they still won't enter the kingdom of heaven the decisive issue is whether they OBEY my father in heaven. And Matthew 7 verse 24 Jesus says, " Anyone who listens to my teaching and obeys me is like a person who built a house on solid rock." Abraham's faith was tested. In our lives our faith is tested. Thankfully we will never be asked to sacrifice our children in the manner that Abraham was asked. Please do not be mistaken. God does ask us to sacrifice! He asks us to sacrifice our entire being to God. God blesses obedience. When we obey we recieve the blessing of intimacy with Jesus. Abraham was called the friend of God. Abraham talk with God and he walked with God. He had faith to believe that God would raise his son Isaac from the dead. In Genesis 22 verse 5 the Word reads, "stay here with the donkey" Abraham told the young men the boy and I will travel a little farther. We will worship there and then we will come right back." I love how Abraham believed. Even though his heart must have been full of confusion and pain in simple obedience he did exactly as God the Father asked him to do. We must do the same. Psalm 9 verse 1&2 says "I will thank you Lord with all my heart I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done I will be filled with joy because of you I will sing praises to your name Oh Most High" Abraham's life tells of all the marvelous things that God has done. Does yours? Let's be vocal and publish our thanks to God! Tell others, and tell God. Express your thankfulness for the marvelous things He has done. That God would take a simple man Abraham ask him to leave his land and go to an unknown land wait for nearly 100 years to have his first son and then later ask for that son that very same son of promise to be sacrificed....it was time for Abraham's life to be tested and he passes. Abraham's life of obedience is beautiful and God honoring. I want that life of obdience LORD! Holy Spirit make me a woman that lives moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day in obeience to the Father's direction and leading.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Lot's wife and Fleeing Evil
so many things stood our for me today in the 1 year Bible. the first thing that was so powerful to me was the walk between a husband and wife ...in Gen 19 we see Lot and his wife fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis 19 verse 24 then the Lord rained down fire and burning sulfur from the heavens....He uterally destroyed them along with the other cities and villages of the plain eliminating all life people plants and animals alike. 26 But Lot's wife looked back as she was following along behind him and she became a pillar of salt. You must know the story....what struck me 2 day was the way Lot and his wife were walking. I am 4 foot 11 and my husband is obviously taller than me. When we walk together he often stops and says I'm sorry I'm walking ahead of you. He does this because he says he likes to walk by my side not in front of me. In life as married people we desire to walk together to enjoy God together to grow more in love with the Lord together. As I look at lots wife I noticed something about her she was not walking right beside her husband she was following along. Yes she was fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah but really her heart stayed there. I picture her dragging her feet like a child who does not want to go to school in the morning. Jesus said the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. May we learn from this picture!!! May we flee violently from evil. May we hold our spouse's hand and walk with the Lord together!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Don't do it yourself.....Ask God first
Genesis chapter 16 verses 1 and 2 says but Sarai Abram's wife had no children. So Sarai took her servant an Egyption woman named Hagar and gave her to Abram so she could bear his children. Stop there. Sarai had no children so she figured out a way to solve the problem. She wanted children but now she was up in age and she had forgotten that God was the God of impossible. I hate it how we women try to fix things without consulting God first. I do this myself as well so this encouragement is for me first. Sarai wanted children she waited almost 100 years with no results so she took matters into our own hands. She was a problem solver and a leader....but she tried to do it herself before consulting God first. What problems she created not only for herself but for her husband and for many future generations. Why didn't she pray first why didn't she talk to her husband about it why didn't she wait on the Lord?? I believe Sarai was confused I believe she believed God's promises that Abraham was going to be blessed and his generation after him would be blessed but she didn't see how that could happen without children so she came up with a solution. She gave Hagar to Abram. Go sleep with Hagar Abram and those children will be the conduit of God's blessings. Today in the 1 year Bible Proverbs 2 verses 1-5 says --My Children listen to me and treasure my instructions. Tune your ears to wisdom and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight and understanding. Search for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord and you will gain knowledge of God. I am blown away by this contrast with Sarai's behavior. The person of understanding the person in tune with God concentrates on Him. She listens to God not herself. She has ears to hear the Spirit's wisdom. She waits on the Lord in prayer she knows that God's promise to her is to give her a future and a hope. A woman of wisdom is not quick to solve the problem but rather wait for the Lord to solve the problem in His timing in His perfect way. A woman of wisdom trusts in the Lord with all her heart and leans not on her own understanding. Sarai trusted in her own understanding and it got her in trouble. Sarai trusted in herself and her own wit and creative mind to solve the problem. I was speaking with my sister the other day and we were talking about how some women date men with lots of problems... these women like "projects" they like to fix things and they feel it is their job to fix this man with a ton of problems. That is not what God designed us to do. God designed us to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added on to you. Sarai wanted children. God saw that desire in her she just needed to wait and not enlist Hagar to be the surrogate mother. What area of your life are you enlisting another to be a surrogate mother? Are you trying to fix the problem instead of asking God to fix the problem? Perhaps God is testing you. Don't be like Sarai. Wait on the Lord sometimes the greatest wisdom comes from doing no physical action but do wait on God be in prayer and reading the Word. We live in a fast paced world and we do not like this 4 letter word wait. We want things our way now. But God says through His Word in the Proverbs that we are to seek out wisdom and we are to concentrate on understanding we are to cry out for insight and understanding... we are to search for wisdom as we would for lost money or forhidden treasure. I have lost my keys many times. When I look for them I don't walk around slowly looking here or there I search with all of my mind my intellect trying to retrace my steps trying to remember where did I leave my keys... when you're searching for something that's important you do it with all of your heart. Instead of trying to fix the problem may we learn to be people that search for God he is the 1 we are searching for... the solution to or problem is just a byproduct of our life pursuit to seek God out and seek His will. The other night as I was praying for Isaac it dawned on me all I have to do is to tap into God's will... If I pray according to God's will for Isaac Isaac is going to be fine.... God gave me such a peace in knowing that as I pray for Isaac asking for God's will to be done God hears and will honor those prayers. May the Lord make us people that instead of trying to be Mr. Fix It or Ms. Fix It, we learn to become God's princesses (Sarah means princess) women that are like Israel (not wrestlers like Jacob) governed by God.
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