Friday, October 5, 2012
Autism-May God Lead Us to the Pathway No One knew Was There
The other day I heard someone say, “I hate autism.”
We (I am speaking of parents of children with Autism) get so sad when we can’t understand our sons. Isaac has an iPad. He uses Pictures to communicate (PECS), he also knows some sign language signs, but sometimes we become overwhelmed with grief, sadness and hopelessness that he can’t talk like a typical child and express himself. Thank Jesus, these emotional "hopeless" moments are few and far between. For we know God understands all children whether they grunt, point, babble or speak, God hears them and He understands them perfectly.
I have been thinking a lot about the way God is using Isaac for His glory. I have had so many opportunities to share about breakthroughs, answers to prayers, and victories God has done through Isaac with others. It is truly a journey like no other.
I have taped on Isaac’s wall, Isaiah 55:8-9
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts."
I need to remind myself that God’s ways are NOT our ways. This verse encourages me sooo very much.
Today I was blown away reading Psalms 77, “Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters---a pathway no one knew was there! You led your people along that road like a flock of sheep, with Moses and Aaron as their shepherds." (Psalm 77:19-20 New Living Translation)
“A Pathway No One Knew Was There” I pondered…A pathway no one knew was there. A pathway no one knew was there.
The Israelites were pushed to the end of the line (literally). They were pushed and found themselves where the Red Sea and land met. There was nowhere to go. They could not walk on water. They could not walk over steep mountains. They were trapped. What would they do? They HAD NO IDEA God would create “a pathway no one knew was there.” Where was the pathway? The pathway was His way. The pathway no one knew was there was to part the Red Sea. The pathway was TOTAL DEPENDENCE ON GOD.
I am approached by people often with these questions, “Do they know what causes Autism? Why is it so common these days? Why do children appear to be developing Autism more now than ever? Why is Autism more prevalent in boys?"
My answer to all these questions is the same as the medical and psychological communities- WE DON’T KNOW. Just like the Israelites did not know how God would help them. We as parents of special needs children often do not know how to help our kids or why they are considered part of the Autistic Spectrum.
Parents often cry out, "Am I doing all I can? Is there anything more I can do? I just don’t know…sometimes how to understand my child…"
However, God knows. He is El Roi, the God who sees. He is the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God of all the universe. Perhaps God is using my son Isaac down a road towards “a pathway no one knew was there” to teach me, my family and countless others what TOTAL DEPENDENCE ON GOD truly is. Just think about it…
This is very encouraging to me. I pray it encourages you too!!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Pray Alone, Pray Together, Seek Him First, Die to Self and Live Happily Ever After
Chuck and I were so blessed to attend the CCCV Couples Retreat this month August 2012. The guest speaker was Pastor Jon Courson and boy did he bring it! God blessed us couples in attendance and for anyone who did not attend, here are just a few things I learned...
Pastor Jon encouraged all couples to remember that a life focused on Jesus “works.” He shared his testimony and how even in the darkest, most difficult trials God “shows up.”
Pastor Jon shared how Peter walked on water to get to Jesus. Peter saw the waves and began to sink (say in Pastor Jon’s voice “you know the story…”) Matt 14. Peter then cries out, “Lord save me” and Jesus lifts him up, this drenched fisherman and places him in the boat. Pastor Jon reminded us that we too, like Peter need to call out to Jesus. “Lord save me” or “Jesus help me” when the bills pile up. “Jesus help me” when the children are acting up. “Jesus help me” when the job is giving you the blues. “Jesus help me” when you don’t know what to do. So simple, so practical. That’s what I love about Pastor Jon’s teaching style. He is truly gifted by our Creator.
The Saturday morning session focused on prayer. He discussed how he prays out loud. Why? He said that when we pray silently we tend to get distracted. Praying out loud causes you to focus your mind, heart and words to the Father. He said that even when he can’t pray out loud, he moves his lips in prayer. I loved this! The disciples asked Jesus, “Teach us to pray” not teach us to preach, teach us to do miracles, teach us to be good Bible teachers. No, they asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. Many of Jesus’ prayers Pastor Jon pointed out are recorded because He prayed them out loud!!
Although we can’t become religious on the “how to’s” of prayer, the point is DO IT! Pray to Jesus daily. Pray to Jesus for your marriage, for your spouse, for your children. Talk to Him! Talk to ME Jesus cries out. Don’t look to your spouse to be your savior. Sure, we all know Jesus is our savior. He died on the cross for our sins. But who is “your de facto savior” Pastor Jon asked us. What is a “de facto” savior you might ask. (de facto means custom or practice)
A de facto savior is your daily savior, your “go to” daily savior. Pastor Jon said in a crisis where do you go…To the TV remote control? Or to the fridge for a comfort food? Or do you go to the internet? Or do you go shopping? Or do you vent to someone? Who is your daily savior? Your spouse can’t solve your problems…you need to take your problems to Jesus! He is not only our savior spiritually but He is our DAILY savior. (That was such an important reminder to me! I need to take all my cares, big and small to Jesus and not lay my burdens on my spouse)
When a couple is practicing Matt 6:33, when each partner is seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness, then all these things will be added to you. The wife must have her own devotional life with Jesus. The husband must have his own devotional life, prayer time and alone time with Jesus. Then together, the puzzle fits and the marriage is blessed!
Those who are married Paul said, live as you are not. (1 Corinthians 7:32-35) Pastor Jon pointed out, this 1 Corinthians 7 passage is an odd scripture to highlight in a couples retreat. However, it was very applicable. Remember when you first got saved? You spent so much time getting close to Jesus. Now, wife you are focused on dinner and the kids and laundry, etc. Husband, you used to get up early and read your Bible and listen to worship and bless God for His goodness. Now you are tired from work, you are overwhelmed with financial responsibilities and need time to just “veg out” when you get home. Live as if you are not married! Spend time with Jesus, focusing on Him and His love for you. Then, don’t try to have a good marriage, just let Jesus have His way. Basically, the point was live every day to it’s fullest for God, focusing on God, being passionately in love with God, and then the marriage will fall into place (Matt 6:33 again). It was so simple and yet so amazing--- Take your focus off your spouse and put your focus back on the first person you were married to--- JESUS.
Die to Self
Yes yes yes! We need to die to self in marriage Pastor Jon reminded us. Not only does this please God and form in us Christ-like character, but dying to self produces LIFE. When something dies, there is always new life as a result. A seed dies so it can sprout roots and become a plant. A wife dies to her fleshly desires and her marriage is alive as a result. A husband dies to his fleshly desires and his marriage is alive as a result.
Love and Respect
Pastor David reminded us about love and respect from Ephesians 5:22-33. Husbands love your wives. Not Hollywood love, but love your wives as Christ loved the church. That is sacrificial love. Wives respect your husbands and submit to them. A husband is the leader of the home and a wife honors him by respecting his decisions. (Pastor Jon spoke on this also, wives we have Sarah’s example. If we submit to our husbands, God will protect us and bless us as we yield to our husband’s decisions and authority in the home)
The entire weekend was sooo good! I highly encourage you to attend a couples retreat. Spouses need time to be alone and get refreshed in the Word and spend time with God and each other. I was blessed just not having to cook or do dishes, or change diapers let alone hear Pastor Jon teach, Pastor David teach, enjoy a Christian comedian and have so many wonderful conversations and dates with my best friend and husband.
Take aways:
Jesus says, “Talk to me” (Prayer)
Die to Self so that Life can Spring Forth in your Marriage (Sacrifice)
Matt 6:33 (Seek Jesus and have your own devotional time with Him and all these things will be added to you)
Husbands Love, Wives Respect
and they live happily ever after…. :)
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Surrender is a VERB
Surrender- verb
a : to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand;
b : to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another
c : to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner
God has been reminding me over and over again lately the need to surrender. I pray, "LORD I give my son Isaac to you" and "LORD I give my husband's heart and health to you."
Why can't I pray this once and for all and know it's all good?
Well tonight I felt I needed to look up the word surrender in the dictionary. Surrender, surely enough is an action word, a verb. When we surrender our lives to the LORD, it takes action. Surrender is not a one time deal.
We surrender over and over and over again.
Maybe you have trouble in your prayers giving something to God. You want to pray big because He is a big God, but you hold back. My encouragement- DON'T HOLD BACK.
Surrender! Give yourself up completely. Surrender is agreeing to forgo especially in favor of another. IN FAVOR. Does God have His favor on you? Yes, if you are a child of God and have accepted Jesus as your savior, Lord, King and Friend. God wants to pour blessings out. That's His very nature...He's a loving, giving, Father.
Whether you are laying yourself down, laying your flesh or desires on the altar, or you are interceeding for another, surrender.
Give up.
Yield yourself to God and let Him know HE is your boss. He is in control and you are yielding. I can't help but believe God is pleased with this type of prayer. I give up LORD. I surrender. I yield. I am not going to ask in prayer for my way. I want your perfect will. Even if that means I have to suffer, endure, or be uncomfortable, I surrender, because I know you have my good always in the forefront of your plans (Jeremiah 29:11).
I joke with Chuck and tell him, "We sing I surrender all...but what most Christians mean is I surrender most." Let's not surrender most, let's surrender all. This speaks to me. I need to surrender (actively yield) all my concerns to God, not most, or the ones I think He is capable of fixing quickly. No. Surrender all, means ALL. Even the trials or pain we think are impossible to fix.
Moses said in Deut. 3:23-24: 23 "...I pleaded with the LORD: 'Sovereign LORD, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do?'"
I noticed something in this verse. Moses witnessed the parting of the red sea....all the plagues, all the miracles. He saw the glimpse of the Shekinah glory of God, he was given the 10 commandments, etc. and here Moses said, "you have begun." Wow! That was just a beginning. God has only BEGUN to work His miracles and love out in your love. He's only just begun....
My encouragement is this----Don't surrender most, dear friends. SURRENDER ALL.
Why? Because of God's character, God's Word, God's great love for you. He gave us His Son, will He hold anything back from you? No. He is working on your behalf so give in and surrender. Remember, surrender is a verb, an action word and requires your action.
a : to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand;
b : to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another
c : to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner
God has been reminding me over and over again lately the need to surrender. I pray, "LORD I give my son Isaac to you" and "LORD I give my husband's heart and health to you."
Why can't I pray this once and for all and know it's all good?
Well tonight I felt I needed to look up the word surrender in the dictionary. Surrender, surely enough is an action word, a verb. When we surrender our lives to the LORD, it takes action. Surrender is not a one time deal.
We surrender over and over and over again.
Maybe you have trouble in your prayers giving something to God. You want to pray big because He is a big God, but you hold back. My encouragement- DON'T HOLD BACK.
Surrender! Give yourself up completely. Surrender is agreeing to forgo especially in favor of another. IN FAVOR. Does God have His favor on you? Yes, if you are a child of God and have accepted Jesus as your savior, Lord, King and Friend. God wants to pour blessings out. That's His very nature...He's a loving, giving, Father.
Whether you are laying yourself down, laying your flesh or desires on the altar, or you are interceeding for another, surrender.
Give up.
Yield yourself to God and let Him know HE is your boss. He is in control and you are yielding. I can't help but believe God is pleased with this type of prayer. I give up LORD. I surrender. I yield. I am not going to ask in prayer for my way. I want your perfect will. Even if that means I have to suffer, endure, or be uncomfortable, I surrender, because I know you have my good always in the forefront of your plans (Jeremiah 29:11).
I joke with Chuck and tell him, "We sing I surrender all...but what most Christians mean is I surrender most." Let's not surrender most, let's surrender all. This speaks to me. I need to surrender (actively yield) all my concerns to God, not most, or the ones I think He is capable of fixing quickly. No. Surrender all, means ALL. Even the trials or pain we think are impossible to fix.
Moses said in Deut. 3:23-24: 23 "...I pleaded with the LORD: 'Sovereign LORD, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do?'"
I noticed something in this verse. Moses witnessed the parting of the red sea....all the plagues, all the miracles. He saw the glimpse of the Shekinah glory of God, he was given the 10 commandments, etc. and here Moses said, "you have begun." Wow! That was just a beginning. God has only BEGUN to work His miracles and love out in your love. He's only just begun....
My encouragement is this----Don't surrender most, dear friends. SURRENDER ALL.
Why? Because of God's character, God's Word, God's great love for you. He gave us His Son, will He hold anything back from you? No. He is working on your behalf so give in and surrender. Remember, surrender is a verb, an action word and requires your action.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Lead me!
Numbers 8:16, "for they are wholly given to Me from among the children of Israel; I have taken them for Myself..." numbers 32:12 says Joshua and Caleb "wholly followed the Lord" new living translation says they wholeheartedly followed the Lord. NASB says they, followed the Lord fully. Young's literal translation says they have been fully after Jehovah.
Many of us have heard the song "Lead me" where a wife is asking her husband to, "lead me with strong hands stand up when I can't...Don't leave me hungry for love chasing dreams, what about us? Show me you 're willing to fight that I'm still the love of your life...(by Sancts Real)
Well that goes for God too. Are we asking Him to lead us? Or Are we trying to do things on our own. Again, we turn to the subject of waiting on the Lord. Can we trust God will lead us with strong hands (Isaiah 59:1) Can we believe God will stand up when we can't ? Deut 20:4 Can we believe the bread of life will never leave us hungry for love? John 6:35, Hebrews 13:5
God is waiting and seeking for a generation that "wholly follows the LORD" for true worshippers who worship in Spirit and Truth. John 4:23-24
Isn't it ironic that God wants us to both be holy and to wholly follow Him?
I was touched this morning by my devotion. The people waited....for God's leading...How long? As long as it took. "Whether it was two days a month, or a year that the cloud remained above the tabernacle, the children of Israel would remain encamped and not journey; but when it was taken up they would journey. Numbers 9:22
Jesus is our good Shepherd and He leads us to green pastures and still waters. So why are we content with weeds and dirty, stale pond water? We need to learn to wait, to be still and know He is God (psalm 46:10) and wholly FOLLOW the Lord. The children of Israel, like us, failed many times...but I love their obedience in waiting for God's move. "even when the cloud continued long many days above the tabernacle the children of Israel kept the charge of the LORD and did not journey." So let's make that our aim to wholly follow the Lord to ask Him to lead us with strong Hands and to trust Him wholly, to be holy and wait on His Word and guidance.
Many of us have heard the song "Lead me" where a wife is asking her husband to, "lead me with strong hands stand up when I can't...Don't leave me hungry for love chasing dreams, what about us? Show me you 're willing to fight that I'm still the love of your life...(by Sancts Real)
Well that goes for God too. Are we asking Him to lead us? Or Are we trying to do things on our own. Again, we turn to the subject of waiting on the Lord. Can we trust God will lead us with strong hands (Isaiah 59:1) Can we believe God will stand up when we can't ? Deut 20:4 Can we believe the bread of life will never leave us hungry for love? John 6:35, Hebrews 13:5
God is waiting and seeking for a generation that "wholly follows the LORD" for true worshippers who worship in Spirit and Truth. John 4:23-24
Isn't it ironic that God wants us to both be holy and to wholly follow Him?
I was touched this morning by my devotion. The people waited....for God's leading...How long? As long as it took. "Whether it was two days a month, or a year that the cloud remained above the tabernacle, the children of Israel would remain encamped and not journey; but when it was taken up they would journey. Numbers 9:22
Jesus is our good Shepherd and He leads us to green pastures and still waters. So why are we content with weeds and dirty, stale pond water? We need to learn to wait, to be still and know He is God (psalm 46:10) and wholly FOLLOW the Lord. The children of Israel, like us, failed many times...but I love their obedience in waiting for God's move. "even when the cloud continued long many days above the tabernacle the children of Israel kept the charge of the LORD and did not journey." So let's make that our aim to wholly follow the Lord to ask Him to lead us with strong Hands and to trust Him wholly, to be holy and wait on His Word and guidance.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Should we thank God for Trials?
Should we thank God for Trials? Yes. (James1:2-3)
I know it sounds weird but we are to give thanks in all seasons and even during the trials we go through.
It might seem weird to say, "Thank you God Isaac has Autism and doesn't speak" but I am learning to do that.
This last weekend (March 2-4) was the women's retreat. I asked the LORD, "What do you want me to learn?" and I felt His still small voice say, "You need to thank me for trials." God already spoke to my heart about 1 year ago that Isaac would one day speak using words for language.
But waiting is hard...
God is telling me to wait....and wait and wait. That's the hard part. The trial itself is not always hard...but waiting definitely is always hard for me...
The other day I was waiting for my husband to come home from work. We were going on a date, just us (woo-hoo for date nights). I was not grumpy. I was thrilled. I was (literally) looking out the window waiting, excitedly in anticipation for our great night ahead.
God told me. Do you wait like that for Me? Do you wait with excitement, with butterflies in your stomach, with joy, KNOWING that I have something awesome in store for you?
Sadly, I don't. I get impatient with God. I forget Isaiah 55:8-9 (my paraphrase-His thoughts are not my thoughts, His ways are not my ways, His thoughts are higher and His ways better)
On occasion if my husband runs late, do I doubt his love? Do I worry he is out with someone else or not coming at all? No, of course not. I just wait, patiently but excitedly knowing he is on his way. Why? Because I know his character. My husband is on time and he follows through with his word.
Another time I was so excited to go away with my sweet husband I wrote him a thank you note, thanking him in advance for such a great weekend. The weekend had not even started and I was saying thank you! A bizarre concept. But is it? I know Chuck. He loves to take me to dinner, to treat me special, to throw surprises my way that I enjoy. Do we know God's character? Can we thank Him in advance for what He is going to do?
Once I heard Jon Courson giving a message about Miriam's song of praise after the Red Sea was parted by God. Exodus 14:31 says the people of Israel feared the LORD after they saw the great work God had done (ie., the plagues, the Red Sea split in two and Pharoah and his army destroyed in the sea)
In thanks, Moses and the children of Israel sing a song of praise (Exodus 15). Then, Miriam takes up the tambourine (or timbrel) and sings, "Sing to the LORD, for He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea" Exodus 15:21.
Jon Courson said (to paraphrase) that Miriam's response is right and is awesome. But Pastor Jon challenged us to think about this, ---what if Miriam lifted the tambourine before the Red Sea parted, before the horse and rider were thrown into the sea, before the answer to the prayer had come... What if she sang the songs of praise in the midst of peril? That would be glorious! Pastor Jon said the shortcut to getting through trials is praise...Wow. That message has stuck with me for years....
This concept of giving thanks to God in the "waiting" season of trials made me think of Joseph. (See Genesis chapters 37 and 39) Joseph was sold by his own brothers, his own flesh and blood, to be a slave in Egypt (a foreign land), he was thrown into prison unjustly, he interpreted dreams but was forgotten by the chief butler and had to endure prison for two more years until he had an opportunity to interpret Pharaoh's dreams. Yet through it all, Joseph remained faithful to God. Or to put it more accurately GOD WAS FAITHFUL TO JOSEPH. (See Genesis chapters 39, 40 and 41)
Joseph knew God's character. What the enemy intended for evil, God used for good. (Genesis 50:19-20) So let's visualize we are in prison with Joseph. We are sitting there thinking about life and God and the events of life. Imagine if Joseph kneeled and said, "Thank you Yahweh for this trial. Thank you that I am in prison because although I don't understand it, although I am miserable here, although it's dark and I get scared, you are always with me and somehow you are going to get glory through this so I choose to give you thanks for this."
That would be powerful and show a heart of faith. Joseph was a wonderful man of God, a picture of Jesus and one of my favorites in Scripture...but....we don't hear Joseph's prayers written in scripture....What we do know is our own prayer life. We can take a step of faith and say, "God this hard. I can barely breathe. God I know you are greater than this trial and I know your character is good, always good. I know and am excited about how you are going to turn this around, so I choose to say thank you. Thank you for this trial because you are not only building my character and faith, you are trusting that I can give you glory even on cloudy days. Thank you God for this trial and I am waiting with joy because you never make void your promises to those who love you."
That's my prayer. May we learn to fall on our face before Jesus and thank Him in advance for the victory is won and He is working through all things to make them form the portrait of God's "good" in our lives...why? For His glorious Name and for rewards in heaven.
(See Gen 50:19-20, Rom 8:28, 1 Thess 5:16-18, James 1:2-4, James 1:12)
Rejoice in the LORD O you righteous!For praise from the upright is beautiful! Psalm 33:1
I know it sounds weird but we are to give thanks in all seasons and even during the trials we go through.
It might seem weird to say, "Thank you God Isaac has Autism and doesn't speak" but I am learning to do that.
This last weekend (March 2-4) was the women's retreat. I asked the LORD, "What do you want me to learn?" and I felt His still small voice say, "You need to thank me for trials." God already spoke to my heart about 1 year ago that Isaac would one day speak using words for language.
But waiting is hard...
God is telling me to wait....and wait and wait. That's the hard part. The trial itself is not always hard...but waiting definitely is always hard for me...
The other day I was waiting for my husband to come home from work. We were going on a date, just us (woo-hoo for date nights). I was not grumpy. I was thrilled. I was (literally) looking out the window waiting, excitedly in anticipation for our great night ahead.
God told me. Do you wait like that for Me? Do you wait with excitement, with butterflies in your stomach, with joy, KNOWING that I have something awesome in store for you?
Sadly, I don't. I get impatient with God. I forget Isaiah 55:8-9 (my paraphrase-His thoughts are not my thoughts, His ways are not my ways, His thoughts are higher and His ways better)
On occasion if my husband runs late, do I doubt his love? Do I worry he is out with someone else or not coming at all? No, of course not. I just wait, patiently but excitedly knowing he is on his way. Why? Because I know his character. My husband is on time and he follows through with his word.
Another time I was so excited to go away with my sweet husband I wrote him a thank you note, thanking him in advance for such a great weekend. The weekend had not even started and I was saying thank you! A bizarre concept. But is it? I know Chuck. He loves to take me to dinner, to treat me special, to throw surprises my way that I enjoy. Do we know God's character? Can we thank Him in advance for what He is going to do?
Once I heard Jon Courson giving a message about Miriam's song of praise after the Red Sea was parted by God. Exodus 14:31 says the people of Israel feared the LORD after they saw the great work God had done (ie., the plagues, the Red Sea split in two and Pharoah and his army destroyed in the sea)
In thanks, Moses and the children of Israel sing a song of praise (Exodus 15). Then, Miriam takes up the tambourine (or timbrel) and sings, "Sing to the LORD, for He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea" Exodus 15:21.
Jon Courson said (to paraphrase) that Miriam's response is right and is awesome. But Pastor Jon challenged us to think about this, ---what if Miriam lifted the tambourine before the Red Sea parted, before the horse and rider were thrown into the sea, before the answer to the prayer had come... What if she sang the songs of praise in the midst of peril? That would be glorious! Pastor Jon said the shortcut to getting through trials is praise...Wow. That message has stuck with me for years....
This concept of giving thanks to God in the "waiting" season of trials made me think of Joseph. (See Genesis chapters 37 and 39) Joseph was sold by his own brothers, his own flesh and blood, to be a slave in Egypt (a foreign land), he was thrown into prison unjustly, he interpreted dreams but was forgotten by the chief butler and had to endure prison for two more years until he had an opportunity to interpret Pharaoh's dreams. Yet through it all, Joseph remained faithful to God. Or to put it more accurately GOD WAS FAITHFUL TO JOSEPH. (See Genesis chapters 39, 40 and 41)
Joseph knew God's character. What the enemy intended for evil, God used for good. (Genesis 50:19-20) So let's visualize we are in prison with Joseph. We are sitting there thinking about life and God and the events of life. Imagine if Joseph kneeled and said, "Thank you Yahweh for this trial. Thank you that I am in prison because although I don't understand it, although I am miserable here, although it's dark and I get scared, you are always with me and somehow you are going to get glory through this so I choose to give you thanks for this."
That would be powerful and show a heart of faith. Joseph was a wonderful man of God, a picture of Jesus and one of my favorites in Scripture...but....we don't hear Joseph's prayers written in scripture....What we do know is our own prayer life. We can take a step of faith and say, "God this hard. I can barely breathe. God I know you are greater than this trial and I know your character is good, always good. I know and am excited about how you are going to turn this around, so I choose to say thank you. Thank you for this trial because you are not only building my character and faith, you are trusting that I can give you glory even on cloudy days. Thank you God for this trial and I am waiting with joy because you never make void your promises to those who love you."
That's my prayer. May we learn to fall on our face before Jesus and thank Him in advance for the victory is won and He is working through all things to make them form the portrait of God's "good" in our lives...why? For His glorious Name and for rewards in heaven.
(See Gen 50:19-20, Rom 8:28, 1 Thess 5:16-18, James 1:2-4, James 1:12)
Rejoice in the LORD O you righteous!For praise from the upright is beautiful! Psalm 33:1
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